Jun 4, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

A well earned Honour for Jacinda, as it was for Ashley. Where would we be without the difficult decisions that were taken by our Government on the advice of our health officials.

Yes, the ill-informed and ignorant will rant and rave, vent their spleen, froth at the mouth etc.

Let them. I and many others am grateful that we have come through the last few years with our health intact.

People need to be very careful how they vote in October, most could find themselves going backwards under a different regime.

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Jun 4, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Well said. Lovely to see Jacinda's photos again and with her helpmate Ashley. It is truly terrifying to think how Act persuades people to vote for them - do they really want to see the country destroyed?

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Jun 4, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Congratulations Jacinda Ardern and Ashley Bloomfield

Thank You both 👏 👏 👏

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Jun 4, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

ACT’s so-called policies chill me to the bone!!

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Jun 4, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Oh, Nick! You really got me with your last comment about Charles. I can't even begin to imagine the horror of being alienated from one of my children.

I don't feel the despondency about this election that you do - I see the current situation as a correction (as they say in the financial world), where too much change frightened a portion of the population enough to swing them to the right, like buying gold when shares get too volatile. They may or may not vote that way when it comes to the crunch. I have very high hopes for Gen Z as they reach voting age. Many of them are politically aware and pro-active enough to swing the balance back to the left. If NACTS win, we'll just have to suck it up and be glad we have another election in three years.

Wonderful news about Jacinda - made my heart sing.

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Jun 5, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

I agree (well I am terrified), but I have massive hopes for Gen Z - my three are fabulous...Miss 20 commented the other day, "Politics matters", and so it does...but I only realised it a short while before she did. I think the real worry is the middle/complacent, who maybe think a change in government will help them...it won't or they are too busy just trying to get by to devote too much thought time to it.

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Jun 5, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Body's cartoon in today's Herald was brilliant. Empathy and kindness are not weaknessess , they are the mark of decent human beings, something that looks to be anathema to the ACT way of thinking. Just how you could reduce the Tax take by 34 Billion $ over 4 years and not cause major societal breakdowns is beyond me.

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Rogernomics again

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Jun 5, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Worse I fear

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Jun 4, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Nick I really appreciate your writing. Thank you.

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The photos of Jacinda, Ashley and the GG Cindy Kiro make one realise that we do in fact have some wonderful people in this country who strive to make it a better place for all. Not at all like the appalling return to Rogernomics on steroids that ACT proposes and as espoused by their leading robot with a smirk.

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Jun 4, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Cool haircut Sir Ashley! Sir Ashley for President (or whatever we call the office) when we become the Republic of Aotearoa!

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Jun 5, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Wonderful article as usual Nick thank you for bringing some rationality into our lives. We are short of praise affection thoughtfulness and an intelligent where awareness of the plight of those less fortunate than ourselves we need people like you!

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Jun 5, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

My first live concert was The Who at Stafford Bingley Hall 1976 with The Steve Gibbons Band supporting. It was a selfish act on my part as my older brother was desperate to go but hadn’t been able to get tickets. But that’s sometimes how brothers behave. I wonder how a National and Act partnership will really work.

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A fair bit of sibling rivalry, I imagine!

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Well said Nick touching on Jacinda and Ashleys rolls and reminding us how wonderful two genuine and intelligent people were in saving so many lives. We are sad that they are not here to lead us anymore and even though Chippy is great we just miss them still. I hope too that Harry and his Dad find a way round their problems

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