Sep 12, 2022·edited Sep 12, 2022Liked by Nick Rockel

Vitriol and anger seem to be the default setting. I have just enjoyed a trip to the Northern Hemisphere to catch up with family (after 4 years). My impression since my return is that too many NZers have become myopic, petty and so so negative. The attitudinal difference could not be more stark. I am a 7th generation resident of NZ and sadly I will not be encouraging anyone I care about to come to work or live here. Happy to invest energy to push back against the perpetrators of this self destructive downward trend though.

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Sep 12, 2022Liked by Nick Rockel

I think you can thank the media for that. Their negativity is really pervasive. There are the majority of us that are positive and normal.

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Sep 12, 2022Liked by Nick Rockel

I do pity seymour and his ilk, what joyless lives they must endure

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Sep 12, 2022Liked by Nick Rockel

I just watched the 4 o clock post cabinet update. I thought havent we done well us normal (well Ill go for normal) not bitter not nasty peoples of Aotearoa. Well done. And love the holiday(hope David is pissed off) so that we can reflect on the ways The Queen weaved in and out of our lives.

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Sep 12, 2022Liked by Nick Rockel

I totally agree about the whining,and nasty comments. I'm fed up with it.! The media certainly play a role in stirring the pot. it's very tiring!. Capitalism doesn't do well when there is low unemployment. Capitalism depends on the availability of a "reserve labour force" so that workers can be played off against each other to keep wages low, and business owners' profits high.

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Sep 13, 2022Liked by Nick Rockel

Nicely summed up as ever Nick. The unrelenting whining became so very noticeable following the first ever lockdown but I suspect it was always there just under the surface. There's no doubt in my mind that MSM and social media fed it and continue to do so. Life's just too short for such bitter negativity I reckon.

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Hi: it seems few people have an "obsesion" with our PM: anti vaxers, white supremacists, Nacts fundamentalists. She is admired here in UK: people need to get out , come to UK for a trip, talk to families see how long the lockdowns were( years for old) how many died, how many businesses collapsed. And how expensive everything is with cheaper petrol at £1.64! Diesel £ 1.82 . Some were £1.74 for petrol. Shelves empty at Tesco ...and electricity prices growing at least 50% with government finally deciding to help. Capped to 2500£ per year.,my concern is wiyh the huge American influence : Republicans like Thiel who are against democracy it seems have influenced Act, National. This has to stop. Media has to stop sreading lies.

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David Seymour must have hated the level 4 lockdown when both parents were able to play with their kids, get home improvements done and the PM and Dr Ashley gave us daily Covid19 updates. A downside was Simon Bridges so called bi-partisan Pandemic Committee

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Once again you’re bang on Nick . It’s time for a kinder world , well overdue .

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