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Firstly I have to say I love your music collection and knowledge Nick.

Thinking on this article made me think of "Don't give me culture" and "There is no depression in New Zealand," which the mental health crisis brings another meaning too now.

I remember these times well, as I started out my career to change the world :-)

But also I reflect on growing up in a low socio-economic street in a very affluent suburb. In the middle of that suburb the thought of the day, was to have one street and three cul de sac's off it, filled with State Houses. Housing at that time people could actually buy off the state.

I loved my neighbourhood and the mix of cultures and understanding. Bull rush on the street, back yard cricket, sharing lawn mowers, or walking to school together, whanau helping whanau by having a food cooperative, everyone connected and together.

What I never really saw until my late teens was the opinions others had of our street. Apparently we had a 'good end' and a 'bad end.' Yet all I saw was the joy described above. That sense of a community working together, whanau, aroha, awhi and joy slowly destroyed by values and judgements. Others decided everyone in the street was poor and on a benefit and all the inherent issues that come with it. It was not true, but others needed to believe it to see themselves as better.

Successive "right" policies made that street into what people wanted to see and the good stuff lessened and the neighbourhood changed.

But you know when I have had a really rough day, or need time to reflect, you'll find me there on the swings remembering the true values of humanity. My fear with the coalition of chaos is I may end up living on those swings just to keep myself grounded in those values.

Thankfully Nick so do your articles and peoples comments inspire me and I look forward to that daily dose of fighting for good

There is a saying "you look to your past, to see your future." I live in hope all the positive will flow back into communities and Aotearoa. But that will require our actions and voice to go against the wrong this government is actively promoting and completing. Kia kaha!

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Dear Jo it did my heart good to read your response! Thank for sharing your happy life, just like I remember mine! There are many good people about, but they don’t say much these days..

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You are most welcome. I am glad it brought joy as the world needs more of that eh :-)

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