
Tweet from Helen Clark...

Just saying: Didn’t someone cancel the order for badly needed new NZ inter-island ferries ⛴️ ⛴️. Are we at risk of losing the vital link connecting the North & South Islands? “Interislander ferry Aratere runs aground near Picton, passengers in lifejackets”

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Jun 21Liked by Nick Rockel

Yes we are. What the hell we do when that happens I don’t know, I doubt there’s sufficient air freight capacity to pick up the slack.

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Jun 21Liked by Nick Rockel

The failure to invest in infrastructure in general is yet another example of a government that is only interested in what its donors and their lobbyist want and not what our country needs.

An integrated transport strategy costs but that investment pays huge dividends in increased employment, new businesses and productivity.

This government & Luxon in particular bang on about these very subjects but it’s all hot air. They are landlords at heart so their aims are clear.

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Jun 21Liked by Nick Rockel

Very astute comment Tony!!

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Yeh, really liked "They are landlords at heart" Tony....that is truly all they are.

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I wonder Tony where the visionaries are that would drive visionary policy. Course the future is gonna cost........but across the political divide......where are they.

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I am sure they are there. Sadly, what is left of our media struggles with investigative reporting and commentary as they chase 'click's & likes.' I watched & listened to the Scrutiny Week and the squirming, obfuscation and negativity from this government was very evident. Any cross-party agreement was sadly lacking.

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Spot on

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Jun 21Liked by Nick Rockel

Nice kōrero Nick. That John Clark clip must be in the all time top ten! When Maggie Barry was the Minister of Conservation encouraging new dairy farms we labeled her the ‘Minister of Conversion’. Tama might be the ‘Minister of Concession’ - not fit for purpose

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‘Minister of Concession’ - absolutely. Sometimes it seems there are more Partnership Rangers than Biodiversity Rangers.

And there has never been enough biodiversity funding!

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I woke up astounded, but not really surprised about the Awatere. What with pylons, planes, power cuts, not to mention pipes, now there are ferries. Yes they old, but at least there was a plan in place under Labour to replace them including a contract already underway. Nicola Willis cancelled it and we should never let her forget it. As I recall, some snide comment about Corollas. Thank goodness for our maritime workers who did the best they could when the ship lost its steering. They will be the ones today who try to refloat her. I am relieved there was no loss of life and the passengers and crew are safe. What's the bet Simeon Brown is on the offensive latter today blaming the workers. He will strut around saying it's all Kiwirail's fault and their maintenance of these old rusting ships wasn't up to scratch.

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So, what will be the ultimate consequence of this event? A new set of negotiations for replacement ships on top of the millions of dollars already spent by the Ardern/Hipkins Govt. to replace these aging ships? This is money belonging to us, not Simeon Brown and Co. - not that this lot of carpet baggers would ever understand such a notion.

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The sheer arrogance of Nicola. For those who had planned and worked on the new model and got a good deal with Korea for the new ferries it must have been more than disappointing. 1.5 billion increase was outrageous to her yet 2.9 billion was allocated to landlords soon afterwards. Everyone knew the ferries were / are older and need more maintenance. Just unbelievable limited vision from this lot. Like you Darien relieved everyone is OK.

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It is a classic neoliberal tactic to run a service or state owned enterprise into the ground so it becomes unreliable or not cost effective to maintain then sell it off to a private business for a song. Then offer either subsidies or allow the service/enterprise to be asset stripped. Remember the Toll ownership of Kiwirail?

The model of privatisating profit and public money for losses is another tactic.

The reality is this government’s priorities are only to their donors and lobbyists wants not to what our country needs.

I sincerely hope enough pressure is put on Labour to develop and stick to policies that will change the damage this government will do, unlike the last Labour government’s policies that kept to soft neoliberal policies which ultimately lost them the election.

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Good Labour polies coming, be patient.

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Oh yes he will be blaming the crew - that’s one thing you can be sure of

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Spot on. Of course Peewee did blame Kiwirail. It doesn't bear thinking about what comes next.

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Fully agree Darien!

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Jun 21Liked by Nick Rockel

Regarding the comments by Potaka, doesn’t that moron realise that once it’s gone, it’s gone forever! Just how many species loss is acceptable? Answer, if it means a shiny new Mercedes on some landlords drive, then they can all go to keep donors and their lobbyists happy! What a cynical, cruel government we have!

