Thanks Nick, you've perfectly captured the despair, the shock but also the building rage of the mouse that roars. I'm shocked and so sad at what we're seeing but also proud of the building resistance and the collective community strength that is rising. This abhorrent shit show may yet do us a "Ruby" by galvanising us and helping us clarify our unique identity as Aotearoa 🙏

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“Do us a Ruby” I like that.

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Totally agree Kirsty!!

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I was amused when both Willie Jackson, and Debbie Ngarewa-Packer said they woulld look after their whanaunga Winston Peters,and Shane Jones. They would show them the right way. ! Willie laughingly said Winston is alright-Shane too except he can'tkeep his mouth shut.

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Well spake Nick. If I was into conspiracy thinking I would worry that the really rich dudes who sponsored National and Act are quite happy with these regressive acts causing such outrage. Why? Because it takes public scrutiny away from their real mission - putting more money in the pockets of the already wealthy.

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I tend to agree, it is a great distraction, especially Winston's shenanigans with the media. But yeah, also signs in Te Reo, better we're talking about them than wealth taxes or something else.

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The cost of changing all those government agency logos will use up next year's budget!!! Bet they didn't do a cost/benefit analysis on that policy.

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Thank you Nick for confirming my thoughts and beliefs so succinctly. Maori will mobilise and that gives me hope.

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And tangata tiriti are there as well. Tatou, tatou e!

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Tatou tatou jndeed! This post has reminded me that this government and its small mindedness can’t make the rest of us disappear. We will get louder, Aotearoa Hou!

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Ngā mihi maioha Nick. Great life affirming read for the morning, and I love that song - so fitting 🧡

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Thanks Nick. It truly has been a wicked week. I’ve tried not to despair but when you mentioned Ruby Tui and the wiata that burst across the stadium, the joy of that moment, it made me realise I could hold out some hope that the nation does have pride in so much that is Māori and embraces the culture. I just hope that Erica woman isn’t going to try and drum it out of schooling.

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And so say all of us. "That Erica woman" is a complete ignoramus on the education front. Heaven help us.

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The person to worry about is Brook Van Velden, she is certifiably mad.

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True! And extremely naive!

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Me too!

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Me three!

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Aroha for this, Nick. Many of us are feeling the same and having similar ‘hell no’ reactions to the horrors unfolding before us. Friends are protesting or talking about getting their radical on again, because this is something worth standing up for. I choose to believe kindness and community still exist and you can’t put a good community down. Kia kaha.

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Important to keep up the resistance to 'change-going-backwards'. I believe, most of us liked 'kindness'. xx

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Yes, since when did kindness become something to be ashamed of?

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Thanks Nick, for being able to express that we cannot, and going where some of us fear to tread (aka witnessing Hosking's takes). Even though I am only skimming media, it's enough to feel like a physical beating. I am hopeful the momentum of years past will carry on, carry us through, and that people, who are not die-hard bigots, will see through the flimsy facade and the salesman yes man and kick them to the kerb. But I am beyond angry that people didn't actually really think of the consequences beyond their own sphere. It will find them soon enough

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A few years ago I read a thesis about how people access health support. They found that when there was signage in te reo, regardless of the organisation or personal ethnic background, people saw it as more inclusive and welcoming than one without.

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Yes correct, holistic health care.

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Thanks Nick. I continue to be shell shocked and heartbroken. I even shed a tear at Waka Kotahi changing its name! Back to the '50s, when so many people had few rights. I guess that's the plan...

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I intend to still use the Waka Kotahi name. It has taken a couple of years to get used to, and now it just rolls off my tongue. Same with Te Whatu Ora. Funny story- an elderly white male farmer I know- I say elderly-he is my age-has complained bitterly about Māori names being used in weather forecasts. He said it confuses him, even though there is a map being shown,and his area- Timaru- ( a Māori word)has not moved. He constantly complained to his new partner, and in the end she'd had enough , she told him to go and learn some Te Reo-especially names for areas so that he was no longer confused. Otherwise stop complaining.

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Funny to me because I know him.

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They used to beat the use of Te Reo out of children at school. It's important to resist this government who might like to go back there. My reo is terrible (mostly 'cause my brain is running out of gas), but for tautoko, I'm going to keep up the kōrero.

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There are many like you Annie. But a good heart always shines through. Arohanui.

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And so many people put a like on the post about it. Or a positive comment. That’s what made me really despair 😢

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I agree, and so for me- it will not change it's name. I butcher it each time I say it, but I hope to get it right one day...I love to hear it, and I am gutted the racists & small-minded people are so delighted about going backwards. I feel like rushing up to hug every Māori person I see and let them know how disgusted I am that this has happened. I'm much too shy, and it's too weird (I know, lol), but I can't shake the idea that decent people need to stand up & alongside.

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Aww me too! Thought I should frame it. Please dear God, may it come back some day!! 🙏

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Good article Nick, do keep the humour in them, if we couldn't laugh we would all be crying. Another leaked paper (good job) re. a Govt. caucus decision to remove Fair Pay Agreements instantly without proper scrutiny/debate. Seems the Business Round Table was also a big contributor to the National Party. Some more take from the medium & lower social/economic groups give to the rich. Banana republic's do this. Luxton really needs to get his head around that he is not a CEO but a PM.

