May 27, 2022Liked by Nick Rockel

I am very proud of our Prime Minister. I watched her interview on the Late Show with Stephen Colbert- he clearly has a lot of respect for her.And he should.! She is an intelligent , progressive Prime Minister who does her very best to serve the people of this country. I also watched her speech at Harvard University, and the wonderful reception she got from the graduating students. Her speech was excellent- very apt and relates directly to the right wing media in this country, both mainstream ,and others like Telegram, and Counterspin.and the trolls and haters who think they can post any nasty lies, and not be held accountable. How awesome that she was pictured standing next to feminist icon Gloris Steinem, who had shown strong appreciation of Ardern's speech. Now she is off to meet President Biden at the White House in the Oval office. This is a coupe for Jacinda, but especially for Aotearoa/New Zealand. Not only will she meet President Biden, and discuss important issues with him, but she has also been invited to meet with Kamala Harris, the Vice-President separately. Excellent work Prime Minister.!

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May 26, 2022Liked by Nick Rockel

Nick thank you . I went on Hosking's Facebook and replied at few of those : antivaxxers , far right white supremacists Neo Nazi brain washed by Murdoch ( News Corp owns ZB and NZ Herald so you get Fox news kind of reports), I abccuse them of being gullible as they follow foreign interests and give them Statistics numbers to prove economy is booming and laugh at them fir believing a shock jock as Hosking. If more people will complain to authorities and yo Facebook those will stop as we've seen with the Young Nats bloggers . Luxon hired Trump, Boris and Scomo media advisers . I've seen it last election in act . All Luxon does us spread lies and some people believe him. This has to stop now. They are trying to do character assassination to the PM running in same time our work chance to be someone and not lap dog to Australia. Mediaworks, Discovery are USA owned. Its seems we have as well our own billionaires like Hart plus American NZ prepers ( Thiel one example with a bunker in SIsland) who are paying huge amounts in Act and National coffers . Luxon sounds like Trump: pay attention.

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May 26, 2022Liked by Nick Rockel

Thanks for the great read again Nick. Just watched the interview of our PM and Stephen. I felt so proud of the way Jacinda represented our country on this amazing show. It made me so proud that I am a New Zealander

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