Thanks Nick, as always. This anti-Labour push from the media is just relentless. What's in it for them? When did they stop reporting the facts? It does my head in.

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It seems there is plenty in it for Ms Lynch with her partner having a pivotal role in the ACT party! SHE SHOULD HAVE TO DECLARE THIS CONFLICT OF INTEREST WHENEVER SHE WRITES A POLITICAL OPINION.

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Aug 19, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Once again, very well said Nick - lynch's actions speak volumes about her employers attitudes.

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Aug 19, 2023·edited Aug 19, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

That beat up by Jenna Lynch was more than mischievous it was DOWNRIGHT DISINFORMATION.

Her employer could be forced to apologise for distortion and bias and an attempt to disrupt the NZ Election process.

Jenna Lynch is heading for a fall IMO.

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Aug 19, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

It’s great to draw attention to the way some media persons ( who are being paid to do this) are peddling crude and baseless theories on National TV , and radio, in order to discredit hardworking elected servants of the nation! Audiences should go out on strike for better standards of reporting, balanced and reliably accurate!!

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Aug 19, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Thank you for putting before us some of The McGillicuddy Serious Party's key policies! I had never seen them, and they're very funny.

A bit of fun in what seems, otherwise, a very gloomy picture....if we're to believe what the media, and people like Lynch, put in front of us.

As someone who does not watch TV, much of this eludes me. I'm glad.

I think we're going to have a very interesting time in the next few weeks. Luxon and Willis pushing lies and half-truths and never retracting them; Winston putting his oar back in, ever the optimist, to the prevailing current; and Seymour, doing what Seymour does best: shitting in the public pool. The others, Tamaki, Gunn, Grey....we should be glad they're running. They'll split the votes of the disaffected admirably.

I see a Greens/Labour government coming up. Anyone else think so?

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I agree with you GO Greens/Labour. We are not lost as a nation just yet to the neo liberal hijacking of our media. If Aussies can reject it so can we

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Aug 20, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Does Jenna Lynch work for the same media organisation that wants the govt and taxpayers to give it a financial bail out? Clearly struggling to get viewers and readers , wonder why?

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Aug 19, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Spot on, thanks Nick. And yes - why do a few crazed shouters get media coverage when calm and sensible people like TOP never get mentioned. TOP has some well thought out policies and presents them lucidly.

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Aug 20, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

The leader of TOP was interviewed by Jack Tame on Q@A this morning. I agree that some of their policies are interesting- such as young people doing civic service-based on the actions of the Student Volunteer Army after the Christchurch eathquakes. However, for the TOP leader to be voted into parliament, Labour would have to lose a very good electorate MP.

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Aug 20, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Great article about dismal reporting. All the people mentioned are well known for telling lies, and Sue Grey in particular has a totally distorted take on absolutely everything. Actually, all of them do! Why on earth does anyone trust them?

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Aug 20, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Excellent comment Nick. Especially re Jenna Lynch. That woman needs to be held accountable for the way she misrepresents what is the truth. I am annoyed that the person with the megaphone was able to continue to harrass, and yell over the top of Chris Hipkins today. The police should have shut him down.Sure-protest if you want to, but not in a way that shuts down others. Stuff made the point that his rabble were the only perople at the Otara market disrespecting the PM in this way. A comment from the former MP for Mangere was that he had never seen most of the people with Mr Megaphone, at the Otara market before. TheMicillicudy Serious Party were anything but. Hillarious, and I appreciated that fact given politics , and elections bring out the worst in some people-like Jenna Lynch, and Nicola Willis, who seems tohave become the NATS spokesperson,and chief fantasist. Hillarious to hear that finally Michael Woodhouse has been disrobed- has been denigrate so low on the National Party list, he has taken himself off, and will actually contest an electorate seat, Dunedin electorate seat, used to be North Dunedin, and held for twelve years by Dr David Clark. The new candidate Rachel Brooking, is Dunedin born and raised. She is a wellknown conservation lawyer, daughter of a former politics professor at Otag uni. wife of a cancer specialist, who is a Co- president of the Cancer society, and mother to growing children. Woodhouse obviously does not think he has a chance against her-he has been bemoaning his ignomiious end to his politicalcareer. If he loses- as seems likely- he will just be OUT. No valedictary speech for him. If I liked him even a little bit I would have some compassion for him, but given he tried to turn Dunedin hospital into a private/public arrangement ( along with Bill English )I am just happy to see the back of him. Of course I should not count the Labour chickens before they do hatch, but.......!

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Aug 20, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Ms Lynch never lets the facts get in the way of a good story. She has a dictionary of sensationalist words that needs to be thumbed and shared every day.

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Aug 20, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

TOP the party of white middle class guilt have no show of being elected? I presume this article will still be available on election night.

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Hi John, yes this article will still be here, and if I'm wrong please feel free to come and rub it in. It could be that TOP run such a strong on-the-ground campaign that Raf wins Ilam and takes an extra couple of MPs through on the coat tails. We have seen it done before with the campaign Chloe ran in Auckland Central last time, so it is possible.

Unfortunately I think the more likely scenario is that they don't win Ilam and say 2% of the party vote is wasted, which could make the difference in who wins the election.

I will have a full newsletter of predictions ahead of the election, but as I say by all means come back and let me know if I'm wrong - I'l probably be quite pleased to be so.

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Thanks for the article Nick. The reference to Simeon on his Tonka toy levelling the Sth Alps made me laugh. The anti Labour bias from the media is exhausting. I hope we as a country are better than the neo liberal media we are now subjected to thanks to Ponytail Key

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Well said Nick thanks. I still can't believe 'she' is paid to provide public political commentary. Says a lot for media that employ her.

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