
@vebatevic on Twitter pointed out the following exchange:

Karen Chhour: My job is to stop abuse in care.

Jack Tame: How do we stop abuse happening in boot camps?

Karen Chhour: To be fair, that's not the point of boot camps.

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Jun 23Liked by Nick Rockel

How does a first time list MP from a party that got 8.64% of the party vote get such an important role?Maybe Luxon knew that what he really wants from what he calls OT (grrr) (Social Investment from profit seeking “philanthropists”) will create such a stuff up that it would be unhelpful for his agenda to have an experienced and intelligent National party minister in that role.

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I was unaware that there were any intelligent National party MPs. I haven't been aware of any righteously standing up for commonsense since before Key

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I agree with that historical observation completely'

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He says OT coz he can't pronounce Oranga Tamariki. Even tho he has had taxpayer funded lessons. What a waste.

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Jun 23Liked by Nick Rockel

Nick, the amount of abuse that will occur in these boot camps will be swept under the carpet.

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Of course it will...that is the whole purpose of them....to be seen to be doing something about the problem that is actually much cheaper than fixing the problem. Karen Chhour is a frighteningly cynical misanthrope.

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She certainly is that / hopeless too

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She is lacking intelligence!

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As well as lacking emotional empathy (EQ), eh. A politically ineffective combination....Seymour however is truly dangerous, because he has intelligence but no empathy whatsoever.....a frighteningly exact copy of the young and extremely eager Hitler, who ALSO came from seemingly minor party....

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Seymour is very very dangerous

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Naive or dumb?

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Given that she was probably Chris Luxon's preference, probably both? That plus a general NACT1st Govt. disdain for social welfare concerns would add up to explaining why she got to be in her position....the job does not "matter much", because most of "them" are "bottom-feeders".

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Jun 23Liked by Nick Rockel

A great read Nick, saying it as it is. Nzer's have been duped again voting for parties that misinform the public, with slogans and right wing, think tank rhetoric and then conveniantly have the right wing media amplify their nonsense.

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Jun 23Liked by Nick Rockel

Well said, Jacqui!!

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Jun 23Liked by Nick Rockel

Yes indeed Nick. We watched the news and saw massive energy put into distractions, and the filth estate lets them do this. Has anyone in msm mentioned Seymour and his Snapchat adventures? Has anyone actually asked these smooth talking charlatans to back up their empty words about commitment, resilience etc - No, and there is the problem behind the problem

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Jun 23Liked by Nick Rockel

Yes, the ferries are past use by date. But, their costs were fixed. The cost increases were for port upgrades. What always seems to be brushed under the mat, is that the port facilities are way past useby date also. Inadequate for today's freight movements

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No chance that we could actually move with the times under this lot!

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Jun 23Liked by Nick Rockel

Isn't this just another name for Borstal? Does this government have no sense of what went before?

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None at all. The lock them up and bully them method speaks volumes about the sort of people we now have making decisions.

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Jun 23·edited Jun 23Liked by Nick Rockel

Excellent read today Nick. I laughed when they pulled out the old Dead Cat on the Table strategy, not that the MSM noticed - fawning sycophants is a description far too generous for that hopeless lot.

Luxon read the room...Haha...he doesn't know how to read any situation - given his sickeningly disrespectful touchy touchy hand rubs he gives to everyone he meets.

I believe he is getting a new and bigger nose - just so he has an even better excuse not to look past it.

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Jun 23Liked by Nick Rockel

The government seems to operate like those arrogant folk who think it’s better to deal with the fallout than to actually consult people beforehand. Total disrespect.

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Yes, yes and yes Nick. Along with a biased and compliant media this bunch of self serving clowns is becoming worse by the day. Masters of distraction and hyperbole, lies and dis/misinformation. Where is the One News poll when it is needed. Guess Maiki is gun shy after the last one.

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Well said Nick. I shudder to think what state the country will be in by the next election. What worries me though is that the endless blame shifting of all problems onto the previous Labour government, the lies and deception, and the biased media, will ensure the public will be sucked in to giving them a second term.

The ear worm song every time I hear the last news on the coalition brain-farts is, unsurprisingly, “We’re on a highway to hell”.

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Jun 23Liked by Nick Rockel

It's going to a feckin long winter with these halfwits in charge.

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There are two announcements I am waiting with bated breath and crossed fingers to hear. First, Nicola Willis brings sad tidings to those who voted on the promise of tax cuts. "I'm awfully sorry to tell you that we can't offer you any cuts this term because we actually need the money to fix a couple of minor issues. Ferries that don't run to schedule, (or in the right direction), funding for the disabled, sick, poor, redundant and any other number of petty things. We are working very hard in the hope we can change things by around 2075, but we can't guarantee any help before then".

Second. That Sam Unfindell, who has been very quiet lately, has become Minister of incarceration and waving big sticks, (or bed legs, whatever he can reach first), at children in boot camps because they stole some sweets from the local dairy. National could then brag that they have at least one minister whose track record qualifies him perfectly for the position.

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Crikey thats a disturbingly feasible picture

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Jun 23Liked by Nick Rockel

Love your work as ever Nick. Simple Simeon blethered yesterday "It’s to do with how the rudders work. It is my understanding that they lost the ability to steer the ship.” ..... such an unwittingly apt analogy of his own party leader including Luxon's cowardly handling of his sleazy coalition partners!

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Agree he's such a dip shit

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Makes me wonder, what is next? One economic analysis (if that is not a too generous use of the word?), pointed out the budget expense is $140 Billion, while the Tax Income is $123 Billion, does not seem like a time to reduce Tax? But then, we do have the Entitled Predators roaming the streets, and a less tax does have a nice ring to it? All under the watchful eye of a Buffoon with a Bare head, ( nothing On and nothing In either). Where do Criminals learn skills, in Jails - or boot camps - higher education?

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No he’s never had a proper education!! How did he ever get to his present position? Did he buy it?

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No Judith, he is a C-lister, I think...therefore he must have got to where he is ( and whatever he becomes or gets to from here on in) by licking big money's ass, fawning over the billionaires (and fondling them with his hands) whilst singing (or cooing?) "yes sir, three bags full sir...", and then eagerly doing whatever nasty job they asked him to do, all the way up the slimy totem pole to where he is now.

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Does licking big money's ass reveal Luxon as a true "bottom feeder"? Or should that just apply mostly to his followers, who gladly feast on the crap he feeds them?

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Maybe, man, yeah....so that is how he began, probably....but I don't think he's a bottom feeder any more, I just think he knows the territory very well, so he knows how to attract the 'upwardly aspiring" wanting-to- become millionaire ass-lickers, just the way he was attracted....

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He has a Master of Business Administration. He works systems, but is low on emotional or social intelligence. He "acts" hail fellow well met, but it rings false to onlookers. The Japanese practice stoic manners, so their reaction is hard to read. It felt C grade to us, after Jacinda, where her welcome on the world stage was obvious to all.

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Thanks for that- I’d never have guessed it!!

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Jun 23Liked by Nick Rockel

yes this whole government in a "steering failure". or not? wait for the private ferry company to come and "save" us.

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likely this international corporation which already operates wellington trains and ferries in australia. https://www.transdev.com.au/

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I remember Toll well they totally stuffed our train services & then we had to buy it back.Some services are much better when run by the government.

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Hmmmm....so that's what the Triumvirate of Twerps were up to, privatizing....they probably didn't want to make it so obvious, eh?

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Brilliant, as ever Nick

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Jun 23Liked by Nick Rockel

Yes I agree! We’re SO lucky to have you Nick!!

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Jun 23Liked by Nick Rockel

Excellent korero Nick.

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