Of course it’s what should happen Nick and an easy decision for you or me or any of your followers to make - but Cluxon or Collin’s don’t have a moral compass - they only have the need to show boat with the powerful countries and F everyone else! I bet it hasn’t even occurred to them but I wonder how our defence folk will feel being forced to work with soldiers who are carrying out genocide of the Palestinian people!

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Jun 11Liked by Nick Rockel

This makes me want to huddle in a corner and cry in despair. Where is the world's sense of morality on this Israeli massacre and, even more to the point, where did our nation's moral compass disappear to? Once upon a time we would have stood up for what's right and just.

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Jun 11Liked by Nick Rockel

Our participating in this exercise is wrong on so many levels.

It is morally abhorent and, quite frankly, it makes me ashamed to be a New Zealander - and my shame was already growing with the heinous policies that this vanguard of vultures, wagonload of wankers and demons of destruction are putting in place for the people of Aotearoa. This though is the jism of devils.

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Perfect list of insults.

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Jun 11Liked by Nick Rockel

I’m so worried - my son has just completed his training in the NZDF as infantry. I’m horrified beyond belief that he could be sent to fight/support Israel. I can’t believe our awful govt could do this! This is not the Aotearoa that I know and love. I will do everything to get him out of the army if this happens.

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Just to be clear this is a training exercise is Hawaii. I doubt even our government would deploy the military in Palestine/Israel other than for peacekeeping.

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We have to hope so Nick but this lot have no morals. Didn't they send a small NZDF team to help target Houthis attacking shipping? A move we've heard mo more of in the MSM. We all get shamed through the despicable coalition's actions, or lack of it.

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Jun 11Liked by Nick Rockel

Horrific. One thing I have always admired about Aotearoa NZ is her capacity for doing the right thing even when the rest of the world is going the other way. The nuclear free policy springs to mind. The ongoing genocide in Gaza is appalling and the stories of IDF soldiers gleefully killing should make even the most hard hearted amongst us reconsider support for Israel or training along side them. On a side note I think certain segments of society in the US do have plans to rebuild Gaza just not in a way that includes Palestinians. See Kushner and his remarks on what he views as valuable waterfront property. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/mar/19/jared-kushner-gaza-waterfront-property-israel-negev

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No surprise from Kushner. But appalling.

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Don't forget we sent troops to the Vietnam debacle & to Korea

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Frankly I’m appalled by this decision, and I’m also appalled that the other countries involved have invited Israel in the first place. Netanyahu is a warmonger who thinks he has the moral high ground, he doesn’t and it’s about time the rest of the world leaders he traditionally has been allied with made that clear to him.

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Jun 11Liked by Nick Rockel

Collins and luxon etal have no moral compass .....

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Jun 11Liked by Nick Rockel

Agree with everything said here what Netanyahu has done to Palestine & it's people is abhorrent just like Nazi Germany unbelievable to me that it can be done with impunity.

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There are so many wrongs to write about here. First, I think Aotearoa/NZ's involvement in the RIMPAC exercise along with so many countries with no Pacific borders, is a subliminal hint to remind China where our loyalties lie. Next, the best way the US could help the situation in Gaza immediately is to stop supplying Israel with the means to obliterate the Palestinians over the fence. Of course that won't happen, the US arms producers and sellers are making a fortune through the massacre of innocent people, something they must be very proud of. Next, neither side in this conflict is right but the question is who is the most right in this dreadful situation? Both sides have their reasons, none of which justify the bloodshed. Finally and probably the most basic message throughout this time is that Israel appears fo have learned nothing about the horrors of mans' inhumanity to man visited on the Jewish people during the Holocaust.

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I'm not sure there is much subliminal in regards China. This is really AUKUS shaking their dicks at our largest trading partner. I dislike China's human rights violations of course but quite frankly the US is arming genocide - I don't think they have a high horse to stand on.

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You may well be right Nick. My suspicious mind must be in overdrive today. I'd still love to be a fly on the wall during private talks between Luxon and Li Qiang as Luxon tries to explain why siding with the RIMPAC members while they all play war games is a better deal than siding with our largest trading partner..

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Yes & it's damn hippocritical of the Yanks to be talking about human rights there record ain't great.

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Agree with everything you say Nick. Apart from participating with Israel we should not be supporting the USA who have allowed the genocide to continue. Their provision of arms, their tacit support and Biden refusing to order Israel to cease make them absolutely complicit. Let’s maintain our neutral stance.

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I think Biden's weakness over this might cost the Democrats the election. Yes he is better than Trump but how many of those young people protesting what's happening in Gaza are going to want to vote for him?

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New Zealand would be doing itself a favour for several reasons to withdraw from the 'War Games' in the Pacific. One, of course, the Israeli attendance, and two, we still need the FTA with China. etc. As for USA politics, seems pretty pathetic of the Democrats that there seems to be no one at least 20years younger than Biden who is capable of standing for President!

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Good points Rachel. I am constantly befuddled as to why in a country with a population of 330+ Million that Biden and Trump are the best they can come up with. In saying that we ( not me or probably you and other readers here ) came up with Luxon in a population of 5 Million. The chances of winning Lotto are better than that. Luxon is no prize. Prize Buffoon ( like Trump ) perhaps....

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Yes I think we can thank John Key from dragging him off the church pew

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I was talking to a woman that's been living in Minnesota for quite a while & she said young people that she's met are totally uninterested in voting she says she was long enough there to vote that the voting system is horrendous you have to fill out pages of questions. Didn't look like the uni students weren't interested I know alot of them like Bernie Sanders he seems to be one voice of reason.

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I've always had a soft spot for Bernie. But he's 83 as well. The USA seems incapable of renewing itself.

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I agree I don't understand why they don't put up the vice president at least she's got age on her side

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Jun 11Liked by Nick Rockel

Jesus this is horrendous news.

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Jun 11Liked by Nick Rockel

I agree Nick! We should have absolutely nothing to do with Israel!!👍

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Jun 12·edited Jun 12

Yet another nightmare - they really are coming daily now.

I read about this yesterday in a Palestinian Solidarity post. I was gutted and appalled. Our old friend Stu was visiting so I didn't really want to bring up such an ugly subject as we were having a pleasant evening. Kinda fittingly however we watched ( Pink Floyd's ) The Wall - I had not seen it before. The horrors of war - nothing changes.

I really think this Government is happy to be sending our young men and women to play war beside the Israeli's and perversely quietly happy to support Israel on behalf of their revered US idols. I think they delight in thumbing their noses at what they see as a largely " Woke " and difficult element of Kiwis questioning their entitled narcissistic importance. It seems that way with just about all their terrible regressive decisions. Damn them. Shame on them. I feel so sick and sad to the core.

p.s. I really only think good things about John Minto. He is a bit like Nicky Hager. A niggly giant thorn in the side of the wrong.

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Agree, Minto has been doing important right things for a long time

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Let me first allay your fears.. it was not an urban myth, I well remember as a young lad placing a bag of dog poo on a neighbour’s doorstep , setting it alight , ringing or chapping on the door then running away before the owner opened their door. Usually it was the “trick” after not receiving the “treat during Halloween festivities. This was back in the 60’s and 70’s in Scotland when we went out guisin’.

But on the more serious discussion, this is us again kowtowing to America and is absolutely disgusting.

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Yes agree Nick. Adore the roller skating.

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Jun 12Liked by Nick Rockel

This is dishusting

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Jun 12Liked by Nick Rockel

Disgusting even

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