Glad you made it Nick. Wonderful korero. Really good to see Labour MPs hosting this too. Getting FPAs was a ten year journey in Labour. It was first policy in 2011. (feel pride in my role in that as a Labour MP working alongside Helen Kelly). Again. in 2014 ; both elections Labour lost to National. When in 2017 Labour finally had a chance, Winston blocked FPAs, so it wasn't until 2020 we were able to progress legislation. It is the biggest change for working people in 30 years and there are many other groups who will step up as well, given the chance. You are right about Michael Wood. He was the Minister who saw the legislation through and he will always be a hero in my eyes.

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Thanks Darien. I'm really glad I went, it was good to hear and see people in person. I had a few quiet tears when Michael Wood talked about Helen Kelly. The people there are the ones who deserve to have their stories in the media, not some millionaire who declares the country a disaster in a tantrum and says they're moving to Australia.

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FPA's need to be defended and maintained.

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Wonderful Nick!!

And LOVE the short film!

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Thanks for attending Nick. So, it's taken many years to get to the point where we are starting to negotiate FPAs and in 60+ days it'll all be for nought. Luxon and Co are content, nay, Happy, to have good working folk continue to struggle. It makes me sick. We can do much better.

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This brought tears to my eyes😘

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Thanks for the reporting and supporting. And for the movie. Poor families struggling.

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Thanks for that Nick it sounded like a fabulous meeting which if we lived in Auckland we would've been keen to attend. I did not realise Oscar Knightley was a Labour representative & feel guilty for not knowing.

I agree re Michael Wood having met him up here at a cafe in Whangarei with Emily Henderson (another MP who will be sorely missed this October). I find him to be such a sincere person & believe he will definitely still have a future with the Labour Party.

Godforbid Luxflakes & co get in & destroy what Labour have achieved to date. We cannot let it happen.

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I think Oscar was MC.

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Thank you, Nick. I want to get involved too. How anyone can think giving those with the least a bit less (in terms of stability) is acceptable baffles me. This video is so real...too real. Important though.

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Fair Pay Agreements - another reason to wonder who votes NAct. NAct promise to repeal it and will if elected.

National’s Workplace Relations & Safety spokesperson Paul Goldsmith said.

“This mandatory union Bill is an ideological overreach that will harm our economy..." He failed to say how it will harm our economy or specify who he means when he says "our." It is fair to say that PG is ideological

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Loved the video clip.

[Can't say Margaret Mead was the best choice for the speech quote (the published results of much of her anthropological work was found to be suspect).]

Sounds like the meeting itself is the basis for a good play based on the invisibility of the real working class in Aotearoa-nz.

Thanks Nick for sharing your experience of the event.

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