Oct 2, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

To paraphrase David Slack, most people want something done about climate change as long as they don’t have to change their way of life in any way.

It’s going to change all of our lives and switching to an EV or recycling aren’t going to make much difference.

I’m swinging towards party vote Green too.

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Exactly! A couple of people have mentioned "acid rain" and "the ozone hole" to me recently as things that seemingly turned out to me "no big whoop despite the panic at the time". Yeah, nah. Firstly those things haven't really gone away, but they have been mitigated to some extent by global actions. It was just that they are global actions that didn't really inconvenience us. We won't always be so lucky.

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It takes collective action, which will inconvenience us to some extent, I guess, but I don't think it would be super terrible if we were all in it together, and it's better than the alternative anyway.

The consequences of the actions always play differently depending on one's personal resources, and it is hard for me to know what it is like for others, though I try to understand.

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Oct 2, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Thanks Nick.

Our Labour government has pragmatically, during election leadup, left it to Greens to push for what we have to do. I am hopeful that once we re-elect our Labour-Greens government, in a few days time, that Climate Collapse initiatives will be prioritised despite the howls of RightWing dogs.

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Well said, it makes sense as an election strategy for sure Labour focusing more on the centre and not trying to outdo the Greens on the left. Unlike the battle between ACT and National on the right.

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Oct 2, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

I'm sure all those tractors. in convoy driving up the country will help Climate Change too, NOT

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Oct 2, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Not to mention all the stress on our roads. Actually they disgust me!/

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I'm voting Green and encourage everyone to have a really look at all their policies on climate change and social justice and compare to all the other party's policies before voting out of old habits. It's not the economy, it's the f**king planet, stupid!

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I just did 😃

So impressed by their set of policies, and I think there are a lot of people who aren't necessarily Green voters looking at them and saying - yeah, that's what I want.

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Agree with the voting pattern Nick. My hope is for a Labour,Green, TPM Govt that can sit down and implement the best of each of their policies. So no party seen as being dominant and some progressive policy to address climate change and poverty for a start. Both very achievable with the right degree of co-operation. It has the possibility of being a transformational 3 years. The alternative doesn't bear thinking about .

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Oct 2, 2023·edited Oct 2, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

It's baffling why all parties are not bidding up climate action tbh. Talking to people this campaign - on doorsteps or at market stalls or even in my men's book group I find there are a myriad of opinions covering all the usual excuses from outright denial to just plain helplessness. Truely a wicked problem, but largely a sociological one.

A friend recently suggested perhaps I'd be better off joining a conservative party (since of course outwardly I'd pretty much fit in), and trying to swing it to some climate action. Unfortunately I think that's based on the misconception that conservative parties are member driven like, say, the Greens are. What I'd have to do is become a *donor* to a conservative party. And in that situation unfortunately I'm unable to compete with the big boys.

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In the past I have joined Canadian conservative parties to vote in their leadership elections (it's not like NZ) but that didn't really seem to help...

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Oct 2, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

I'm sticking with Labour because they DO take climate change seriously. But also the Greens need Labour to actually get to the table. I would vote for the Greens in my electorate except I have no idea who the candidate is, and the Labour candidate in my electorate is a strong representative. (Over the years I have split my vote. I heard James Shaw's message about Party vote Greens- but my vote is still with Labour who will bring the Greens on board if they win.) Rachel Brooking, the Dunedin candidate, taking over from David Clarke is a Conservation lawyer and very well regarded in this space. She also has covid -same time as Chippy, but it will not affect her chances of being elected. Michael Woodhouse is her opponent, and even he thinks he won't win. If Labour /Greens win this election it will show that people take climate change seriously, and know thata Labour/Greens coalition is essential to get action on climate change.

