Nov 6, 2023·edited Nov 6, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Thanks Alex. A genuine proposal that Luxon is incapable of entertaining.

His bluster during the genuine emergency of the covid pandemic indicates the shallowness of Luxon.

He could not and would not support the governmentand even worse, he actively undermined its every move. He whined about every aspect of covid measures designed TO SAVE LIVES.

He claimed the covid traffic light

system was 'too hard'.

Luxon is a glove puppet of the moneymen that bought the election.

Luxon is a nowhere man.

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Couldn't have said it better my own significantly right of Humble Self! We're gonna get exactly what we deserve for allowing Super Charged Meat Eating Far Right Wing Robber Baron, Neoliberal Capitalist money men to BUY our Government.

ACT is a Joke that should never be told in Children's Bedtime Stories! The Heirs to Grimms Fairy Tales would claim unfair Advantage to their Monopoly on striking Terror into young hearts! Even showing a picture of David Seymour to little ones would dement them for life! Is that the kind of picture we want to paint.

Luxon is well aware of what it means to take a Leap into the Meritocratic Market & put a boot heel into Democratic Governance in this Country. There isn't a single policy that anybody making less than $150K a year & Multiple Rental Properties would find helpful to get them through these Meritocratic Market Wars against the Working Man, Woman, or Child & their pet Dog.

Taking the Country back to our worst times in modern history, 2015, at the end of the Key Administration & doubling down, is not in anyone's interest unless they're somehow tied into the Money Train, have conscienceless Sociopathic Behavioural Problems bordering on Bi Polar Disorder, or just plain old Greedy, Me Firsters looking to screw everybody else!

Most even marginally educated folks know, like Animals do, that you don't shit in your own bed, neighboours, Community, or Country!

This is War lord Stuff that will take us right back to Feudalism times in Jolly old England. Cuppa Tea??? Nah, we've got a Mammoth Lead Balloon that will never get off the ground. Geez, it was bad enough with Labour failing to haul the Private Sector in & Regulate their l'il Cotton Sox off!!! Give Robertson a new Spreadsheet to Manage to a new Drummer!

The folks doing all the heavy lifting for these Warlords Profits DO NOT have a level playing field to work on & as soon as the CEO is sworn in & the new Employment Rules & Efficiency Management Policies are enacted all hell is gonna break loose & We The People will shut whatever Economy we have, DOWN & take to the Street in numbers to end this Work Camp thing they're intending...

I have faith in human nature & our Human Nature will erupt into MOB violence if that's the only way out of the Box we'll be renting with our extended Families.

Winston knows damn well this is his last shot at the Ring of Power & he ain't bendin over to kiss no smelly Ring if it means his Legacy.

I like Chippy, but unless he reverses his Captains Call on Taxation & Capital Gains & eats a load of Crow Flavoured Sausage Roles, he should step aside & allow a new Leader to come in that will make amends with the Greens, Te Pati Maori & smaller Parties making it into Parliament on a Candidate Vote and work out a Hodge podge Coalition of Democratic Faithful to roll the Corporatist, Chamber of Commerce Lobbyist, Tax Payers Unionist & Nutcase ACT, right out the door after some Fun Tar & Feathering shows during the 1st question time of the new Parliament.

If ever there was a time for Winnie to say NOPE, it ain't happenin, it's Right Now! Even 3 minutes of NACT is more than enough!

Put Winnie on a plane to the Cooks for the Pacific Island Forum to make sure we don't lose our neighbours because all we'll have left is Maybe Aussie & thats a BIG Maybe as they've already signed up with the Weapons Manufacturers of the Meritocratic Market for a future war aimed at China.. Do we need that????

We will not do well without friends & neighbours on the same page! Then send him to APEC with a big sharp Taioha to stick in Uncle Sam's Nuclear Bicycle Spokes! There's more to life than endless profits for a few, while so many are suffering here & around our Pacific Neighbourhood!! Time to move on from this All or nothing arrangement!

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We wait once again, to see what W. Peters will do!

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Nov 6, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Some really good points Alex, and on paper a much better solution for Aotearoa than the hellscape which awaits us. But I think it too quickly dismisses the underlying and background contexts, including the influence of moneyed property investors, the gambling industry and a plethora of racist dinosaurs. On the left side, personally, I think the "captains call" decision is one that needs to be revisited by Labour, in earnest korero with Greens and TPM. There's an opportunity to reset and re-create on the left that I don't think should be compromised for 3 years of uneasy government. The next 3, or possibly less, years will be awful but also represent an opportunity for a more equitable, diverse, socially and environmentally just phoenix to arise from the ashes. And I think this will benefit future generations than a morally questionable "grand coalition".

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I will not be happy until the entire right-wing rots in hell, and maybe even that won't be enough!

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Didn't Lange also say that Dunne's hair was more interesting than he was?

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Nov 6, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Much too sensible. FFS, it might even work. In which case it’s never ever going to be considered. 🥲

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Nov 6, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

What a very thoughtful summation Alex has made and one that would actually save Aotearoa from the coming hellscape of Seymour and Peters running the show. Luxton's lot will be out of their depth as all they have practised over the last 6 years is negativity and click bait gotchas. Looking at Bishop for a start, whose stated policy was to cause disruption, and comparing with Marama and Rawiri this morning the opposition will be far too smart for Luxton's lot. Thanks for the shout out Nick pleased you enjoy the links.

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Nov 6, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

I was complaining on Mastodon that Americans often seem to be trying to invent things from scratch that already exist just fine in other countries. Maybe it's good to learn from those!

In that vein, maybe Ireland is instructive. I think they did do a coalition of the two centrist parties. It seems to be working? It is legit hard to really know what is happening in faraway countries, but maybe worth the effort. And Ireland is not that culturally dissimilar to NZ.

Clearly Labour would be a better coalition partner than NZ FIrst, which really has a disproportionate amount of influence on the government. As you say, though, one wonders what would happen at the next election---whether Labour would be punished more than it is already for not differentiating itself from National. And, yet, on the other hand, what about all the Labour policies that National is proposing to abolish...

In principle it is also worthwhile to have a strong opposition. But what does that mean in practice? I suppose that bills can be improved at committee stage; part of what the Canadian Senate does (but which gets 0 coverage). NZ got rid of that a while ago.

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Nov 6, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Good thinking Alex. Are you single? Asking for a friend….

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Nov 6, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Excellent comments Alex, a lot of my thoughts too. Is there any way to make sure that both Chris & Christopher get to read it.??

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Nov 6, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

It’s a truth and a shame that politicians are driven with self interest and giant sized ego’s and not for the people by the people. WHY do we hand over our lives over to them so freely. Some would say self interest and the same exotically thoughts and some lazy with no thought. Whatever happened to our community 😳?

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Nov 6, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

It would be an impossible dream to achieve with so much history and baggage between the two parties. Core philosophies differ and for any joint governance people and the environment must be at the front of all policies. I have often thought wouldn’t it be great if each electorate vote for the best person (no affiliation to any party)to represent them and collectively a parliament is formed with a democratic vote for leader.

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Brilliant! So many funny observations about past and present small party egomaniacs. Unfortunately the large parties are not devoid of egos either. The tail wagging the dog could be averted by moving to STV in this way we would still have government with strong opposition, but without nutters like Peters or Seymour holding the country to ransom. I deliberately omit The Greens from the nutters brigade since they have conducted themselves with respect and humility for all the time they have had a presence in our parliament

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