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Jun 21Liked by Nick Rockel

And the people were fooled and voted for these clowns. NZ is doomed and the coalition has just started their reign. Luxon is so inept in his role having such a big ego. I often wonder what these world leaders think of him after Jacinda’s intelligence, empathy and leadership.

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They probably think he’s a bad mannered, ignorant, egomaniac.

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Jun 21Liked by Nick Rockel

Kieth Locke will be a sad loss. He had a set of beliefs, he lived those beliefs, he defended those beliefs.

He learnt those beliefs from his mum Elsie (Google her you yunguns)

I'm not of a Christian persuasion but it would be nice to think he'd meet up with his mum on the other side. What a conversation that would be.

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He was a true defender of human rights throughout his life. Always speaking out for the underdog. Vale Keith Locke.

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Can I also add, Google Kieths sister Marie Leadbetter. Stunning family values

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Jun 21Liked by Nick Rockel

I think Willis has just dodged a bullet, if the steering on the Aratere had failed in open waters we would have woken to very dire news about 47 people onboard. If there was any loss of life the public outcry would have hung this CoC

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Yes, but it should still be the death-knell of the 'Ludicrous Luxon Government', really...

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Jun 21Liked by Nick Rockel

A shitshow indeed roiling turbidly on - we should change our national anthem to "God Help NZ". Every week I think the malfeasance and incompetence of this government and PM has outdone the week before, every week they prove me wrong :/

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Jun 21·edited Jun 22Liked by Nick Rockel

You've certainly had a busy, if not altogether a happy, week. First, condolences for those you've loved and lost, ( it seems to be a theme this week)

Loved the John Clarke clip. He was hugely popular in Australia as well and regarded as one of NZ's best exports. The transport failures of the week remind me of the great 60's Dionne Warwick song, "Trains and boats and planes". A sad song about leaving and loss but at least the vehicles mentioned all worked! I can't imagine what's next on the disruption/disaster list for us and which minister will, this time, be responsible for saying"it won't happen again" or deny any responsibility for preventing or fixing it (because it's not cost effective). I really hope we don't have to find out before we discover there's no one in the Coalition who's competent to take on whatever task will be required for the situation, which I rather think rules out most of them already. What we've already discovered is that there is not one Minister, not one who is qualified for their roles. A minister of Conservation who is prepared to sacrifice all that he's supposed to protect so big business can lay waste to our beautiful country is just one dreadful example. Is it 2026 yet???

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Jun 21Liked by Nick Rockel

What a joke indeed Nick, only nobody is laughing, we’re all too mortified. The joke of course is on dumbtown and all the angry racist and misogynist little people that voted for this crap.

A beautiful song to end with to take away the taste of melted ice cream and gravel, from an artist who is simply peerless in my view. I’m a big fan.

Cheers Nick, have a great day!

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The John Clark skit says it all! We tighten the belt, for why is a bit dubious, then it seems we may just be starting with much more of the same over the next year, if that long. Truly the incompetent, lead by the incompetent, how would it go, the land got in the way of the ferry? The land did not hold the pylon?

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A few references here to the late John Clark.. so so good. Clark and Dawe were hugely loved and respected here in Aus and their stuff is really worth checking out. Another beautiful brilliant Kiwi gone from us far too soon.

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Jun 22·edited Jun 22Liked by Nick Rockel

Excellent korero Nick.....I must say, everything is turning to shit for this Triumvirate of Twerps isn't it...the timing of Aratere's steering and the power pylon for crapping out was brilliant, just on top of the public backlash over cancer drugs, and Luxon's "C-list" gaffe and embarrassingly tacky 'proclivity for presumptuous patting' of overseas dignitaries on the shoulder, the 'Concession' Minister for the Environment referring to Kiwi conservationists as "stuck in that environmental space"...and thanks for the Tweet from Helen and the Clarke and Dawe clip, eh...oh for the good old days...

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Jun 22Liked by Nick Rockel

Someone on a previous delegation, I think it was the CEO of Comvita actually complained about Luxon denigrating NZ publicly. He was embarrassed.

Thanks so much for Clarke and Dawe.

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Jun 22Liked by Nick Rockel

Nick - great read this morning- very funny but sad at the same time! Also I had forgotten how funny John Clarke was and the excerpt was as relevant today as it was all those years ago! I thought you were very generous with your ratings however- and would hesitate to give anything to this bunch of yobs - maybe a poke in the eye with a piece of endangered kauri tree!

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Jun 22Liked by Nick Rockel

This incident with the ferry could have been catastrophic if it had occurred at the entrance to the Sound, or Wellington Harbour.

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