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Oct 3, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Te Partie Māori are climate activists. If they form a coalition with Labour and the Greens it will be interesting to see how they are able to work with each others difference, but I think there is enough commonality , and maturity for them to negotiate a working relationship. Unlike Seymour, and Winston Peters. Rawiri Waitati , when he is not creating dramatic moments in parliament, seems to be thoughtful, and willing to negotiate in the best interests of Māori , and those of us he refers to as Tangata Treaty.

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Labour has a climate manifesto but it hasn't had much publicity https://www.labour.org.nz/release_labour_releases_new_zealand_s_first_climate_manifesto

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Newsmedia wont promote it.

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National & ACT are all for throwing a Blanket over the Climate Change issue, so folk don't see, or understand that they're ( as in NACT & Their Polluting Donors) holdin out for the Big Bucks offers to be made from Desperate People that have spent their Farms trying to align themselves with a Money Making CTS scheme only to find there ain't no Money in it because the Big Global Polluters & their Political Feux Regulator Pals aren't buying even the CHEAP Carbon Credits to offset their massive investments in India, China, EU North America rolled into one, because thats the case now with Canada & Uncle Sams relationship.

Meanwhile, back to you Dear NACT Voter! You were Planting out your land in Carbon Sync's & uncovering the Wetlands, previously buried by Land fill with thin coats of the Good Stuff spread on top to make the land look like it might be of higher Production Value than Shreks place a few meters down the Street. Value is Value, so hang in their good Buddy!!!

Hey Mate, Step right up, have we got a deal for you!!! Ignore this Climate change BS & we'll do the same & make sure we find a wee Hidey Hole in the Market Catacombs where all that Carbon Gold is hidden, just waiting for us to dig it out of the Solid Gold Brick Walls for ya,!! If you can just pretend that this stuff isn't happening for at least until after the Election, then we'll make ya Right ole Mate! Trust us, we know how to manipulate Markets & Manage Economy's better than those sickly Greens & their Diseased Partner, Labour.

Our last Big Bossman showed us the ropes & we wrote that shit down & know the combination to the Algorithms runnin this show. now, Nicky Guaranteed it in Blood, Sweat & a lotta Tears without givin away any trade secrets.

She even said she'd retire if their numbers weren't right on the Foreign Buyer Flood Gate thing. Lol & those Media Guys rollin the Camera's during the Finance ministers Debate, actually filmed it and thought Nicky was serious. They'll believe ANYTHING, so be patient & wait for that Golden Ring to come your way. Nobody does it better than ole Lux Luther & his Sidekick, the Wicked Witch of the West with her Hair on Fire streakin down the Sideline without the Ball!

If it comes up, just cough into the Mic & say Bullshit under your breath at the same time, No Worries, Bob's your Uncle!!! We'll get past this thing and the MArket will save our arses. We'lll make out like, well, the Bandits we are! (Don't mention. this in front of any camera's, ok???) Now get out there and VOTE Blue, for you, me & Free Market Rides for every Bozo on our Bus dumb enough to buy our BS...

I almost pissed myself laughing at your Portrayal of Luxon as Peter Griffin, the Family Guy!!! Perfect, except Chris has a few fewer Real Live Brain Cells to work with than Griffin does, but don't worry he's catching up with every Family Guy issue he watches on the Big Blue Bus totin his Honorless arse around the Country.

Fake to the left, Fake to the Right, a short punt over the Top to the Girl with her Hair on fire streakin down the sidelines without the ball, intent on scoring with, or with any damn Ball. Me, Me, Me, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme & Pass those #0.50mm Sheep Shears!

This Dumbed Down, STEM Educated flock won't know what hit em until we're happily Haunting the Beehive, maybe sometime around Christmas when they notice that Coal in their Admin Stockings hangin on the Hearth. Maybe they thought I was jokin about all those cuts I've got planned for those Silly Suzie's suckin our Air.

Oh, speakin of Air, we have a plan for that Commodity that nobody's been able to tame long enough to put a price tag on. Nobody, except us that is, so measure those breaths your takin for free right now & forget about those Big Gulps! Just get back to work & pretend nothings happening & you'd be Dead Right Mate!