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Luxton doesnt care because he is just a yes man like Key

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Me too, Nick.

Thanks for the Song.

Still heartbroken. Stunned.

Do not understand, the Personal Vendetta, to me it feels personal, as in taking away All that was Good & Kind & Pure, well Hope, that we as Aotearoa, were going forward.

Gawd, I hope they're not coming again for the National Athem & the Flags, all the Flags.

I agree with Keith, they maybe covering up something sinister !

Who are the Oligarchs ? I know spelling. Mega Rich who brought Act, Russians???

I know that's taking a Leap, but . . . . .

Who are they

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oligarchs are the finance industries, banks, insurance companies, investment companies, venture capitalists they own the shares in many corporations. the likes of john key, and peter thiel who bought his NZ citizenship https://www.theguardian.com/news/2018/feb/15/why-silicon-valley-billionaires-are-prepping-for-the-apocalypse-in-new-zealand.

it used to be clear who owned and profited from coporations. now they seems to all own each other or the same people are on boards. e.g Yates used to be a NZ company but was sold to an australian company in 2012 and that company is a subsidiary of Monsanto. and who is on their board of directors? https://www.organicauthority.com/buzz-news/guess-whos-on-monsantos-board-of-directors John key was put in there to get us onto the TPPA. i wonder what Luxon's job is?

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Thank you.

For that information.

Gulp. Shit.

What are they buying or selling.

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Is Monsanto the company who now own Cadburys amngst many others.

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thats mondslez previously kraft foods.

monsanto is bayer monsanto chemicals and seeds including gmo seeds wrecked havoc on poor countries agricultural tradtions and provides a huge proportion of ag chemicals and seeds.. they also genetically modifying cannabis plants!

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Thank you.

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Yes, not that long ago we could be certain that we were buying from our own companies because we would have to collect Postal Notes to buy any products from abroad.

But national’s mismanagement in the 1970s led to Labour’s american-inspired brain fart in the 1980s and national’s attacks of the 1990s and now I have little idea about the ownership and domicile of those businesses we buy from.

It is sad to see our country go from 600 years of self-sufficiency and self-determination (I don’t pretend that it was all ‘good’) to a reliance on imported goods and the dominance of american business practices.

Why are our academics not analysing these changes? Or maybe they are but mass media refuse to publicise them?

We desperately need to support Nick and others to keep digging, interpreting and reporting! Otherwise the Triad of Greed will dominate the narrative through their media sycophants.

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Damn good question.

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I think that luxon has no 'vision' and is therefore captured by peters and seymour who do , however their ideas are anathema to a large % of Kiwi's - I predict that this will be a one term administration, and will go down in history for a multitude of wrong reasons.

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I hope it falls over when Winston has had his turn. Can't see him standing aside for Seymore.

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Nick thank you again! And praise to all your readers who respond so eloquently, which gives me new heart!

Nga mihi nui!!

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When you strip away all the 'right' and 'left', the mark of a really good personality-journalist is they understand the "weight" of a story. While I enjoy John Campbell's writing, I never personally liked his presenting style. However, it is always clear in his stories that he has taken the time and effort to understand the people subjects of his journalism. This is the sort of thing that the populist personalities like Mike and Ryan seem incapable of doing... Even in some alternative universe where shit like 'dignity for landlords' and 'Māori words are confusing people' actually made sense, I still don't think these guys can go beyond an energetic-read of the teleprompter.

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I despise both Mike Hosking, and Ryan Bridge. I often enjoyed watchingThe Project,and I am saddened that it has been replaced by creepy man.

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Thanks Nick. I like others, (probably due to total disbelief) question my thinking a lot these days. I heard the PM was visiting Wairoa yesterday. Great I thought, Wairoa likes to be heard! Today's paper and one of the biggest headlines - 'Hopes for Napier-Wairoa link derailed. Again - a take away -no positive offering but the same rhetoric - Visits are an important part of their 100-day plan blah blah blah! Continuing reading the paper though - I did smile when I saw HB's longest established civil construction business 'Russell Roads has changed their name to Tūpore Infrastructure. Tūpore meaning 'to care for' - a nice positive - not of course of this government's doing.

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Thank you Nick you have stated so well exactly how I, and no doubt many others, are feeling as the week comes to an end. However what the wreckers have failed to appreciate is that there is a large well of frustration and yet a belief that the good that has happened will not be taken from us. The comments in your posts prove this every day. Haere pai haere kaha.

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Oh Nick I feel your pain too. What has happened to our beautiful home in Aotearoa? We used to be a united nation but alas politics of hatred and racism are dividing us. As Jacinda stated “This is not us”. In the lyrics of Six 60, “Mana is my mountain, Aroha is my sea, Whanau is my family, And all of that is me”. Why do we have those who are desperately trying to destroy our Aroha and peace with one another. Where has the national pride gone in celebrating our uniqueness and tolerance of others? I feel so ashamed of the image this government is displaying for the world to see.

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I feel the need to reread Orwell's '1984'. I'm sure it contained important messages ripe for this moment.

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