Nov 17, 2022Liked by Nick Rockel

Hope you feel better soon. So sick of the Natz old old "Laura Norder" policies resurfacing for the election. Always the rich old white guys wanting to put poor young men in prison or boot camp.

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poor Brown people , no sam uffindells to be found banged up in those places....

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Poor white people too, Peter. You're right, the Sam Uffindels of this world get a free ride through life.

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Nov 17, 2022Liked by Nick Rockel

Take care Nick. And it's heartening to see so many others appalled at the truly awful stuff that came out of Luxon's mouth yesterday. He needs a month or three in the Black Fern's (boot) camp for an attitudinal shift.

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Brilliant idea!! What a contrast in positivity.

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Nov 17, 2022Liked by Nick Rockel

Black Ferns environment would be too kind for him.

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Nov 17, 2022Liked by Nick Rockel

is it the media or voters or both that desire a simple answer for complex and intergenerational issues? if you had been burgled by the local gang of child burglars (organised by adults) than you might vote for boot camps. i would just feel sad for them. the kids. living in a world very different to what we like to think of in Aotearoa. take care. love the splurting balloon metaphor.

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Nov 17, 2022·edited Nov 17, 2022Liked by Nick Rockel

Bugger. Sorry to hear that. Hope you can take it easy and make a quick recovery. Pleased you had the energy at least to share your thoughts. I agree it's hard to go beyond Emily Writes when it comes to a heartfelt and insightful analysis of reality.

Unfortunately fear mongering does prove quite effective and I'm sure this is just the beginning as the campaign is barely underway. As far as youth crime goes one of the many interesting findings of the Dunedin Study was how infrequently those who get into trouble as young people (perhaps you and me among many others) end up offending as adults.


It was even used as evidence in a US Supreme court case considering the execution of those who offend under the age of 18. Whoops, better not say that too loud as one feels that capital punishment might be the Nat's next brilliant idea...

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Thanks Quentin. The Dunedin study is a real treasure trove of information. Quite incredible really.

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Nov 17, 2022Liked by Nick Rockel

Thank you for posting that link to the Dunedin Study. On of my sons got into a bit of trouble in his high school years, and yes it was the fourth form when he had his first run in with police. That was because he,and a mate stole some pencils, rubbers and other stuff from a Woolworths department store. Woolworths had a policy of always involving police so he and his mate were taken to the police station. My husband was contacted- a bit embarrassing for him as he was a Justice Dept. registrar.- he went and got him from the police station. Managed not to clip him around the ears unlike the parent of the other boy. The police response was interesting -I got a phone call from them a few days later asking if they could come out and meet with us at our home- it was a bit difficult because I worked for a community agency ( womens refuge) and I worked shifts.. In the end we wern't able to organise a time to meet on that call because i also needed to organise with my husband times he was available. They said they would ger back to me.In the meantime a friend of mine's daughter did exactly the same thing my son had done -same shop, similar things taken-with a couple of her friends. She was also a fourth former- different school to my son. Another difference was that they were a pākehā , very middle class family. My husband pasifika- my son a brown skinned male. I didn't hear from the police until a letter arrived requesting we attend a meeting of th childrens board. meanwhile my friends daughter had been given a slap across the wrist with a wet bus ticket by the police, and told not to do it again. We went to the childrens board meeting- my husband, son and myself. my son was asked about things at home, like did he get pocket money, did he get support at school and so on. He said yes to all these, and those on the panel seemed not to know what else to ask. It was somewhat embarrassing. The pasifika rep. on the panel -a friend of my husband- came and hugged us and cried - my husband cried, and there it was left. . I was later told by one of the board members when I was voted onto a Child protection panel to do with my job ,and he was also on that panel that my son's escapade should never have been sent to the childrens board by police. It seems that was the verdict of the panel. I did see it as being an example of police bias/racism-unconscious or othewise, especially knowing how my friend's middle class, pākehā daughter had been dealt with. for exactly the same offence. I suspect most of the kids Luxon et al want to send to boot camp are polynesian kids. Boot camp ,and the army are alway seen as being good options for these rangatahi. I suspect Seymour, and Act's championing of Charter schools is a lot to do with this belief. In my opinion it is a lot to do with dumbing down, and not being aspirational for the intelligence,and creativity of these kids. More to do with keeping them in their place as bottom feeders. ( sorry- I've gone on a bit)

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Nick and Emily - what a team! Hope you kick the Covid into touch quickly Nick. Love your writing.