Maybe we should offer an Oxygen Cylinder in every Meritocratic Members Pot for Christmas as a Prep for our next big ACT with National in the Drivers Seat??? Strap in and smile through those shiny Teeth you just bought with Afterpay & see you at the Polling Place..... You might even be able to Vote with Lux when he passes through your town on the Campaign Trail. One vote is for Sissy's & we don't want to waste any prime Camera footage showing you, our valued Donor voting with the Leader of our Free Market World. We'll even send you a framed picture next to him in the Booth with Ballot in Hand!

Now that may not be as far fetched as it sounds, so think carefully before you cast that vote! Your Kids Lives might depend on it! Power at all Cost, has it's Price. Remember that when you vote, please!!!

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Let America drown and hopefully the globalists will be there

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deletedOct 2, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel
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Oct 2, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

I'm seeing the same thing down here in Tasman / Nelson District's. We haven't had as much rain as many other districts around us, but ACT & National Signs are growing like weeds in all the cracks in the Footpaths & in abandoned House Yards, overgrown with Weeds.

Something tells me this isn't a "Grass Roots" Effort at all!??! It's more like a Banksy Festival without the Political Humour on Crumbling Infrastructure with Seymour, or Luxon's picture on it. Hardly humourous... I can't believe that people would be so damn dumb in buying either of their BS Fairy Tale Stories about our Roaring back into Profitability when their plan calls for a serious raise in Unemployment that will follow Nicola's forced Vasectomy on our Domestic, Administrative Bureaucratic Workforce... Geez, not all of em are guys, so whats with the Scalpel Nicola???

What on earth are these folks thinkin???

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Here we see the wealth of the NACT parties. They have a lot of money to throw around . Labour do not. I have been asked to donate money for one billboard for the campaign. That is how Labour are paying for their billboards-getting individual donations. I have been asked so manytimes, and in so many different ways to donate. I donate monthly- with an AP. Just a small amount. I also make separate donations for specific purposes. I see an email from Hayden Munro inmy box which seems to be asking for a donation because of Chippy's covid. I haven'tlooked at it closely but Hayden doesn't miss a beat- he's very creative at getting donations at various stages of the campaign. It reminds me of all the years my family lived hand to mouth, just making ends meet. It seems to be like that for Labour, while the NACTS can flash their cash, and overwhelm people with thei large advertisements of how marvellous they are.

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I've followed the same methodology in making donations to the Greens during this election period. I don't have ANY money to burn! I usually run out of it by around the middle of each month & have to scramble to buy Groceries, Fuel, pay the Power Bill & my fortnightly rent to my KO / WINZ Landlord, so I can sleep well at night without worrying about somebody I might have missed paying on time, every time before i do anything else with my spare <Deficit> monthly Cash.

Damn the Torpedoes, full Steam Ahead!!!! This is a seriously important Election, don't discount it's importance for a second!! I've managed to Eke out a $5.00 donation in August & a desperate $50.00 to the Greens on Saturday last week, because I fully support their Policies & don't want to see them get pipped at the Post from not being able to afford to fund their Campaign signs & Staff their Coordinators sufficiently to do their jobs in urging the Public to Vote.

The election is just THAT Critical that IF I have to tighten my belt & go without lunch until Election time! I'm prepared to do that if it means the difference between defeat at the hands of these Greed Grubbing Me Firsters of NACT in making sure as best as I can to keep THEM away from the Wellington Power Brokers Seats come October 14th!!!!

My life & my young 27 year old Daughters life depend on this Election outcome like never before! Her Mother & I went through the Mother of all Budgets in '91 before she was born, while trying to start up our Family Business importing Musical Instruments & trying to plan ahead for the rest of our small family.

We watched our Capital funds being eroded by this vicious attack on Middle Class Earners & SME's & we knew we'd need to punch new holes in our Family Belt to comply with her ridiculous policies, but we had a plan that included Children & my Wife was feeling the pangs of an Ageing reproductive system as she edged past 33 in those years.

