Here’s a classic re the ongoing deception and ignorance of this Nat govt - Just had to add this piece from the Newsroom this morning - “Perhaps the biggest irony of all can be found by flicking through Hansard records. There, you’ll find speeches by Bishop, time and again while in opposition, railing against the previous government’s use of urgency, and calling for the use of proper process.

You’d think the Chris Bishop of a year ago would have a lot to say about the Chris Bishop of today.)

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Apr 21Liked by Nick Rockel

Great writing Nick. I loved watching the story on China investing in renewable energy as despite their self interest any moves in that direction is good for our planet. The US and EU whinging about undercutting their industries is classic - bottom line for USA is profit for big corporations and the rest be damned (a bit like us nowadays). The money defines the direction of US politics, hence the support of Israeli overkill, Big Oil etc

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Apr 21Liked by Nick Rockel

I couldn't watch the Israeli ambassador. The constant lies that are uttered by Zionists just make me want to scream as they justify their genocidal actions in Gaza and further incusrions into the West Bank. I don't know why the west let's them away with it. My view is the weapons industries in US , UK and Germany and others hold enormous sway as they are 'big earners.' It also appears the Zionists money in US gives it enormous power over politicians. But I wonder if it is really about if the west, particilarly the US comes clean now they have to own up to over 70 years of supporting the land grab in Palestine and that is really embarassing for them.

Germany has its added historical guilt factor.

Netanyahu acts out some mad evil story he has made up. I heard from some source (can't quite remember which that if the war(s)stop he is likely to be imprisoned for fraud and corruption:

'Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is due to face the resumption of his long-running trial on numerous corruption charges, after a pause due to the war in Gaza...

The trial was paused on an emergency order from the country’s justice minister following Hamas’s attack on Israel on October 7'. (Al Jazeera December 2023)

So keeping the 'war' going keeps him in power. So how and when will he stop? A genocide is allowed to enable a corrupt man to stay in power in Isarel and arms industries to make money in the West.

I did see a really interesting protest by People for Palestine outside the house being used for one of Mandy Luxon's Nat fundraiser lunches. (on instagram) quite dramatic and confronting women as they arrived. Good on the People for Palestine comparing this swanky lunch to the situation of starving women and children in Palestine.

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Apr 21Liked by Nick Rockel

Great article & I agree with all of it.If you look at China & America & who's been involved in the most wars it's the US hands down they seem to be the biggest bullies on the planet. I hope our stupid Govt isn't going to trash our trade relations with China.

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Apr 21Liked by Nick Rockel

The perfect storm

a weak leader

A group of archaic thinking privileged tossers fighting to maintain western patriarchal capitalism of which they are the beneficiaries

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Apr 21Liked by Nick Rockel

It has become apparent that this government, especially with the seeming dominance by the 2 minor parties, is hell bent on doing what it and it's donors want and ignoring what the people and the country actually needs. I was listening to a podcast (https://www.rnz.co.nz/national/programmes/focusonpolitics/audio/2018933860/from-lobbyist-to-legislator-andrew-hoggard-s-vision-for-reform) with Andrew Hoggard where he sounded all nice and cuddly until looking deeper into the ACT/coalition policies which will take us back years and years. Modern farming needs to be both sustainable and lower emission based but that is not going to happen with this lot in power.

Regarding green energy, how many NZ manufacturers will go out of business because of possible Chinesse subsides undercutting them? Try asking that of this government and there will be a lot of blank faces because they don't like reasearch and are only interested in sacking people who could find out.

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Apr 21Liked by Nick Rockel

100% behind your summation on Israel’s Ambassador to NZ.. sooo over this lot, they make me sick. He should be told in good old kiwi terms to bugger off. Defending the indefensible.. deaf to the world.

