Jul 6Liked by Nick Rockel

Great read thanks Nick. Shane jones is a dinosaur who is stuck in the past and can’t get out. He is travelling to Australia to strengthen his case for mining however he needs to get with the times and look to Australia and how they are making amazing progress in moving towards renewable power generation. The Australians have worked out it is much cheaper to subsidise millions of people to install roof top solar than it is to build large scale power generation plants. They are however also investing in new solar farms and big battery banks to keep the lights on in power shortages.

Rather than make it more difficult to own an EV why are we not encouraging as many people as possible to get them and set up a smart power network that can tap into the excess power sitting in thousands of EV batteries. The technology already exists to ensure enough power is left in the EV for its daily transport needs. This system would work even better with rooftop solar coupled with battery storage. Sorry Mr Jones I know that is a paradigm shift way too far for you!

Regards Tim

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Jul 6Liked by Nick Rockel

Ive spent a fair chunk of my working life in the mining/oil industry, both here and overseas. The pay reflects the danger associated with the jobs, and wages are about the only return Aotearoa gets from mining. Look at the mining towns in Aotearoa, there is no sign of the $billions made from minerals, they are shanty towns with businesses more reliant on the tourist trade. If a mining venture can pass our environmental laws then it should be state run so the profits directly benefit our society.

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Jul 7Liked by Nick Rockel

It seriously does my head in how a complete wanker like Jones ever got voted into a parliamentary job. Way back in 2012 as a Labour backbench MP he was mouthing off about someone else's portfolio to do with Sealord and Greenpeace's legitimate concerns about over fishing. As per a commentary from The Standard at the time lets see how our self-appointed spokesman from Labour dealt with those issues.

"Their concerns are about some obscure ecosystem ..."

That is it. The rest of his reported statement is essentially a rant that would look good if he were the owner of Sealords, concerned mostly with the loss of short-term profits, and full of a faux concern about jobs.

He should never have been allowed near the levers of power.

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Amazing how inept Luxton is at managing his coalition partners and his own MPs. Peters and Seymour do as they wish while Luxton’s own ministers are not accountable for anything it seems. Doocey is the latest to show his ineptitude and disdain with no reproach from Luxton. As for the donors to these coalition parties they must be extremely pleased at how their donations have met their wishes. Unfortunately USA style funding of politicians is now firmly embedded here it seems. Wish the left parties would make subsidising of solar panels a major plank for 2026 along with the EV discount that was in place prior to Simple Simeon.

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Jul 7Liked by Nick Rockel

There is a suggestion that Doocey should (respectfully) ask Ms Genter to read him the report that he hasn’t got round to yet - she does her homework

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Great summation of Jones, Nick. This is a man who simply doesn't care about anyone else's oppinion. He is the heir apparent to Peters who is the grand Master of self delusion. I'm going to bang on again about the appalling electoral folly of MMP that continually delivers these scoundrels to high office. Since 1996 we have been beset as a nation by puffed up persons in the shape of Peters, Dunne, Turia, Seymour and Jones who speak for virtually no one and yet continually hold us all to ransom. Who will rid us of this turbulent priest?

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Get rid of MMP then, Mike....? First time I've heard that suggestion, but have often thought about it.

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Read my new blog and become another brick 🤣😅😂

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Jul 7Liked by Nick Rockel

Jones showed his disdain for anybody who disagreed with his support of mining, and overfishing. It seems the cameras on boats issue was resolved without his "help", and they are now here to stay despite his views,and lack of action. Yes , he has also shown disdain for how much damage to our environment digging it up will do. He saysit is only small areas. The large environmental scar tothe wheua in Coromandel is an example of that damage.

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There is a huge hole in the ground now on the tops above Reefton in the West Coast SI interior, where they did open-cast mining for gold...an area that I used to frequent in the 1970's that had lots of keas and parakeets and even a few kiwis...they promised to make a lake out of it of course....and of course they never did. Reefton got nothing out of it, either, since the workers all were bused in from Westport fifty miles away everyday...this where they now want to return, to destroy far more territory and natural habitats that do not exist anywhere else in NZ.