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Thanks very much for your kind words Anne :)

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Nov 17, 2022Liked by Nick Rockel

very sorry to hear that you got the foul virus a 2nd time, rest up and take it easy.

The nactoids could always bring back Stocks in the town centre, supply free rotten fruit n veges and really get tough on repeat offenders .... they are laughable clowns ...

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Nov 17, 2022Liked by Nick Rockel

Take care of yourself and get well soon.

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Nov 17, 2022Liked by Nick Rockel

Bummer Nick ! I do hope you would recover soon. I don't know how the weather is in Auckland right now but for me sitting in the sun and going for a swim ( January, in Oz) in the sea helped immensely. Aspirine and anti inflam too. We are in Oz in NSW border with Queensland and we've been advised to mask indoors, public transport. Re boot camp: he is nuts . I read a Stuff article i think or on one of Facebook sites that crime compared to 2014 is 50% down. I remember now those times boot camps were proposed. In fact sort if military school is Vanguard in Albany and South Auckl , with good results as it is a proper school teaching all curriculum plus a discipline to kids who can't fit in other schools. Google it. The only school funded by government. I posted on Luxon blah blah comments: Uffindell would be in charge ?

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Nov 18, 2022Liked by Nick Rockel

Kia ora Nick. I just commented on Gerard's Military Boot Camp mash....

Back in the 1980s, when the late Roz Heinz was principal at Hagley High School in Chch, (despite having no specific training) we had one 4th form class per week of Social Ed. where the kids could talk safely of things bothering them (which we did not take out of that room). And we learned of the some of the horrendous things happening in our students' lives.... I don't claim we were able to make huge differences, but I hope we might have helped them to find channels that might be able to help them.

So I do believe that things have to start at school.

But I also think it interesting that Mr CLuxon is not addressing the question of who is receiving the ramraid loot....

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Sorry to hear you are unwell Nick trust you come right quickly. Know this is not original however it doesn't hurt to be repeated. I believe the money spent on Boot Camp "attendees" would be far better spent on paying for their attendance at private schools. They would then obtain a sound education, not be classed as truants and on graduation they would be qualified to become National Party candidates. Surely a win win situation. Also as an educator of many years it's best I don't even comment about Lyin Luxon's swipe at principals . Pat Newman from Hora Hora school has done it far better than I could. Take care, get well.

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Nov 18, 2022Liked by Nick Rockel

“ I know quite a few people who work in education, every one of them is passionate, dedicated, and paid less than they should be.” Yes - absolutely. What a time to be beating up teachers who have been the backbone of our communities ravaged by Covid! Great post and thank you for including me. I hope you feel better soon.

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Thanks Emily. Not feeling too bad, nowhere near as bad as the first time although I see others are finding the opposite. I really enjoyed your piece and look forward to reading more.

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Feeling for you and your youngest boy's loss. Get well soon take a break your readers will stand by you which is to say 12 year old magic, "Stand By Me" by Ben E and Steven King

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Nov 17, 2022Liked by Nick Rockel

Take care Nick. I hope yo don't get this variant too badly. I haven't had covid yet. I've had four vaccinations so I'm hoping to avoid it. However i'm feling a bit unwell and my son who has been staying some wekends at my place just told me he is feeling pretty bad, and one of his work colleages has tested positive for covid. Watch this space. Thank you for your excellent comments re Humpty dumpty Luxon's latest "announcements". My sister phoned me last night to see what I thought of his comments. Like me she thought it was a load of nasty nonsense,and the usual drivel the Nats come up with. I said to her that i might support it if first Luxon, Mitchell, Willis, Seymour , Mueller , Brownlee and others in their team first go through the full boot camp experience. They can do the whole thing with no excuses , or soft touches for being members of parliament . The children they want to send through what I understand as being a pretty brutal experience- my sister's first husband, father of her kids was regular army and she has a fair idea of army discipline-have already experienced a good deal of brutality in their lives. What they need is something different . I'm not saying they should be able to continue to create chaos but boot camp style discipline is not the answer.I read all of Emily writes. Brilliant and an excellent summary of the issues. I share her and your outrage.

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Thanks Janis for another interesting comment. I do hope you avoid it if possible. I'm not feeling so bad but it is of course different for many - my wife had a miserable time with it earlier in the week.

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Luxon dogwhistling Hamilton West voters.

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Did you hear Sir Peter Gluckman on Morning Report today, Nick? Such a good explanation about why the dreadful Luxon’s brain farts about military-style boot camps just cannot and will not work.

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