
Here are two minutes of a committee this morning showing Kiri Allan responding to Simeon Brown. It's well worth a watch:


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Jun 28, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

I so agree with you, even about what you have pointed out about Sam Uffindel, and I really feel for Kiri Allan. Having been through breast cancer myself I know what a tough road it is to travel. Only the tough survive, so I take heart in knowing Kiri is tough, and she needs to be with everything she has to deal with right now. Kia kaha, Mister Allan, and thank you Nick for this thoughtful article.

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Jun 29, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

I totally agree! We’ll said, Nina!

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Jun 28, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Well written with heartfelt words and sentiments. Being a MP should be as you expressed with the emphasis on the right way to handle peoples situations. But it makes me sad that the bullies attack with such glee. Luxon, Collins, Mitchell, Bishop, Goldsmith and the list is a long one of National politicans that are such pack followers, and their leader who has no idea how to be a decent leader, will just lead them all further into the mud. I dont ever expect Luxon to act with any honour or integrity.

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Jun 28, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

How bloody dare the nats attack this MP, in this manner, at this time.

However, they're never going to change. To be a nat, one is first a prat.

As for Uffindel's misjudged decision to enter politics when he is clearly unsuited for a public role (he is inarticulate, morose, dim, and offers nothing to the people of Aotearoa-nz), it reflects the same misguided decisions he made as a teenager, and as history proved in his 20s. Bullies never change.

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You just get it so right Nick. Thankyou and tg for you!

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Mental health. I used to go for a run around Oriental Parade at lunchtimes and the problem I had been wrestling with - and almost didn't run because it was important - had become quite straight forward by the time I returned with an uncluttered mind. I guess business machine operators call that a refresh. Miss Allan is not a saint but she and the PM are both refreshing and best supported. No-one should be made to suffer the way Jacinda Ardern was and the people who did that to her are represented by NAct

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Jun 28, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Well said Nick. If being a political leader was all about batting off the slings and arrows of the opposition, there'd be nothing left to do what you're elected to do.

But, hey, that's what the opposition want, isn't it? "Winning clean or ugly doesn't matter, it's winning that matters"

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Jun 28, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Thanks Nick, very well said.

I now we are not supposed to use the corona virus word any more. The long term effect that the pandemic has left is a main reason of a number of societal issues. The sociologists and psychologists can deal with society as a whole. But the effect it has had on individuals is, in some cases, almost catastrophic. I would include Jacinda on that list.

When you factor in the climate/weather events that have smashed Tairawhiti especially, cancer and covid, is it any wonder Kiri is struggling.

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Jun 28, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

She is such a capable Minister and having got through a very nasty battle with Cancer and the enmorous stress caused by the natural diasters in her elctorate , time off to get her head back into a good place is more than warranted. To listen to sub humans like simple simeon having a go at her just makes me sick to my stomach. Karam's a bitch and may it bite these bastards hard and deep.

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Very well put. I am so sick of the negativity in our media and opposition politicians. If you listen to the media there has to be a negative spin on everything, its never enough, its too much, its too late its too early wtf you would think we have become a nation of whingers but no it is the cherry picked negative minority that are always heard.

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Jun 29, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Hurt people can hurt people,

but healed people help people.

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Jun 29, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

As always, a well considered article Nick. The pack of dogs analogy is always an appropriate one, unfortunately, in illustrating the worst of human tendencies. The collective mentality of the mob overrides the nature of the individual. Fifi is just as likely as Brutus to rip a creature apart. They literally lose their minds. Uffindel's history should have provoked an attack on the system, the adults at that time that enabled that scenario to play out. What the National Party are doing at the moment, and the pathetic, gossip-driven NZ media, is to isolate an individual, create an inferred 'scandal' and then attack. Creating the news as if it is fact and then yell "it must be true" because the individual is forced to address it. Welcome to the election cycle of bullshittery

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Jun 28, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

And once again, thank you Nick for your words

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Thank you Nick for another thoughtful article. Like many others I am feeling sad about the blatant muck raking that we are seeing targeting Government Ministers. This is an orchestrated campaign by certain people, some whose names are well known. I would not like to see such tactics employed by the Parties of the Left, but some of the sorry excuses for people that take such delight in destroying others could do with a good dose of their own BS. Karma, where are you?

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100% correct !

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Jun 29, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Thank you so much Nick for writing this. You have expressed how I have felt all day about creepy Simeon Brown, and his attempt to do a hatchet job on Kiri Allan ,along with tv1s terrible male journalist, Benedict Collins.It is reprehensible that the dire NZ media are hassling Chris Hipkins with this manufactured storm in a teacup while he is in China. I feel for Kiri - she has confirmed that her relationship has just broken up-she says she is heartbroken! I send her my aroha! Thank you also for what you wrote about Claire Curran. I live in her electorate and she was an excellent electorate MP, and dedicated to her job in parliament.

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