Sep 23Liked by Nick Rockel

I really can't work out if Luxon, Willis , right-wing talkingheads, et al are seriously thick, have no clue about getting the most out of a workfore, or simply don't care about the peasants if coffers can be topped up in the short term. (Suspicions fall on the latter). This seems to be a rather obscene bit of smoke&mirrors to distract us from something else coming up? They could have simplified it all with an announcement "Floggings will continue until morale improves".

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All of the above

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Alannah, you beat me to it!

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Anne, you were flogged😂

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Perhaps they could stop flogging the dead horse they're riding, admit they haven't got a clue about how to run a country and hand the reins to those who truly have everyone's future at heart.

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thick and totally lacking in empathy.

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There are lots of very angry public servants today. (I live with one!) Don't expect much productivity. They'll be at the water cooler exchanging info on jobs in Aus. ...WFH some days makes much better sense. I remember sticking a sign on the back of my chair: "My office door is closed". That was before WFH. Did it work? No chance. ...Collaboration doesn't require constant presence. Productivity does require secluded time to think and, well, produce. Isn't that what this lot of Nat twats want?

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Well said Annie. Where are the productivity survey results that this government has based their latest load of bollocks on?

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Water coolers are being removed, you can buy your water from the local cafe.

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Yes! yes! and yes! I bet they're not forking out for noise cancelling headsets to make it bearable to work in an open plan office where you are constantly disturbed.

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What a pack of evil little people this government and its radio station hacks are! Firstly many of the public servants are some of the lowest paid workers and indeed some were paid so low they were earning less than the minimum wage and qualified for the accommodation benefits whilst they were employed in full-time in stressful busy roles - many often arrived early to work and stayed late to manage their workloads! As to having a beach house - ha ha ha! These politicians and their journalist hacks are so wrapped up in their stupid little wealthy lives they have absolutely no understanding of how others live - most of the public servants I knew seldom went out to lunch or bought coffee as they simply could not afford it! Bringing their own lunch from home and drinking the horrible instant coffee that was all the government would provide for its workers! What an example of how to disincentivise its workers having a prime minister who thinks that these workers are having a ball and are all entitled! That’s not them - that’s you Luxon you bastard!

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Sep 24Liked by Nick Rockel

Having been one of those workers for nearly a decade I can verify what you say as FACT

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Yes I worked as a public servant for 20 years!

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Well said Marilyn

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Thanks to the kind readers who didn't feel the need to point out the typo in today's newsletter, "impact on the pubic sector"

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That would have been a blow below the belt if they had. Lucky we all missed it.

Sorry Nick. I'm sure we all did truly miss it.... Until now 😁

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Sep 23Liked by Nick Rockel

Why doesn't the PSA take HDPA to court on behalf of the public servants for defamation and disinformation. I doubt whether any more than 2% of them have beach houses to go to in the first place. She really is a right bitch.

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Surely you mean "right wing bitch" Anne?

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OMG here we go again Nationals fortes

Anecdote vs evidence, memories of that homeless man and

Hypocrisy, continuous claims of Labour creating a Nanny state and here we have National interfering in shit that's not central govts business.

If they are dumb enough to enforce this I'd like to see a tally of the wasteful spending that ensues. Court challenges, extra office space and furniture, morning tea supplies etc

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".... claims of Labour creating a Nanny state and here we have National interfering in shit that's not central govts business."

Precisely! Interfering in operational matters that have nothing to do with them.

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And it's not as if people WFH are expecting the government to pay for their office space, heating and Internet. I prefer the term 'flexible working' myself. WFH has a derogatory ring to it.

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Sep 23Liked by Nick Rockel

That’s a ‘like’ from me Nick. Bloody marvellous.

Appreciate the mention of decision making by the govt based on lack of hard evidence.

Once again Kiwis, get over yourselves and learn from others. Eg ACCC this week (across the ditch) used hard data to show the insidiousness of supermarket pricing and called them out. Would be a very helpful thing for the NZ commerce commission to do here in NZ. We’re so amateurish makes me wanna scream and swear. Sometimes we need to watch and learn.

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Sep 23Liked by Nick Rockel

HDPA might need a medical check-up. Her bile levels are not within normal range.

On a more positive note, I see Andrew Costa has resigned from what must have become an untenable position and given the government the ultimate middle finger by becoming secretary for social investment. Unless, of course, Seymour decides to get rid of it.