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Apr 22Liked by Nick Rockel

It’s overwhelming what is happening everywhere you look. How fast can national flush us down the toilet. Aotearoa has no mana 😳. We let a genocidal maniac reside in our country while he defends Israel’s right to obliterate Palestinians, we kowtow to the USA who help fuel the fight and finance the war in Ukraine. We deregulate everything in nz that protects our country and its citizens. I worked in the banking industry and saw the way banks abused customers through their lack of duty of care. Now national is condoning this behaviour and any other business who wants to make a quick buck. None of these ministers have the depth of knowledge to lead this country forward and are banking on propaganda to the masses who are too lazy to think critically as they’re too busy on tik tok

Consumerism is our stumbling block but no one wants to give anything up

Glad I don’t have another 50yrs in me

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Apr 22Liked by Nick Rockel

Just as a small point, of little interest to most people but a source of intense irritation to an EV owner who counts all the $$$$, it is not $ 76. I went into the AA to pay my first RUC to have to pay $90.79. It is $76 PLUS ADMIN ETC. That is a significant extra cost for a superannuitant.

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Apr 21Liked by Nick Rockel

It's incomprehensible and incredibly depressing.

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Apr 21Liked by Nick Rockel

Sadly, many of us can't afford an electric vehicle. I have a very small car which is very economical, and which I use as little as possible. Looking at the film of the clean generation of electricity was impressive. The US would do well to copy .

I too found Jack's interview of the Israeli Ambassador a very hard watch, it seems that justifying genocide is part of of the plan.

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Apr 21Liked by Nick Rockel

One would hope that China has vastly improved its coal burning tech as well.

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Apr 22Liked by Nick Rockel

A really good summary Nick. We would be well advised to listen to Helen Clarke who promotes our independent foreign policy stance. To believe we are better allying with a country that facilitates and supports genocide is beyond reason and it is vitally important that our arrogant coalition doesn’t make such a decision without consultation with our whole country.

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Great stuff Nick. Lots to agree with here especially the cringworthy Tame interview. I've written a formal complaint about it. China, always cast as the great demon because of its repression of various dissident groups, has a lot to offer the world especially regarding renewable energy and it that drives down global prices all the better. Electricity prices in NZ remain a scandal as does our renewed interest by the three headed taniwha in building roads for personal transportation, by far and away THE MOST INEFFICIENT use of transport mules built.

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Nick - I think you have nailed something crucial here today, that most of us don't spend too much time thinking about or beyond, with your statement " politically, unquestioningly aligning ourselves with nations who see the rapid expansion of green energy alternatives as a threat, rather than a necessary step towards protecting the planet for future generations? ".

A friend recently proffered the opinion that the main ( seldom, if ever, mentioned ) issue the US, and its followers, have with China is not, as the propaganda says, their expansionism into the Pacific or their treatment of Uygurs, or their dubious labour markets etc, etc... it is that China is the World leader in non-Fossil technology, particularly, for transport.

We can easily find the same or worse examples of expansionism etc from the US over the years, a quick example might be who dropped the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. As far as ultimate shit behaviour that takes the cake by many miles.

The US is still largely beholden to petrol ( and lesserly diesel ) vehicles. They just can't/ won't compete or easily change technology. Who controls the barrel price of oil??? Countries have been destroyed trying to move away from the $US only trade in oil.

China is reportedly ( I have no proof beyond how just about everything leading tech-wise comes out of China and that tech is always getting faster, cheaper, better etc...) working on EV batteries that will have 1000km range. That alone is a killer for the Fossil Fuel Industry in the US and that same industry, largely, runs the world> What or who is their biggest threat to making money and having control????

As someone else mentioned Solar Tech is almost entirely coming out of China. You can bet most of the tech and parts for Wind power generation comes out of China.

Good old NZ ( not Aotearoa - that infers a united country moving forward under different ideals than this regressive govt stands for ) has just made it so much easier to stay fossil, penalising anything ( possibly future -wise ) to do with EV. AUKUS here we come and everything and anything else goes down the gurgler.

Excuse my lack of word efficiency, I struggle with anything less than flowery, obviously if you've got this far, and, don't get me on to that Zionist monster Jacoby as I'll likely, really, lose my shit.

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Apr 22·edited Apr 22

Sorry - a bit off the topic BUT A friend who works in foreign affairs in Europe suggested to me that Putin and Netanyahu are closer then some may think? I hadn't thought about that? Thoughts?

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