Wow, you're an awesome writer, love how you express with calm truthful humour.

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Thanks for the kind feedback, it is nice to hear.

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You're welcome. Your work is refreshing, easy to read and very very funny without being toooo over the top "cruel". Enjoying the read every time.

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Oct 28, 2022Liked by Nick Rockel

Gazette the name change and let's watch these fools self combust with rage.

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It is a delicious prospect. With the largest majority in MMP history there should have been a lot more of that - just doing stuff. Perhaps after they've won a third.

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Oct 28, 2022Liked by Nick Rockel

it's going to be bloody close

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Oct 28, 2022Liked by Nick Rockel

I like Aotearoa New Zealand ! Aotearoa is so exotic and different . Is like a place on Avatar!

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Oct 29, 2022Liked by Nick Rockel

Great article. Lots of lovely humor. Liked KeyLargo 'tax haven of the South Pacific' because I could see shonkey thinking what a great name it was. New Zealand named after him that made it so much better than flag,

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Oct 28, 2022Liked by Nick Rockel

Too true about that lot at Newshub rarking up the red necks Nick. Your "reports" of the conversations within the National Party ranks are so funny. Talk about killing them softly.! Then again ,remember when Nikki Kay said that Paul Goldsmith was Māori. It turns out his randy grandfather had a Māori wife as well as (who knows how many) pākeha.He indicated multiple wives. Having some Māori relatives gave Goldsmith kudos within the National party as some sort of spokesperson for Māori. Poor old Nikki seemed to be so confused. And she was one of their better MPs. Personally I thought Lazer kiwi was the best of the options for John Key's flag change. I thought it reflected the kiwi sense of humour , and took the piss very well. It also gave material to certain Pommy/American comedians.! For myself I use the names Aotearoa/New Z ealand together,or either of these interchangeably. It is an emotional issue for many NZers to have the name of the country changed,or eased out. Even though the method of naming was spurious, New Zealand is what we are used to and has meaning to particularly pākeha New Zealanders. The comments on online platforms reflects a feeling of displacement., and betrayal by the current government with heightened use of Aotearoa, even on our passports. What it represents for many Māori is decolonisation.

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Thank you for the thoughtful comment. It showed what a mess National was that someone like Nikki Kaye would walk away. What you suggest name wise is probably sensible.

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Oct 29, 2022Liked by Nick Rockel

Loved this Nick .... the ring of truth in a sea of humour! Thanks so much. Love the Stan Walker song too.

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Nick James Shaw accurately summed up the name of our country. It is named after a beach and it has got a spelling mistake in it.

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