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Social Investment... Bill English's baby. Remember Honest Bill? Claiming his entitlements which he did not have? That Bill.

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Sep 24·edited Sep 24Liked by Nick Rockel

Well , they have successfully redirected attention away from the "Ferries" issue, and Nick, orchestrated pre agreed articles appear like toadstools full of poison.

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Sep 24Liked by Nick Rockel

Apropos of nothing, I reckon Nicola is getting ready to roll Lux-flakes - hair & makeup is a BIG change for latest (this) media event - just sayin' 😉😜

As for the "working from home" thing - apart from all the stuff you raise they are just so OUT OF TOUCH with the "real world" - how many techies & others live & work in Aotearoa but are working for overseas companies because it doesn't matter where you live physically for a lot of jobs? Frickn heck - how long have we complained about NZ firms using overseas located call centres? And to that point Heather DPA - YOU CAN WORK FROM YOUR BACH if you have the technology (an internet connection!)

I know quite a few people who work remotely most of the time, and live in places other than where the central office is located. Personally, being neuro-diverse I think WFH can be a boon for some "on the spectrum" who have great technical knowledge & skill but not so good with the noise & activity of a workplace full of disruptions.

And of course, the govt being directly responsible for removing 1000's of workers from the offices is just so obvious that I think it is brave of them (!) to raise this stupid topic.🫢

I am torn about the cafe owners - I have family who have worked in the hospitality sector for decades so understand the dynamics of "customers=jobs=income", but on the other hand as someone who has always had relatively low paying jobs I have seldom gone out for food or coffee/tea during a work day, and just as seldom gone out for any meal (unless it's a special occasion OR someone is shouting me) so making my own lunches & drinking workplace coffee has been a no-choice situation, or to put it another way, I had other priorities I couldn't meet if the $$ went on things I could do much cheaper for myself.

(🙋🏽‍♀️DISCLAIMER: I could NEVER have worked remotely in any of my jobs because I was always front-office/reception/customer-service related, so the whole POINT of the job was being on-site - not to say my admin skills could have been ideal for WFH if it had been an available option in fact 🤷🏾‍♀️)

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I would agree. She's definitely doing the modelling makeover for a Thatcher II impersonation. Its hilarious that little Trickola can possibly imagine that she has the intellect of Thatcher. I hated Thatcher. Still do. But last I looked Trickola did not graduate with a Masters from Oxford.

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Agree re hair and make up rebranding. Willis and the ghastly Erica Stanford both favour the MAGA-woman-long-hair-curling-irons twist at the ends of their hair. A lot of the coalition’s rhetoric, the reckons, the stories, the no-data and no-research and no-evidence is very reminiscent of Trumpist bullshit. Trotted out by allegedly glamourised women. Probably impossible to glamourise Luxon. The recent meme of him as an Aluxa is about right. Frickin targets.

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Just the tone in which Nicola speaks to us tells you everything. It’s a mix of parent reading a story their child and the school principal threatening you with suspension. She’s actually hard to listen to- for both reasons.

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Her manner is of talking to someone as if they completely lacking in intelligence.

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She's patronising us peasants unaware she is betraying her own peasantry with that awful twangy accent.

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Thanks Nick for another concise summing up of another COC policy for getting Aotearoa back on track. The incompetence is beyond words especially with Willis stating they are still to decide what the new ferries will be. So hopeless they cut out those already on the way with no replacement planned. They just seem to make up crap along the way aided by the likes of Duplicity in name duplicity in action.

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All these public servants with beach houses...haha, they probably own a few rentals as well... NOT

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Sep 24Liked by Nick Rockel

I was yelling at the tv last night when she was on TVNZ News, she's such a hypocrite blaming public servants working from home, when she's the one who's sacked 7,000 of them, it just beggars belief!!

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Exactly what I thought but neither one nor three seemed to put much on that part of it. It's an announcement made in order to take the heat off another issue......probably the ferries as someone else noted.

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Sep 24Liked by Nick Rockel

Crazy that’s all I can say. First (Nicoliar) says if you want to buy a house stop buying coffee. Now it’s all arse about face get back to the office and for goodness sake buy a coffee.😂😂 gosh lady have a wine have 2 🤷‍♀️

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Sep 24Liked by Nick Rockel

Love idiotic and insulting. It's really quite outrageous. It would make me more determined to work from home. This a government that too quickly would critise Labour for delivering such a suggestion, telling people what to do. Such hypocrisy.

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