Jun 15Liked by Nick Rockel

I'm rural, so I get the need for (some) guns. Seymour is just a classic study of a grandstanding opportunist. First he's objecting to the legislation because it was being fast-tracked (oh the irony), then he's saying he objected to legislation because he's the champion of firearms legislation. As the minister of regs he'll do whatever he likes. The sudden humility of ex-lobyists, now government mps is laughable. The charade of impartiality is tiresome and insulting

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Jun 15Liked by Nick Rockel

I do not trust McKee either. The fact that she said only 2 days after the Christchurch massacre that semi-automatic guns should not be banded is crazy! What sort of sports shooting uses a semi-automatic? The sport is in getting that one good shot not spraying around a whole lot of bullets hoping to hit a target! Taking the Advisory Board away from the Police is an idiotic move. Afterall, they are the ones that will have to pick up the pieces when these guns are discharged. ACT once again shows it is in the pockets of right wing gun toting America. There are many good people in NZ but unfortunately this government is pandering to the far right minority.

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Exactly what I was thinking, Alison...and the main provocateurs of the Far Right Atlas bid to take over Aotearoa are Seymour and McKee. Like those cynical old money-grubbing farts Peters and Jones, they are so noxious they are starting to make me wish I could escape to Australia as well!

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There are those who can't separate video games from reality. And there will be those who one day have to confront their part in making high-powered automatics available. Uncomfortable at best. ...I agree, Nick, no one of good conscience needs weapons of war in general use in Aotearoa. (Preferably no wars either.)

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Jun 15Liked by Nick Rockel

Guns! Don't get me started. Good post Nick!!

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Jun 15·edited Jun 15Liked by Nick Rockel

I remember so very clearly my ignorance and shock that people could GET semi automatic rifles in NZ and my profound relief and gratitude for the government when they changed the law to exclude semi automatic weapons from private ownership. The proliferation of online games and a general reduction of self regulation and self discipline across society witnessed in the occupation of parliament grounds, school attendance, ram raids, gang growth, school behaviour issues all make me feel even more gratitude for knowing that semi automatic rifles are not readily available to NZ citizens, they are not wanted, not needed.

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Jun 15·edited Jun 15Liked by Nick Rockel

It's almost like the Coalition is trying to depopulate the country by stealth so they can balance the books with fewer pesky public servants who demand a living wage. We have no access to lifesaving drugs for many who need them, the road speed limit to be increased to a 100% kill ratio of 120kph, just in case we might have to spend money on looking after the

permanently impaired. Services in a critical areas such as mental health reduced or abandoned, school lunches which might keep a rabbit healthy but certainly not hungry teenagers trying to concentrate on their future. Now we are faced with the prospect of being able to shoot our neighbours if they piss us off, (on a bad day), or threaten to on a good one. I wonder why we are being regaled with tales of "gang busting" firearm confiscation when the gang is about to get a lot larger, legally. Surely a waste of police time and money?

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The only people who need military style semi-automatic weapons are the military. They have no place anywhere else in New Zealand. The strictest gun laws possible should be upheld. Those in parliament who are in favour of lax gun laws should have to accompany police to shooting call outs and then go with them to tell the victims families what has happened to their loved one. Same applies to Simeon Brown and his mates who think 120 Kph is a safe speed limit. I’m sick of politicians who make decisions and pass laws to the detriment of the majority of the population and never have to confront the consequences of their decisions or actions.

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Jun 15Liked by Nick Rockel

Thank you Nick. Appreciate reading your thoughts. So tired of this right wing global mandate to destroy us all. How exhausted will we all be come the next election?!?!

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you mirror my thoughts

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Jun 15Liked by Nick Rockel

Crickey, the gun laws we currently have are a joke. Two of my acquaintances are avid hunters and owners of several guns. One of them, when drinking is prone to violent rages. The other is prone to violent rages when stone cold sober. Neither should be within a bulls roar of lethal weapons of any description in my opinion

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Jun 15Liked by Nick Rockel

Can I further add that those acquaintances were an employee and a contractor. The drinking employee, after a few Friday beers wanted to smack everybody's head in .

The contractor, if a job went wrong, had an absolute tanty, threw stuff all around the place. Bloody comical till you remembered, he owns a firearm

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Jun 15Liked by Nick Rockel

The upside to all this, is they are talking of passing this in 2026. The way things are going for them at the Mo, is they may not be there then.

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Hope you’re right!

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Jun 15Liked by Nick Rockel

Nick, it's absolute BS no one needs weapons like these for any reason. end of story

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No I most certainly do not trust McKee to have any one’s interest but her own- she is up there with the most untrustworthy of the lot with her boss- Cluxon Bishop- Slimey etc etc - when there are children living in poverty in this country we do not have money to spend on stupid mind-boggling exercises like changing gun laws to make them easier to access-WTF!

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Jun 15Liked by Nick Rockel

We have an act politician saying, we should shoot a few people on the border to make an example. Luxon has a fragile coalition reliant on complete nutters such as we have in the act party

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Wow! Am now wondering if that ACT politician was McKee.....

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Jun 15·edited Jun 15

It was Hoggard on TV3.

From Nick's Korero 6 June:

Rather unwisely Andrew appeared on 7 Days last night, looking about as out of place as Greta Thunberg at a Groundswell rally. Asked what his worst mistake had been he said “standing for parliament”. A bit of a slap in the face to those who voted for him, but never fear, Andrew had a plan to win back whatever the ACT Party equivalents are of hearts and minds.

And so it was that Andrew Hoggard, Minister of Biosecurity, was asked if he’d ever watched Border Patrol and thought, “look at my little minions working for me?” He said he had watched but he wondered why they didn’t - “just shoot some of these people. They’re too soft”.

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OK! Talk about Far Right....I didn't read that Nick's Korero for some reason. Thanks Gavin.

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Jun 15Liked by Nick Rockel

Clip from Across the Universe. Great film portrait of the Beatles lives and music. Of course gun meant shooting up heroin the blue lady as sung also by Cold Chisel.

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Jun 15Liked by Nick Rockel

If there is a legitimate reason for a NZ citizen to own a semi-automatic weapon…I’d love to hear it.

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The only hunters I have known to possess them were deer cullers and pest eradicators working from helicopters back in the 1980's, because their job was to kill as many deer (or goats, or pigs) as quickly as possible when the chopper swooped down upon a mob of animals, and only two men could be shooting out of the chopper...all it meant was you had a lot more than 6 rounds, could shoot rounds single fire for ages, taking aim with each one, and therefore did not have to stop and reload all the time.

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My other comment, after working ffor emergency services on the opening day of duck shooting season, too many idiots have guns. Too many accidents on that day! Every year from idiots forgetting to clean the gun when storing it or forgetting how to use it. And these people have licensed to have them !

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