I believe he does know and that he lies as his default mode. Would explain why so many others in this Govt take the same approach. After all the boss sets the tone for any enterprise surely. What a sad day it was when so many in the country voted for this train wreck. As an aside Jacinda received a small para on page 7 of today’s paper r…
I believe he does know and that he lies as his default mode. Would explain why so many others in this Govt take the same approach. After all the boss sets the tone for any enterprise surely. What a sad day it was when so many in the country voted for this train wreck. As an aside Jacinda received a small para on page 7 of today’s paper reporting her receiving her Damehood?? from William. From the ridiculous to the sublime.
I believe he does know and that he lies as his default mode. Would explain why so many others in this Govt take the same approach. After all the boss sets the tone for any enterprise surely. What a sad day it was when so many in the country voted for this train wreck. As an aside Jacinda received a small para on page 7 of today’s paper reporting her receiving her Damehood?? from William. From the ridiculous to the sublime.