Thanks for this thought provoking post Nick. Must say as a Labour supporter I was disappointed in the manner of Meka’s move however your piece gives a very balanced explanation. Regardless it is so important the three left leaning parties win this election in spite of the mega bucks the right wing donors have paid to enable a nasty Nact result.

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May 9, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

The media are rediculous, it's yesterday's news. However, I can't get over her disrespect for the PM, and her refusal to communicate after the event.

The rain will wash it away as the media swivel to politicise water falling from the sky.

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Yep, all anyone will be talking about this afternoon is the weather. Don't get me wrong, I thought the way she treated Labour and the PM was rude and unprofessional, I get why Labour people are really angry.

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May 9, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

A Labour , Greens Maori Party 3 way coalition is ok by me.

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May 9, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

An excellent read - thank you! Thoughtful and balanced and fair to all. I like the three party graphic, except I would put Labour in the centre! I am keen to see a three party coalition form the next government to keep things moving forward regarding climate change, Māori rights under the Treaty, and a Universal Basic Income, which I believe could save more than it would cost over time. Bring it on!

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May 9, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

This is a sensitive and measured article which I believe makes sense. I wish Meka well in her new party and success in advocating for Maori. Onwards and forwards for our Labour Government continuing to do the mahi in the talented and evidence based way that they do. Congratulations to the MP's who have been promoted as a result of Mata leaving.

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Yes, exactly. I wish we'd read more of this type of analysis in the regular media. I'm not closely engaged but family connections to Labour suggested that loyalty is highly prized in that party and perceived disloyalty therefore considered quite a grave offence. Not sure that's a good thing to be honest, sometimes principles may call MPs to switch parties. And as you say under MMP it makes less difference to the progressive movement as a whole.

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May 9, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Well-written and I agree!

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May 9, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

nice one. i have not seen any maori MPs running down each other from any side. in fact the opposite. an example perhaps of how whakapapa works in te ao maori. we are all related and when there are disagreements it is more important to keep whakapapa together than to win an argument. i see a similar sentiment in your writing. an excellent example of whakawhanaungatanga "our left wing whanau are stronger together". and thanks for the music, i remember very much enjoying Local Hero and will always remember the scene where the locals couldnt afford to eat the produce of their labour, the lobster.

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May 9, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Thanks for your thought provoking article. I have decided that I hold a grudge a bit longer than you. The way she left and treated our PM and her caucus colleagues was disrespectful. And she would have plenty to say if the shoe was on the other foot. Now the te Pati party have 2 people I dont feel are genuine in much that they say

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May 9, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

You said just what I have been thinking Nick. Thank you!

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May 9, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

I am afraid I cannot disregard the role John Tamihere may have played in this scenario. He was evicted from Helen Clark's Labour cabinet after having lunch with a free lance journalist and proceeded to trash his Labour colleagues. Some may remember the "front bum"comments about certain Labour women. Willie Jackson was also kicked out of the Labour party at some stage, but let back in at the 2017 election. John Tamihere had tried to get back in , unsuccessfully. The polls indicate that the Māori Party could be the 'kingmaker" at the upcomong elections. I'd love to be a fly on the wall at those negotiations. Meka may get her desired cabinet seat as a Te Party Māori MP.if they do become the Kingmakers. I do not like the disrespectful way Meka treated her caucus colleagues, and especially the PM. It was no accident that she decided to leave when he was out of the country. However ,Jenny May Clarkson's interview with Meka this morning revealed that she had decided it was time to honour her whakapapa, and align herself with what she sees as a genuinely Māori political party.

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Considered and thoughtful even tho necessarily compiled at speed. Better than the stuff put out by newspaper and TV hacks to relentlessly promote big business and win media awards.

I do detect an underlying wish from Meka Whaitiri to punish Labour. In particular the young PM anointed by Meka nemesis Jacinda Ardern. My take on politicians of any stripe is, with rare but inevitable exceptions, that they are in it for toko tahi - number-one

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May 15, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

While I am with you on the big picture (wouldn't be a subscriber otherwise ) I feel a couple of points need to be considered: 1) what happened to kanohi ki te konohi - felt a bit rich for Hipkins to be lectured on tikanga in London while this was playing out back home. 2) and this applies to Elizabeth Kerekere also - why are individuals allowed to distort the proportionality of the vote of the people - she should have stepped away altogether and started her run as a te Parti Māori candidate from a clean slate, and 3) this tone deaf sideshow makes the left look less attractive to the small group of swinging voters who are worried about the implications of Labour being hostage to te Parti Māori - and this was emphasised by JT following up with his bottom lines and finally 4) she was Minister for Cyclone recovery - cant think of a better way she could be helping her people in this time of need

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Agree 100% with all you say, all excellent points.

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May 10, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Thoughtful respectful column thanks Nick.

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May 9, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

On second thoughts, I guess I have to admit to feeling that Meka has let Labour people down though she appeared to be committed to them. Labour should be congratulated for supporting Maori I believe. The Nats won't.

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May 9, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Well said Nick. Remind me what was Shane Reti's dishonesty? I like what you've said here and I agree: we need to put things in perspective. The only thing I was upset about was that Meka could possibly have done more for those in her electorate in her current position than as an independent - however, I imagine someone good will be put in to achieve what they can for the electorate.

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