It has been found that Janet hasn't sold a house since 2021. She is retirement age. That her agency yesterday took her off the website. Think this is a moment of fame probably recruited by Hobson's Pledge after a winge to them

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Seems like a good way to get out of the Real Estate job that she has lost enthusiasm for. Blame someone or something else.

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I often write about the entrenched ignorance we have as a country about our own history, especially from the post 1840 period. Remember at school not being taught a lot about NZ history but heaps about Britain etc. Ignorance can, with education, be got rid of. Sadly most Pakeha don't know their ignorance so never bother reading NZ history. Its all there in our libraries and book shops, on the web, everywhere. People get sick of hearing from some Maori, but they don't understand or even know about the wrongs perpetrated by successive governments.

It's almost criminal that the history of the NZ Wars isn't remembered like the foreign wars New Zealanders fought and died in. Remembrance would bring Maori and Pakeha much closer. Many descendants of those who took part, many dying.

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Kia ora Rob. Thanks for expressing that so well. My father would have met people in our extended family who were alive (in Northland) at the the time of the NZ wars. I have a problem reconciling our collective lack of awareness of this part of our history with what seems to be an increasing recognition/celebration of NZ’s participation in foreign wars. For what seems like a brief moment now, I saw initatives, under the previous government, to lead us to a better understanding of those times. I despair that that track has now been closed by the back on track government.

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Sounds like she needs to learn some manaakitanga.

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I have long warned my FB readers and friends about the bigoted immovability of Fundamentalist Christians (I was one from the age of 15 to the age of 27) and dare I say it, the Hobsons Choice crowd might largely fall into that category. Our PM certainly does. If Janet Dickson would find it offensive to be 'forced' to attend a course on how to be culturally sensitive to our indigenous First People /Tangata Whenua, then perhaps she might also refuse a course on how to be culturally sensitive to people of other non-Christian beliefs. No? Why not? Why Maaori when many of them are Christian? Close-minded bigotry is so damn easy to spot., and it's devilishly difficult to change.

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One way thinkers only know one way. Not sure she will have explored the issues enough to know what might be against her religion. Suggest she is being used by Hobsons pledge with their Atlas links. There wi be little religion in the course.

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As a State Sector employee I did a Maori culture course required by the employer more than 20years ago. Nothing new about these courses so makes me think that there is an ulterior motive here.

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I called myself a Christian for the same period of my life. But literally none of the people I had anything not do with imagined learning something about another culture (in our own country!) equated to bowing down to false gods. The denseness of it is flabbergasting...if it were on any other platform, I would assume it was to laugh at the poor old dear.

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There are some truly sad people that we share this beautiful country with.

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I sensed things would be bad when it became obvious on election night there was a change of government coming but I had no idea that it would be THIS bad and the feeling is intensifying with every passing day and every new outrage. My friends and peers in the glass world are beginning to ask me what the hell is happening to NZ? - such a short time ago said friends in the US and Britain admired our wee country and government but not any more, we all seem to be commiserating with each other instead (glass artists tend to be left wing). I live in a bluer than blue rich dairying area and I'm shocked by the degree of overt racism here now, it's all deeply depressing - I think I'll hole up in my studio and garden for the next 3 years to nurse my soul and weather this terrible political storm we are all being buffeted by.

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Don't hole up Vicky, fight it!

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In my small way I do Rachel - I'm on the pension so can only contribute paltry amounts to Labour but I speak out when amongst the pearl clutchers and they blether about "bloody Māori" (unbelievably they think Māori have huge advantages handed to them!) and how wonderful they think Luxon is! ... a dear friend who shares my politics is beginning to look nervous when we are amongst these National tragics and someone says something inflammatory .... I'm sure I raise her blood pressure!

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Good on you, a lot of us speaking out in a small way adds up to a large total.

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Well said Vicky.

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Do you need an odd job person for the next 3 years?

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Plunkett and Dickson willingly showing their racist unintelligent backward nasty attitudes. Just like the 3 headed taniwha. We see then all coming and we are not turning our backs or saying nothing any longer. That is going to be a whole new experience for them. Let them bring it, coz we all will be too.

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Gloomy here today, heavy dirty rain clouds.

We, collectively were doing so damn great, always was a bit if division, but, Nothing Like I've been seeing, and hearing !!

Unf..king believable. I despair.

No TV. No radio. BUT. I Hear & See this Despicable Behaviour everywhere, every day.

I love being ‘woke’. It’s much nicer than being an ignorant fucking twat.

What is another word for being woke?

woke (adjective as in alert to social injustice) Strongest matches. enlightened multiculturally sensitive. Strong matches. aware conscious evolved inclusive politically correct.

Above quotes, compliments of internet & Wikipedia

Thanks Nick, you are a brave thick skinned person, going where most of us would dread to go.

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Love your definition of being woke

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Me too, it's brilliant.

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Yes, it is interesting that the anti-woke brigade are satisfied with their ignorance.

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They don't even notice !

Ignorant f. .k twats.

Not part of their belief system.

Imagine, the Outcry if they did open their minds & eyes to the atrocities this cock up of those 3 have in store for Aotearoa.

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Or just "not a dick".

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Sadly, that one woman and her "plight" will be bouncing round the internet as we speak. And yes, that is what they want. Because it stirs people up and generates more outrage and polarisation.

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She has no plight. She hasn't sold a house in since 2021. Her agency have taken her off their website. Shes at retirement age. All a rark up by Hobsons pledge. She's having a moment of fame.

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Agreed, that's the reality. But not how her situation is being portrayed. Hence plight in quote marks.

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No thanks its not at all what I wanted and is even so much worse. Thanks for your Korero it helps me feel better.Thanks again for your insightful way with words

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Nicely put.

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Oh Janet. I dont think anyone was trying to convert you to some sort of inferior indigenous religion. i suggest that we need a register for those real estate agents, like yourself, who choose not to learn anything about te ao maori. Rather than punishing you through un-licensing, you should be allowed to make your choice and go on the anti-maori real estate agents register. Then we can have the choice to not do business with you. thats what you wanted isnt it? free choice for individuals to be supremacists if they want to.

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I read somewhere that this course is no longer compulsory in 2024. Not an expert on real estate though.

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Interesting piece of poetry/kind of music you chose, Nick. Really grew on me after a bit....as for Janet...no one would give a toss what she thought if she wasn't a temporarily useful social parasite making a living out of selling other people's possessions for them....oh yes and then they add the cost of hiring her to the property they sell, and THEN claim it back out of their taxes!

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Yeah, I thought it fitted ok - and yes, it does grow. Haven't listened to Placebo in years, you might possibly know this one:


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Wonder if she specialised in on-selling stolen land?

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Janet Dickson would have been right at home in the old South Africa.

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Yes,I remember well the uproar when it was suggested that all children be taught the languages spoken by the MAJORITY of South Africans.Arguments like Zulu and Xhosa are not international languages so what’s the point?Being able to converse with your fellow countrymen was seen as unimportant.

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So many bad things are done in the name of religion.

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In mid 1980s it was suggested that people who worked at the crèche in the Refugee Reception Camp at Mangere, at the time most refugees were from #E Asia, should be conversant with Maori way of life. So it was certainly not Jacinda’s government who brought this idea forward. And why do people still get hot under the collar about it today.

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