Nov 2, 2022Liked by Nick Rockel

I contacted G too, wondering about where he had gone as I could not think of anything he had said that would put him in facebook jail. I also was shocked by the reply about nudity. My husband and I look forward to reading G's posts as they are not only entertaining but also full of truth with well researched facts and figures that you don't ever see on main stream media.

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Nov 2, 2022Liked by Nick Rockel

G is just superb , looking forward to his return, and yes the whole thing stinks to high heaven...

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Nov 2, 2022Liked by Nick Rockel

Love Mr G and also your wonderful blogs too, Nick.

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Nov 2, 2022Liked by Nick Rockel

Yes missing G's insights on the financial report released yesterday and on the Breakfast interview with Chris Luxon where his proposed tax cuts and how they would benefit the most wealthy according to CTU. And would like to hear his take on how Chris Bishop and right wing commentators spun Georgie Dansey not getting accurate information about a meeting with Andrew Little. Glad that he will be out of fb jail in time for this weekend's Labour's national conference.

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Nov 2, 2022Liked by Nick Rockel

Sorry 'where his proposed tax cuts....' should have ended with 'was challenged'

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Nov 2, 2022Liked by Nick Rockel

Thank you Nick. I stopped watching the Spews months ago. Still get a lot of rubbish on fb. I hadn't seen or heard about G 😳, that is shocking !!! You & G news are my main source of intelligent conversation, with Real News & Views. Keep going from one salt of the earth to another 🌎📰😎👍

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Nov 3, 2022Liked by Nick Rockel

How GO is being treated, is outrageous; as was JMM's comment on National Radio. I could not believe what I was hearing at the time. The denial from TVNZ is simply adding another level of frustration and anger to this disgrace.

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I guess it is pertinent that Simon Power is a former National Party MP. I found his explanation of Jessica Mutch Mackay's comments to be weird.The complaint about her behaviour was very specific, but his reply did not address that specific incident.

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Nov 2, 2022Liked by Nick Rockel

Interesting point to exit the platforms - i’ve been thinking about this myself! What are the options? Would G consider starting a G news site?

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Nov 2, 2022Liked by Nick Rockel

'G is only gone for three days and then he returns, hmmm that sounds familiar'. Well G is the good news!

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Nov 2, 2022Liked by Nick Rockel

Great piece Nick👍

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Nov 3, 2022Liked by Nick Rockel

Thank you Nick for writing about this rather bizarre punishment inflicted on Gerard. Like many others I enjoy his commentary, and the way he calls out the many misleading/inappropriately edited items we see on the 'news'.

You and G are voices of reason, keep up the good work.

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Thank you Nick for making me aware of G News which I will follow once this fiasco resolves itself. If his content is a good as yours then it will be another source of intelligent viewpoints, which are sadly lacking, with one exception, in the NACT Herald. Thank goodness also for Jeffrey Sachs, Noam Chomsky, Dejay Prasad, Chris Hedges etc for world news viewpoints that are not mainstream propaganda. Keep writing please.

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Nov 3, 2022Liked by Nick Rockel

Excellent summary. The thing with Mutch McKay is that she’s unable - as journalists should - able to distinguish the difference between “free speech and honestly held opinion” and “misogyny”. She blocks anyone on Twitter just because she doesn’t like their opinion counter to her own. That is the worst type of journalism.

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Nov 3, 2022Liked by Nick Rockel

I am privileged to be associated with you and G. Thanks for accepting me as a member/follower and admirer. You two are a source of truth, intelligence, honesty, passion and above all you two make the most sense in my world. I’m getting on in age with some health issues and I’m not so tech savvy. Keep up the good work and fight. I’m proud of you and in your corner!

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Thank you Natalie, it is a privilege to have people that care about the same things take the time to read the work and say what they think too. Always appreciate your comments and support. Take care.

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Brilliant piece of work right here. Loved the "Muse" at the end too.

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Nov 3, 2022Liked by Nick Rockel

Nick Rockel; Thanks, for this. Media is becoming so horrific, and with stupid FB bans what the heck next.

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What we really need is an analysis team so that every time mis disinformation gets posted, we have a lawyer compile a succinct complaint that works. I'm thinking flooding the ... just isn't working, just locking people out for posting ... what ... nude pictures??? May cost us unless we can find someone in the biz who cares but it would be worth it

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