Mediocrity - it’s aspirational!
You might think that must surely be the case based upon the evidence around you. Probably best not to do that. That sort of thing can lead to questions.
Questions like - “why am I watching this execrable shit, am I just waiting to die?”
Ask yourself, have you listened to Coast FM recently? If the answer was “yes”, then you may be on to something.
But Nick, what is this “Mediocracy”, is that even a real world? Is this all just some ruse so that you can have, what you imagine is, a witty preamble before putting the boot in to Christopher Luxon again?
To the second question I’d say “no”, and “yes, but only based on merit”, and also - “clearly you have some idea what the word means if you jumped unprompted to that name, I wonder what made you think of him?”
To the first question, and in keeping with the spirit of the article this is not from one of the traditional “quality” dictionaries, here is the definition:
1) Rule by those who are of average or below average competence.
2) A society in which people with little (if any) talent and skill are dominant and highly influential.
3) A social or administrative system which is like an antithesis to a meritocracy.Eg 1) "With the presidency of George W. Bush, America has completed its transition from democracy to mediocracy."
2)"The success of Big Brother is indicative of our present society being a in a state of mediocracy."
So not an Idiocracy, we haven’t started feeding “sports drinks” to plants just yet. Not ensuring the least intelligent and least capable people are celebrated and given powerful positions. But a celebration and championing of the mediocre.
God forbid in our short finite existence we should actually celebrate things with real merit - I guess that wouldn’t be considered PC, or woke, or whatever the word of the day is. Don’t panic, I’m not about to go off on a rant about participation awards, I’m not a complete asshole.
Here is a superfluous quote on being woke, with a tenuous link to this article. It keeps appearing in my feed and Kathy Burke is pretty much the opposite of mediocre.
When did we decide good was bad and bad, or at least mediocre, was good?
I blame Michael Jackson. Telling us all he was “Bad”, when he was clearly very good. Well, he was until we realised it had been a terrible heartfelt confession all along, you know - like the kind priests don’t make, but should.
Why, for example, are we served the poorly thought through reckons and wildly inaccurate predictions of Brad Olsen when someone like Shamubeel Eaqub has insightful, thought-provoking things to say? Is it ratings? Is that how it’s determined what is be shown on the news - what is popular?
It certainly would be in a mediocracy.
When did we decide that the average, the banal, was something to be celebrated more than all the beautiful creative people, things, and thoughts in this world?
I’m guessing the late 1950s/early 1960s. Nuclear families, mother’s little helpers, mindless network television - whatever gets you through your futile existence unadorned by deep thoughts or feelings.
The emergence of the great symbol of mediocracy - the successful white man in a suit, the pillar of the community. No morals, no backbone, no imagination, no thoughts - just let the boss win at golf on a Saturday and laugh at his jokes.
Who do you think of when I say mediocrity? Apart from Christopher Luxon obviously. I don’t mean people you don’t agree with, or you don’t like - I just mean mediocre. Ryan Bridges? Maureen Pugh? Ian Foster? SIX60? Auckland Transport? Jason Walls?
Most of our political discussion, both in traditional and social media, is clearly underpinned by mediocracy. Some of the views and arguments proposed are just, well mediocre might be putting it kindly. Some of them are just idiotic.
I’m not talking about left versus right, “you have different views so you’re an idiot” - that sort of thing. I’m talking about ideas that fall to pieces under the slightest examination, thoughts so absurd you wonder how an educated adult could say them, much less believe them.
Seriously if you actually think this government is a dictatorship, or we’re living under communism - you really are an idiot. As would be a leftie if they claimed that National were a pack of jack-booted fascists.
That would be ridiculous, they’re clearly thinking of the ACT party.
There are so many interesting people, fascinating important things happening in the world and yet our media is dominated with soap opera garbage about the Kardashians and the Royals. “Here you are sir, if you could just place your brain in this jar we’ll return it to you when you need it, I do hope sir has brought his appetite - there is a lot on the menu tonight.”
Don’t get me wrong we all need to rest our brains for a bit, just enjoy entertainment, for example this week I watched “Notting Hill”, for about the tenth time - love that movie. But you’re going a bit far if you’re watching “The Block”, or anything involving Mark Richardson. In that case you’re removing your brain from your cranium and storing it in an acid bath.
And what of our politicians? I mean we wouldn’t choose our very leaders based on a mediocracy - would we?
Again this isn’t about left or right. There are politicians of the right who I think are very capable. I don’t like what they want to do, but they are certainly not mediocre. Similarly there are politicians on the left that make me cringe at their sheer averageness, at the fact that they’ve has been elected to such a position.
Nicola Willis for example. She scares the hell out of me when I think what it would mean for the most disadvantaged in our society if she came to power. But I do think she is an intelligent, hard-working, ambitious person. She is there on her abilities, a meritocracy. Her leader on the other hand absolutely screams mediocrity
The anointing of Christopher Luxon as leader of the National Party, and possible future leader of the nation, reeked of the old boys club, of a mediocracy. He can’t answer basic questions in a convincing way, he seems to lack any original ideas. He is a caricature of white male privilege in a suit.
And don’t even get me started on the people that will vote for him.
Not the ones who just want lower taxes or fewer regulations. Not even the nutters who have a hatred of the Prime Minister because of sensible medical precautions taken against Covid. But the cheerleaders - the ones who think Luxon is the man!
The chosen one come to save them, the second coming of Key.
Whatever they’re drinking, the BRAWNDO, the blue Kool-Aid, I don’t want it - that way lies mediocracy.
I was listening to this wonderful track last night, the raw emotion of his voice sounding as I imagine god would, if god was a good singer.
Tears in my eyes at the utter beauty of it and across the room something called Heartbreak Island was playing on the muted TV.
I don't think I’ve ever been so aware of the gulf between genius and utter mediocrity.
Talk about God defend New Zealand, from these assholes... well said Nick
Lux-on is indeed 'a caricature of white male privilege in a suit', the epitome of mediocrity, an example of wet paint walking. His mindless appeal is his inability to say anything of substance or consequence.