So now on this end of the Black Stump, I'm NOT about to take any chances on my Daughters future, so if spending Capital on Donations to the Greens, whose policies are in line with what SHOULD be the Countries direction at this point in history seems like a perfectly efficient management of my small stack of $2.00 Dollar Coins to be used in support of what I believe in.

This may for some folks, be a "Hold your Nose" Election to as they see it. Seymour, Lux deluxe & Winnie's pet Slogan "Take our Country Back" is very weird to hear here in NZ for me. We never really lost the Country that we're supposed to be taking back. Besides that, I Loathe Trump & American Style Politic's and shudder every time I hear Lux Luther roll Trumps line's off his forked Tongue.

The guys a One Man Show, so I'm wondering why he used "Our" before "Country Back"????? Far too possessive of a remark for this guy to Blurt out in public. I dunno, maybe the "Our" was for the benefit of the Mouse in his pocket that instructs his small Brain on effective Buzz words to make it look like he wants help to get his beleaguered, Talentless Team over the line come October 14, so you should be racing out to the polls with your Box Ticker in hand to vote for them. "THEM" - A 1960's late night Sci Fi Show about Giant Ant's. It wasn't in colour, but i bet the Ant's were Blue ones?!!?

He needs his Base for the Short Term, not long term, so if the Blue shirt Suckers get him elected, well he sure won't need em after he Ballot Boxes their Party Votes.

I'm hoping that both Major Parties end up dilluting their votes & needing to look to Coalition Partners to turn their Pawns into Queens on the Grand Checker Board in the Sky. Turn this election into the fight it deserves!

Labour are no longer the Favourite Flavour in the Ice Cream Shop. Lux Luther & St David the Slayer of the Indigent have managed to cancel their Bus Ticket with BS, made up Rubbish & Cancel Culture Sloganism that reverberates with Desperate, very Greedy, self serving folks that refuse to work across the aisles with their opposition.

Labour seem to be hung up & are living in delusion from different times when they showed up & went eye ball to eye ball with ACT & Nationals White Supremacists & backed them in a Temporary Corner.

Well, Temporary is only temporary & the Temperment of pissed off cashed up, Mega Rental Property Slingin idiots with bad attitudes DID NOT stop them from tripling down on ANYTHING - Red, out of retribution for taking their Guns away along with their Land Cruisers & Range Rovers & telling to sign up for the CTS.

These Blokes & Blokette's will do whatever it takes to Cancel Labours Bus Ticket & kick everybody else in the Nutz, twice, for those without em.

Why is Democracy so lenient on these idiots in giving them equal space for their total nonsensical demands.

I voted 2 ticks to my choice yesterday to avoid a fight with my conscience, that feels maybe Labour should be able to prove "3rd Terms a Charm" at least, when it comes to changing & delivering the good that will deliver all of us from the Meritocratic Markets Debtor Prison's & Work Camps, Boot Camps & MASH Camps as necessary to shovel the bodies of all us losers off the Tarmac once we're crushed under the wheels of Seymours Private plane, looking for Random Places to land without official Runways...

I don't mind starving myself for a while, for a good cause! I don't feel we need Tax Relief right now. If anything we need more Tax Money coming in from the folks dodging their responsibilities with Trusts & other Tax & Capital Shelters, & Defense Department Stocks with Weapons makers in the USof A, not less. What are these idiots thinking??? Just doesn't make any sense to me... I thought we were into Peace & Wellbeing outcomes for everybody, not just the Mad Market manipulators...

My song for the Day, which I don't have a link for is from the Grateful Dead, called Ship of Fools. Appropriate right about now!

