Thank you for including my bit Nick. Yep, 11 years of work down the drain. As the CTU said "FPAs could revolutionise entire industries, lifting pay, conditions, and access to training. We also believe the new laws will stop the brain drain to places like Australia, which have similar systems to FPAs in place.". I have often thought about the potential for FPAs in horticulture and agriculture ; you know those fruit and vege pickers and farm workers we can't get enough of? A bit of imagination could have done wonders for these industries in attracting and retaining workers, but no, too much burden on the bosses. Or an FPA for low paid aged care and support workers who have had only measly pay increases over the last year. The potential is huge, but no, Tories do what they always do ; take the low road.

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Thank you. Darien. Appreciate your thoughts and voice. Just gutted they take rights and a voice from our vulnerable hard workers, without due consultation with people other than employers and businesses. Where has the thanks gone since we praised the people who kept the country running in 2020 during bleak and scary months? 😢😢

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Dec 5, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Brooke’s comment smacks of the “just following orders” denial of responsibility. Not many voted for ACT’s cruel and unusual policies and right now they seem to be leading the government’s actions.

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Dec 5, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Good grief! I have to ask any business owner: if you can't or won't pay your employees a fair rate of pay, your business plan is shonky and you need to rethink why you're in business at all.

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Helen and Billy - heroes of the first order! It says something sad about Aotearoa that this government can pronounce something ‘fair’ as bad and immediately set out too destroy it.

Yesterday’s protests were really noticed, let’s hope that the unions organise something even bigger when this legislation is introduced - I am still ashamed that they rolled over when National brought in the ECA.

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Am I missing something here? So the Three-Headed Government is changing the Fair Pay Agreement to the Unfair Pay Agreement? Based on the premise that it's much more important for the already wealthy to get a tax break than it is for the less privileged to earn enough to have somewhere to live and eat and raise a family. (Read A Canoe Before the Wind by Vitale Lafaele to see how extraordinarily hard his family worked.) The cruelty of this government blows me away.

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Dec 5, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

As has been pointed out many times, Australia has the same system in place, hence the reason why they have better wages and conditions - and are hoovering up Kiwi's en masse who want to experience better pay and working conditions.

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Dec 5, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Shame on them!

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Dec 5, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

It's a race to the bottom on all fronts. So sad., especially for those Kiwis who are so worn out and dispirited from the efforts of trying to keep their family's heads above water. Now no hope that things will improve in the next 3 years.

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When Luxon paraded around pre-election, trumpeting his care for people, he told us everything we needed to know about him. If you have to say you’re humble, you’re not. If you have to say you care, you don’t. It’s starting to feel a lot less like Christmas.

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Comment of the day :(

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Dec 5, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

It’s a disgrace for a once proud country to even think of abolishing Fair Pay!!

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Dec 5, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

A race to the bottom with indentured labour. An interesting story on rnz last week about the view of our pacific neighbours on these work schemes. I may be wrong, but did the coalition agreement also confirm that migrant workers will be exempt from minimum wage requirements?

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When I first heard the name of the Act I thought it was brilliant - something that actually said what it was all about. And more than that, I could not imagine a Government bald-faced enough to want to oppose "fair pay" by repealing.

Significant failure of the imagination there I'm afraid...

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I agree National has absolutely no imagination

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Dec 5, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Question. Watching opening of parliament. It sounds like our Gov General, who I have respect for, is reading straight out of the National Party handbook. Luxon handed it to her. Does this happen each time? Can she not give speech of her own but has to read what sounds like a propaganda spiel. It even says most families will be better by $50 fortnight. Is this the place for this?😢

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Wasn't it ghastly. I was just watching and thinking about what to write next - so uninspiring, just a National Party advert, no vision, nothing.

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Yes really cringe. 25 pages, like ‘here are the rules’ including hugely important stuff like cellphones in school and what the teachers must teach.

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A lot of it will be reprehensible to her but then Luxon knkws that. It’s like a party propaganda document and it is given gravitas by her going through 25 plus pages?

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She had to read out whatever bilge was written by the coalition and must have been very uncomfortable doing so.

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Dec 5, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Great mahi

Have put on FB

Recover soon!

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Nick and Darien, Thank you both. We need to have a day of dissent. Where we show togetherness and defeat this move by protesting in the face of such unfeeling greed. Australia has Fair Pay Agreements which give a "fair suck of the sav" in Ozzie parlance. Further OZ States are offering packages to our people which make this situation worse. Luxon is so desperate to be PM he would trade his grandma, and he has entered into some destructive agreements and given work place agreements to an Act person, along with the power to remove regulations to another Act person. Between them Van Velden and Seymore will strip people's rights, and Luxon can blame them. Meantime Peters is lurking in the background enjoying the removal of Labour's work, which is his way of getting his hits on Jacinda and Grant for his last defeat. What a sad state of affairs. By their actions you know them. Grasping cruel and calculated.

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I just don’t have the words to express how disgusted and enraged I am.

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