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Jul 7·edited Jul 7

Yes Kim - they are still treating toxic muck in the tailings dam at Reefton after Globe took its money and ran. Now they're all kookoo krazy over the possibilities on mining Antimony near Reefton requiring yet another massive tailings dam..Really imperative if you absolutely need next years iPhone. Antimony sounds a bit like Alimony but it costs way more and it is everyone rather than one person who has to pay.

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Jul 6Liked by Nick Rockel

Saw the kumera this morning, damn I like kumera, need another name.

Jack was wrong to assume $150 GST off $1 billion revenue. GST is paid on the profit after expenses.

In my opinion we've always had a low level of corruption from pollies. But, the level of corruption is increasing exponentially now.

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Jul 7·edited Jul 7Liked by Nick Rockel

Shane was a product of St Stephens School, closed because of its reputation for its low scholarly results and also ingrained bullying. It seems that sending angry, bullied and bullying young men into the world was, if not its intention, was certainly it's most notable achievement. Shane seems to have carried this culture into his working life and is prepared to take his grievances out on the land that his own people have tried desperately to preserve. Turning Aotearoa/NZ into a wasteland of open pit mining, clear felled native bush and over fished empty surrounding seas is not the way forward. We are known around the world as a small but perfectly formed haven for unique wildlife and scenery. It won't take long to destroy that image and all it provides through tourism and a reputation of friendship, sanity and refreshment in an ever increasing unstable world if Jones gets his way. Of the other two in the Coalition of Coal mining, Bishop is perhaps thinking of building thousands of temporary huts for the miners who will flock to our fair country to dig it up, then when that's done they can be picked up by landlords as job lots to rent to what's left of our population at exorbitant cost. Simeon will just do what he's told like a good boy. Things like making the tea and coffee and sweeping the broken glass caused by stones from potholes breaking windscreens, off the roads we can no longer afford. This will of course depend on how much downtime he has from filleting fish and discreetly disposing of dead dolphins and seabirds caught in trawl nets. It can't be allowed to happen.

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Jul 7Liked by Nick Rockel

The Mining Lobby have deep pockets, and questionable morals. They do surveys, promise lots and then deliver as little as possible. They hire expensive lawyers to tie council and DOC up in knots.

Values in Mining town follow the mine.

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shane jones is a vile, repulsive being, who does Not deserve the air that we breathe.

W T F NZ all you repulsive people who voted this mess of uncaring "don't care", can't tell me what to do, sad Fcuks.

I'm beyond angry. Ashamed, Nope. Saddened yes . . . . .

I have recently finished a documentary "The Great Climate Fight" with Kevin McCloud, Mary Portas and Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall.

NZ national horror show aided by act & nz not first, is so like the torie government that Finally has been kicked & stamped on !!

Horrifying how much they, our government, choke choke, is planning the same old doesn't work shit.

Worth a look, on https://www.tvnz.co.nz/

Watched it on my laptop, as :) TV free.

Very current, November 2023.

Thanks again Nick,

I'm at a loss here, How long can we suffer ???? and Bloody hell, Why should we !!!

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Somehow donations from interested groups to political parties have to be stopped when their interests are directly opposed to the good of most New Zealanders.

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Legislate donations to political parties out

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So 3 ministers are to decide on major investments. All 3 have either previous lobbying roles or political donors giving large sums of money for influence. How is that not corruption at the highest level of government?

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I was a bit gob smacked when i jst happened across an item on TV1 News It seems that the Aussie Company that is gold mining on the west coast has already found gold because they have been mining there for 4 years. Their mine is right UNDER Doc land. which they gained access to from private land that is right next to the Doc Land. The sparmey spokesman said look we havent damaged any of the Doc land or any of the inhabitants. The Enviroment laws they were operating under are tighter than council set. Blah Blah Blah. It was reported on the news because of all the money it would make them and Im just guessing they want the fast tracking now to build the processing plants and other buildings

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Bloody hell. Just like Birnam Wood.

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Yes so over those baboons, no that’s too good a description, back to, those buffoons. On Mike’s SUBTRACK he has raised the question of preferring a Single Transferrable Voting system, it seems to be a system of voting only for candidates in your numerical order. Have you looked at another system at all? Something to obviate what has happened, having this situation of the tail leading the dog.

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Yep Jones is an appalling belligerent buffoon and clearly corrupt as all hell. We have to keep hitting the streets before they destroy everything we hold dear 😭

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Well argued. Sad sad reading

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