Thank you again Nick. It is SO important we keep calling out this unbelievable viciousness and disdain. I wake every day in a state of permanent rage, aue. But we must NOT get so weary we just accept the destruction of our beautiful country and its primary values and ethics. Kia kaha, kia maia, kia manawanui Aotearoa

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I like you am in a permanent state of rage with this’government’ and the hugely destructive and damaging consequences of their neoliberal crap! Personally I don’t give a flying rats arse what Nicoliar thinks or feels- in fact the worse she feels- the better it is!

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Yes Kia Kaha!! Stand Strong.

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People who've been just made redundant are very vulnerable worried and usually scared to speak up in case it jeopardizes future job prospects. But wouldn't it be wonderful if a whole volume of their stories were visible to the public. What the job was? What the loss of it means to both the public and the individual. We are not currently sure what most of these jobs are and what it will mean for areas of public service. We need the stories of individuals as stats are harder to make sense of.

The rest of us need to stay aware and continue to protest.

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Yes Heather, we need to feel and share their pain. Otherwise they are left wondering "Does anybody care?"

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And we are uncertain who and what to care about.

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Yes that is it! To make all these so-called useless faceless people visible to the world. They are human beings not just numbers. That would be worth camping at the parliaments grounds.

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That's a great idea, Heather. The stories of back room people and what they do to support the work of the front line.

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Yes fabulous idea

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Another great post Nick. Reminds me of how the UK government dealt with Covid ... if you don't test, it doesn't exist!

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Excellent comparison.

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Omg. But that's just IT isn't it? Like someone commented yesterday, there are a whole bunch of people, conservative voters, who actively hate the public service. All those people telling them what they can or cannot do. Bureaucratic impediments to the free-for-all they believe is their right. It's just another case of otherness, they're not people, they're faceless. The very idea that you could walk in their shoes is impossible. It is symptomatic of everything they do. ACTUAL consequences of actions? Unthinkable. Empathy is not in thrir ideology

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Another Luxonism, is starting any comment with, “To be honest”. So I guess that means the rest of the time he’s dishonest.

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I’d love a journalist to ask, “So everything else you said prior to this was dishonest?”

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That would be wonderful....but faint hope, I think....

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I’d say that 100% of the time he’s dishonest!

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I wonder how much all these redundancies are costing. At the forced amalgamation of Auckland's seven councils, huge "savings" were touted by Rodney Hide and John Key. There were no savings. The costs of all those redundancies, office moves, new computer systems etc etc were piled onto the new Auckland Council. I was there. I saw the people crying at their desks. That was ACT-driven carnage too.

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I was there too, inherited a project merging the cities' car park fines systems - it was an absolute shambles.

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Thanks Val and Nick. That is very good information to have, because it indicates they know what they are doing, REALLY do not care, are total and complete idealogues, and will do everything they can to throw NZ into the jaws of of the Overseas Billionaire Hegemony. I'm starting to think of 'Lucksin' as the 'Smiling Assassin".

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Yeah and hasn’t been the much-fated success

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What interests me is how are they going to handle the inevitable failures in the systems.

More immigration, less personnel to manage. More A&E admissions, less staff on duty as they cover back office duty. More crime, less police. More drugs coming in, less Customs to catch them. Etc etc.

It will turn to custard, and they will have only themselves to blame. At which point Aotearoa is for sale.

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They have shown that they don't really understand how a nation works. Nor have they thought through the consequences of their actions. It's NOT like a business. If you 'let go' the staff of a company, they go somewhere else. If a government does that to the population, most don't have somewhere else to go. If they had any sense of history, they would realise that callous indifference to the fate of the population has led to revolution in the past.

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Oops, should have proof read the first sentence. Should have read " really DON'T understand how a nation works." My bad.

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No worries- I assumed that’s what you meant!

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Lest we forget: NZ really started being for sale to overseas investors and open to unlimited immigration with John Key, and there were all these greedy little National-voting dairy farming Kiwis thinking they were going to get rich...and he was ALSO the first NZ P.M. to appear 'out of thin-air' just before the election...Lucksin is out of the same Atlas stable, and the suckers this time are the landlords. Those who do not know their own history are condemned to repeat it. But what Nick has pointed out so clearly herein, was the Ticktock effect...it explains everything, because it points out the added factor: they went for the silly and easily impressed younger set of NZ voters, who always want to be 'up with overseas fashions'...no bloody wonder we are in this mess.

