May 9, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Thank you Nick. Most of us can only think of the boy’s family and our own families this morning. My Year 11 moko, and others off to school this morning. I think of my school teaching daughter who has taken many in camps. I think too of the risks I took as a teacher and mother. Hiking, swimming and boating. All so called calculated and managed risks but never ensured risk free.

I love that you write about the difference between you, me, most people and Luxon. It’s called an empathic response. It’s called emotional intelligence, compassion, and kindness. All of the things we have that he seemingly doesn’t.

It’s the thing we as a country and society lost a great chunk of when Jacinda Ardern was bullied out.

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Thank you Nick. Thank you for convincing me yet again that the Luxon's and Seymours ( and a few more besides!!!) of this world are aberrations and that there is still beauty and compassion out there. You write so well!!!

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May 9, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Thankyou Nick for your heartfelt writing & such a moving song.

Life is at times so utterly unfair. My heart goes out to the young lad's Whanau, fellow students & the teachers too.

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May 9, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Thanks Nick. I kept thinking all night - surely he will be OK, and so sad to hear the news. I feel so much for the family, what hell they've gone through. It's just unbelievable that such a thing could happen.

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May 10, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Thank you Nick for Nick Cave,and for writing so sensitively about the tragic loss of this young boy. I have some idea of the pain his parents and whānau wil be experiencing having been there.i have cried for him,and for them. It seems he was swept away by the force of the water, similar to the little girl who died in the floods from Cyclone Gabriel. Re Luxon and National. I turned over to Parliament TV justin time to hear the last speakers of Question Time. Chris Bishop was holding forth, loudly-trashing the govt. using the same tactic of govt.chaos. When he sat down kieran MacNaulty stood and spoke eloquently and masterfully. He pointed out that Mr Bishops speech was five minutes of trashing the govt. with yet again nothing about Nationals policies, or what they would actually do about anything. He said the speech was absolutely disgusting,and referred to Nanaia Mahuta,and Meghan Wood who had previously said that National are only about negativity. following him James Shaw stood to speak. He also said that Chris Bishops speech was negative and disgusting, and the loss of the young boy up North, and his family hadn't even been mentioned. He then went onto acknowledge all the people in the areas that are yet again being traumatised by flooding, He spoke about the little boy who lost his life and his family. He pointed out that the little boy is the 16th person to die this year from these terrible weather events. He then went onto talk about climate change, and how bad weather events accumulate before there is recovery from a previous event. Youcould hear a pin drop as he spoke. The NACTS had started to lose their bravado when Kieran spoke. They lost it completely when James Shaw spoke.

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I will have to check out the speeches. Thanks for the information and your comments :)

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I shed a tear for the student too. So terribly sad. Lovely piece of writing, Nick.

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Tears in my eyes too.

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May 10, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

It was even worse when we read that a classmate had him in his grasp and couldn't hold him against the force of water.

The trauma rippling through every soul in that damn cave.

Against all advice, signage and weather alerts ... someone decided to proceed.

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So poignant. Thank you.

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May 9, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel


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May 9, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Thank you, Nick.

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May 9, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Thank you!

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Sometimes human tragedy overwhelms politics. Ardern demonstrated it at Chch

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Thank you Nick for your very emotionally empathetic writing. Feel extremely sorry for the family and for all of the others involved. Actually took a group of students through a part of these caves many, many years ago so the trauma of yesterday was particularly relevant as we awaited news of a better outcome. Commenting about Luxon would make me feel worse.

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May 10, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Thank you for writing this Nick. Always write what you feel, what you think, and who you are.

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Great advice. Thank you Val.

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May 10, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Thanks for expressing my thought and emotions with such heartfelt words

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