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This morning on RNZ I heard a very disturbing commentary by Mr. Luxon & Woodhead, his assistant Mouthpiece & Brain, claiming that Goldman Sac's, who were tasked with reviewing Nationals Tax Reduction Plan & put their Warrant of Fitness on it, "were showing their Labour Bias" in stating after their review that Nationals Tax Reduction plan would do more to ADD to long term Inflation & would not be fit for purpose. He didn't even acknowledge that it was Goldman Sachs, not labour, reviewing their Tax policy.. "Nah, our numbers are right, they're wrong not us"...

Now, that is quite a damning Statement coming from one of the Top 3 Investment House's on Earth! Luxon's response was Labour are telling you Lie's. They're desperate & running scared & will do, or say anything to stay in Power! (Transferal Much???)

He was reminded by the RNZ commentator "Twice" that the Review came from Goldman Sachs, not Labour, but Luxon took no notice of that whatsoever & like some kind of Fast Talkin Human Automaton, unleashed an unbelievable torrent of claims about the full spectrum of what Nationals plans would accomplish in lowering inflation, unemployment, the cost of living (that somehow seemed completely unattached to Inflation, the underly basis for the rise in the Cost of Living)

Lux Luther thinks Inflation & Cost of Living aren't relative to each other, but he's determined to tie Unemployment Benefits to the inflation index, like Ruth Richardson did when she killed off Beneficiaries & started the Child Poverty Ball rolling in the '91 budget from hell she laid on the Country back then.

Luxster says the changes planned to WINZ will create an Employment Boom, by getting those Bottom Feeders off the Benny & back to work, work, work.

1. Completely in denial about the Goldman overview, said it was just more Labour


2. Claimed his plan would lower Unemployment numbers, when in fact, the cuts Willis is planning to the Wellington Administrative Bureaucracy will drastically increase unemployment in Skilled job's that will not be able to cross to the Private Sectors to find work once they're sacked. The Private Sector practice the same sort of Efficiency Management & are cutting Staff, rather than adding any!

That in itself will be a disaster & send more of our young folks across the Pond in a big hurry to top up Australia's Public Service Work Force Vacancies, with a pay Raise to boot. Would you stick around with Luxon & Willis running amok with a Giant Slasher to make their Budget numbers work?

Lux-o-motion then went on a 3 minute Tirade like someone possessed by Demons . Lies, I am not a Chicken, our plans are Rock Star Solid, Goldman Who??? Labour have failed our Economy & I'm gonna save it, Blah, Blah di Blah Blah.

This was so disturbing that I honestly wonder if this guy was on Antipsychotic Drugs & using some sort of Word Association Program that he's memorised with just a couple Zinger Answers to every question he's asked in these interviews.

His sentences are incongruous and don't make any sense AT ALL, if you slow his speech Tempo down to under 98 beats per minute. Currently, his speech is well over 128 BPM, Like a Rapper on Meth in front of a tough crowd.

This guy is Power Drunk & talkin completely out his arse on some kind of Endless Loop Gobbledigook, "I can't Hear you "Monologue with his fingers in his ears like a 5 year old...

We're getting to the scary part of this Election folks. National is not interested in Representative Democratic Governance for the People. It's just the Economy, Stupid, -They want it all, to do it all their way & have no interest in debating their policies with anybody because they refuse to accept their policies just won't work. Denial on this scale is extremely dangerous! This is the same type of Denial that put Trump in the White House in the USA!

There's too much similarity between this type of Corporatist / Governmance Politicking around the World. They all carry Empty Bags, promise the world to their followers, get elected, then expose the empty Bag over their Term, when it comes to delivering to all his followers. That's what you get with a former CEO that runs a Corporatocracy. Running a Country is night & Day different to running a Corporation & Luxomotion has ZERO experience in running a Country!!!

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Oct 2, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Agree with this- the signs are overwhelming! Mysteriously though the party leaders of those signs swoop in, take a-look around, some good photo ops, nod wisely, don some boots, meet up at a prestigious cafe or farm with very expensive equipment, say what people want to hear and swoop out. On the ground, there are subtle and not so subtle changes happening and we can't behave like ostriches.

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