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A ghastly thought

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Tova says on Stuff that Lee’s media paper was in ages ago, but Peter’s is sitting on it and NZF and Act don’t agree what to do. Coalition of Chaos strikes again. Thanks Nick, I’m trying very hard to not care, but failing badly. Those of us of the Scooby Doo generation also remember the Mother of all Budgets. I thinks this one will be of the same ilk.

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Undoubtedly. It already is, ffs....

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Thanks Nick for today's post. Interestingly some of the things you mention reminded me of an article my wife pointed out in the Herald ( I don't ever go to the Herald so had she not....) about Narcissists.

There are two key kinds of narcissists:

" Grandiose narcissists are easier to identify because they are obvious. They are aggressive and dominant.

Vulnerable narcissists, on the other hand, are a lot more covert and passive-aggressive. They have deep-seated anger and victimhood engrained in their personality, and rarely seek help – hence the tiny number of NPD diagnoses.

Vulnerable narcissists are hypersensitive to rejection and are extremely self-conscious. They are manipulative and controlling. They become angry or offended when not put on a pedestal. They are prone to lash out, all the while maintaining their own victim status. They are also jealous and project blame on to others. This differs from a grandiose narcissist, who is very self-confident and not sensitive ".

Luxon is obviously a Grandiose type ( and Seymour too ) whereas maybe Nicola is a Vulnerable Narcissist - have you ever heard her screeching like a banshee in the House??? Her father is a lawyer ( and lawyers figure highly as Narcissists ) so maybe her upbringing didn't feature a lot of kindness??

On another note Nick you mentioned Nicola perhaps being a little more honest than she was in the election run up - it seems now that the government has finally admitted that it will be borrowing money in the Budget - but not for tax cuts! I thought that they were telling us that they are the economic geniuses and there figures were rock solid. Crock solid more like.

It gets worse and worse by the day.

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I think Seyless fits the vulnerable narcissist perfectly- he appears to have a deep seated hatred of most things and very passive-aggressive

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Yep, fits like a glove.

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"Not the end of the world"? Geez, these people. Could they get more callous! They'll be cheering the demise of news services who might expose their cruelty. I believe there will be more to come - if we can look to the Tory government that sits at Westminster, we might get a glimpse of chaos and corruption wrought by their incompetence.

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Rumours that Lucksin and Lee have had meetings with representatives of the Murdoch empire, doesn’t sound like good news for the future of the media reporting the economic atrocities…

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Which is why Lee has been playing dumb.

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Ah ha... like Seymour's perpetual smirk before the election....

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I think that’s because she actually is dumb - so Dumb and Dumber met with Murdoch reps!

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Nicola Willis just speaks bull shit. She ignores the impact her bull shit has on the people losing their jobs. By ignoring it she won’t address it. It’s difficult to remain civil when you see such nasty comments from someone who has the power and is suppose to improve lives, but instead totally destroy people with absolutely no concern for their futures. Everything this government is doing can be likened to a dictatorship. It’s not democracy. Look at that panel for the Fast track … and the sign off more fkn bull shit.

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Not that much different to Trumpty's answer to curing Covid (apart from bleach) ...Don't TEST = Don't HAVE

Of course our Minister of Misery doesn't want anyone talking about the pain she's inflicting.. Just Shhhhh you meddling Media!!

Actually what I'd really like is for Nicola W.... to be like the birds and FLOCK OFF!

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Nailed it again Nick. I always thought Nicola was trite, but "actually" she is indifferent.

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Old Winston has made no secret of his disdain for the media. He made vailed treats regarding journalists and their coverage or lack of coverage of himself and NZF. He is another one who doesn't appreciate being called out or asked the hard questions. He always reverts to mud slinging and sarcasm rather than an honest answer.

I'm sure he will have the knives out and some involvement in the current job cuts.

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If I remember rightly, weren't "actchually" and "at the end of the day" favourite sayings of one John Key? With much the same effect as his shrugged shoulders and "don't recall/can't remember" ????

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