You made the right decision to write about this. As usual you have zeroed in on the most pertinent points and skewered him! I especially enjoyed the bit where you noted his reluctance to actually stand up and take responsibility for anything while preferring to just manage. I think he might be just a little scared of Winnie.

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Still trying to be the big CEO, devolve jobs to other MP's If they fail it's not his fault !!.

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Of course he is! Winnie the Kingmaker, ready to turn coat if things don't go his way. Luxon would be so very afraid to rock Winnie's waka!

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Although our best hope may be to encourage Winnie to stalk out of the coalition in a huff. Luxon will, if he is smart, come courting the Greens. But I’m prepared to lay dollars to doughnuts that he won’t consider it. Excited at the prospect of another election inside a year.

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I think Winny looked uncomfortable with luxflakes and chucky on the news last night........ What are those 2 idiots doing on my show

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That's it in a nutshell - right there!! It's not hard to understand!

"You don’t have to be afraid.

You just don’t have to. The treaty of Waitangi is not a threat to us, to pakeha. It’s the basis of our right to live here too. The agreement by which we get to live in this beautiful place, to share in its resources, and all we have to do is respect the rights and traditions of the people who were here before us."

BOOM! Easy as!

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Yes just like our cousins across the ditch didn't need to be scared to have the rights of their Indigenous people heard -those people who have the 'longest' right to be heard of any Indigenous people.

But my god were they running scared alright! I heard it (embarrassing!!) from my ex Kiwi living in Oz (Pakeha) friends, my Ozzie (Hubby's) family & of course I heard it from every rednecked 'Real strayan' sitting at the next table in restaurants, cafes & RSL's.

Because I was visiting these people being guests at their table & sometimes even staying in their homes I had to bite my tongue. But fuck it was hard & fuck it was downright embarrassing hearing these people who are, at the end of the day, GUESTS IN THEIR COUNTRY.

The entire time there I was aware Luxflakes was busy(!?) allowing the same racist mindset & SHAME to spread across our beautiful Aotearoa.

He really is a disgrace along with his bedfellows.

Thankyou Nick for keeping all of our eyes open & focused on WHO is to blame ...at the end of the day.

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Wow Nick! So pleased you decided to write on this subject again/ this is your best work so far! So passionate/ you have captured exactly what we are all thinking and feeling/ well done- a great response to a terrible situation- I want to believe Cluxon will stand up but I think his desire to be the boss has overwhelmed him and he has made the pact with the devil and sold his soul!

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Trouble is, his soul was available to the highest bidder, no matter what it meant to the cohesion of our people.

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I think the technical phrase is r-soul

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Oh, yes! Love it.

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He soooo wants his knighthood!! He'd do anything to get it.

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Brilliant and right on point Nick.

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Absolutely on point yet again Nick. It seems the problem for Luxton is that while he may have run an air line in his current role he is running nothing. He stands for nothing, he makes no attempt to spell out a vision and when he does speak it is pure meaningless business speak. I feel you have been way too kind to him as he is clearly out of his depth and the nutters, racists and facists are dictating the commentary on behalf of their donors. This is certainly not getting the country back on a track that leads to harmony. Just the opposite in fact. Beware the Ides of March when the privatisation begins.

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Brilliant as ever Nick! It all comes back to the bucket list idea. To be thrust into position of Prime Minister, without having done the leg work as a minister in previous government iterations is all about vanity projects. Key knew this and so for him it was about being liked, sure the bike trail was a pet project, but besides that and the flag, he also stood for nothing. Luxon doesn't have a clue because for him being PM was the goal. For him it's a case of 'I'm in the boat...push off!'

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Absolutely. I get that things changed a lot while he lived overseas, and he probably didn't get it. But once he came back and decided to go into politics, he really should have done the work to know, really know, what is happening at all levels of the nation - not just Key and his mates.

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I think that would mean he has an interest in people, and Aotearoa and that is something I think he totally lacks.

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Perfect Nick! Exactly what i have in my heart, but so much more eloquently expressed by you. 'Your clowns, your circus' brilliant but this pathetic cockroach of a man will no doubt continue to slither under cupboards and avoid ALL responsibility, EVERY TIME, for EVERYTHING. He hasn't got an ethical bone in his spine, no transparency, no accountability - I'm just hoping for the day when the whole country holds him in contempt and he slithers back to the US.

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Ha. I was going to comment but I like yours. Unfortunately the whole country won't hold him in contempt because Key still has his admirers.

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100% spot on! Thank you Nick, you keep saying things that need to be said, out loud. Unfortunately, he won't read your comment, and I suspect, even if he did, it wouldn't make any difference to his direction, for the reasons you outline - he simply doesn't seem to understand responsibility.

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Absolute clarity thank you Nick. I think Seymour and his ilk KNOW that they are stirring up a hornets nest. Wait for the calls for a referendum to start. If it's refused, then they will wail that "the voice of the people" has been shut down.

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Dear Nick, I have always enjoyed your korero, but today you have excelled yourself! Kia kaha! Nga mihi nui! 🌟

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Awesome! Please keep writing on this subject. You do it so well and it needs put out there again and again. Unfortunately, I doubt Luxon would have the guts to READ it and would be so busy excusing himself that he wouldn't recognize the opportunity. Fair to say, his minders won't want him to follow your suggestions.

Thankyou for explaining that pakeha are equally upset within evil.

I imagine (hope) Waitangi day will be followed by a nationwide strike and march.

Go get 'em tiger.

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You have put this so well Nick. Beautifully skewered the empty balloon masquerading as our PM.

I do hope someone gets him to read it.

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I reckon you nailed it again, Nick.

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He's also scared of Nicola. Her obsession with providing tax cuts for landlords and the better off is driving a lot of policy.

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No apology needed. This is the top issue at the moment and I am literally losing sleep these days over how sharply this country turned a corner and what that means.

I reluctantly find myself liking some aspects of Luxon, despite disagreeing with the way he runs his government. Maybe it's optimism. The way he and Amanda are such a team, his reluctance to engage in personal attacks, his apparent humility. But you have nailed it - he is responsible, and is acting as if he wasn't responsible. And it's actions that speak louder than words.

Thank you for articulating so well what I feel about Te Tiriti. It's a message that needs to get out there. Consider me inspired.

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Brilliant about time this stuff was said out loud! Great work!

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