When interviewed by the Guardian about ( one of Aotearoa's top fresh water ecologists ) Mike Joy's assertion that we don't have a Clean Green NZ anymore and that many/ most rivers in NZ were unswimmable and undrinkable due mainly to dirty dairy practices John Key famously said he could come up with any number of " scientists " that would say the opposite to Mike. I wouldn't be surprised if John had a word in a few influential ears and although Mike still has a job at Wellington University you don't hear too much from him as a scientist or expert these days.

A bit like how you didn't hear much from John Campbell for years after the famous " I want that left wing bastard gone ".

Experts and scientists currently must be very worried with this government about raising their heads above the parapet. When you see the old guard of English, Joyce, McCully, Sowry and Bridges given cushy jobs on insultingly high salaries then you just know the Old Boys Network ( and now the influence of the Atlas Network ) is in full command of the steering wheel. Next it will be Paula Benefit.

Heaven help us we are on the Fast Track to oblivion.

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BACK on the fast track to oblivion

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We sure are!

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Depressingly accurate

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Trustworthy Science is about peer reviewed research, objectivity, rigor and evidence. We ignore it at our peril. There is no such thing as alternative facts to science that is trustworthy and peer reviewed. That concept is nonsense and concerning.

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Wouldn’t it be nice if the media cited The Atlas Network ‘playbook’ every time these Ministers evaded honest responses by ignoring the science, or referring to a ‘range of’ opinions. This is decision making by reckons and lobbyists…

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You’re right- far too many foxes in the hen house! I’d even go further and say that they are all foxes except that would be unfair on foxes! This lot are pure evil and demonstrably thick as pigshit!

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Ferrets I've decided is a good New Zealand equivalent for foxes.

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Yes, I would prefer to say ferrets in the henhouse. They are evil and killing our futures any which way they can.

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An extremely on-point and valuable Korero Nick. We have a corrupt government and ignore your points at our considerable peril.

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We acknowledge we have a piss poor government that would rather see people on the streets smoking and out of sight rather than do anything to alleviate it, they want the money and power. So what we need to do is ignore the government and work hard to undermine everything they are trying to do. Get the word out, stop smoking, leas our best lives and give them the almighty finger when they can't figure out why they are not winning.

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Well explained Nick. Some terrible precedents being set, by incompetent uncaring Ministers. Beware of supposed gains, as this Party has a history of short term gains and long term pains.

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Another very good summary Nick and as usual absolutely correct. Have been wondering if the cost of living crisis that was such a big issue before the election has been solved because we don’t hear about it any more. Maybe Luxton has set up a review panel to prove all is well. Paula Benefit to lead it as she is the expert on helping the poor; she made a science of it after all.

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How depressing Nick. Unfortunately we are stuck with this government until the next election, and maybe even further. Students protesting about not taking climate change seriously is fantastic, and gives us some hope. Seymour wants them to protest in the weekends. Thats how seriously he takes student protests. He will find out how serious they are, the hard way. They will continue to protest and not when he says they can.

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What if, students of all schools & universities decided, NO! not good enough, and stood down from school for a week or more, and Went on a Proper School Strike !!

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Wait for the arse to fall out of NZ's ag exports when those overseas markets, aka people, stop buying into the 'premium product' spin because our farming sector (not all, I know a few) refuse to acknowledge that the way they have always done things is a dead end road. Then I'll cry me a river when these poor farmers have to sell the bach, the boat & abandon the European summer holiday. The enlightened farmers were making traction, thry derserve support, the rest, derision.

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This CoC that ignore and deny Facts - including scientifically peer reviewed research are just an unashamedly lying corrupt pack of anti-democratic, anti-science pompous dirty politicians that deserve nothing more than contempt. They will go down in history as the most politically and morally corrupt government ever.

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And so say all of us!

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The interview outside the school with Noddy Luxon and Seymour the Smirk we saw recently on TV made me feel embarrassed to be a Kiwi. What a Duo of Dorks.

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They have their own experts on how to teach from the Atlas Network as well. Whilst they refer to cognitive it seems to me its about drill and practice teachers doing drill and practice classroom routines.

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Well written, Nick. Thanks.

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Thanks again for reminding us of some salient points. Such an amalgamation of ‘spin doctors.’

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Most definitely “we’ve got to get these lobbyists the hell out of our government”.

The Speaker will not even identify them, so how can we give them a DCM?

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