Jul 27, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

A thoughtful analysis. A couple of years ago, I watched aghast at the state of US politics, with the dishonesty of Trump, the tribalism of politics and condoning of the most egregious conduct, and the dire state of their media. I gave thanks that it wasn't like that here but knew too well the old adage, when America sneezes, the rest of the world catches a cold. Well we don't have a Trump here but the nastiness of American politics is now very much in evidence and the msm seems to have lost its integrity and judgment over what really constitutes news rather than innuendo, snide and smart alick commenting, and hyperbole.

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Jul 27, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

An excellent and clearly detailed expose of the situation and it’s ramifications- thank you Nick!!

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Jul 27, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

GST works because it applies to virtually everything , no exceptions - taking it off fruit and veges will open a whole unpleasant can of worms, do watties tinned tomatoes get GST whilst fresh tomatoes don't ? This list is bloody huge.

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Jul 27, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Another sensible intelligent analysis Nick. I agree with everything so.it must be good! 😆 The complexities of messing with GST which connects throughout the supply chain seems to me to be a time, if not $, consuming headache for all concerned with no targeted gains. I'm hoping for total destruction of any credibility Willia has left. Would be very upset if there is a caucus leaker aue

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Everything - wow! Must be then ;)

Yes, I didn't go into the whole supply chain but that is a very good point. I did remove an explanation of GST and a bit on the fact that McDonalds won't be making their burgers any cheaper when the government no longer gets revenue from the lettuce and tomatoes they use. It was getting a bit long.

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Jul 27, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Lol. As a "wanky academic" I don't mind long 😁 but accept that others prefer snappy

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Jul 27, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

I will go down with the ship....OH NO I WON'T THERE'S TOO MUCH FOR LABOUR TO DO STILL!

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Jul 28, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

I'm just gobsmacked that media report gossip and conjecture like it's factual news. It's tittle tattle tales from 7 year olds from the make believe playground. "She said...and then he said.....and we saw.... and then we said we'd go and tell on them!"

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Jul 28, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Nicola Willis' modus operandum for making a public statement re Labour tax policy-i.e. that they are proposing to take GST off of fruit and vegetables, is all about continuing the NACTS theme that Labour/Greens, TPM possibly, are the "Coalition of Chaos", and adding to that chaos now is a probable leak in the Labour caucus. She is a nasty , devious person, and the NACT election campaign has been another example of dirty politics. You are right in your comments about TVNZ news. They swallowed the Willis claims hook, line and sinker, and made loud proclamations accepting this would be Labour policy, on both the six pm ,and late news yesterday. In fact Jenny Suo led the late news with a loud clear statement that this was Labour policy. Stuff just ran an article from the jilted former Labour advisor Josie Pagani,who never passes up a chance to criticise the Labour govt. of the last six years, and especially when she could, Jacinda Ardern. Pagani said the only way Labour have a chance of being re-elected is to come out with a big policy that will capture everybodies s attention and focus.Her suggestion is to introduce free, or sunsidised dental care. To pay for it she suggests the govt. increase the age of qualification for super by a year-adding onemonth over twelve years. Subsidised dental care would be something I would like to see, but it aint going to happen at this election. I hold out some hope that Labour when they do announce their tax policy, announce a rejig of tax levels so that people who get a pay increase don't have it grabbed back in paying more tax. Stuff opened up a place for comments on Pagani's article, and most comments were anti-Labour, and their chances of being re-elected. Having an apparent leak in the caucus is being seen as the wheels really coming off. Josie Pagani added to this by saying she did not rule out there being more Ministerial resignations, and caucus leaks. Nick- those little vegetable you like so much are not really yams. I also like them - I can't remember the real name for them. I have had many yams from the islands which are a root vegetable, and along with Taro are also nice depending how they are cooked. One type of yam grown in Tonga is a very long tuber with quite a hard skin. It can be cooked as is in an oven ,or umu. When cooked it's opened up and the beautiful flesh inside mixed with pepper, salt butter, or coconut cream - delicious. Also nice peeled and cooked in coconut cream in an umu, or again an oven, or pot.

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New Zealand Yam is Occa.

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Jul 27, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Loved this simple analysis. My first thoughts were similar. How is that going to help families buying real basics and although it may include some inseason veg or fruit, they are not the main ‘fillers’ or staples for many families. It is never going to be a fair way of distributing help where it’s needed despite good intentions.😢 As to the other leak matter, got so irritated by the make believe scandal receiving prime focus, the news went off. Also hating the trial by public and media on the terrible chch tragedy. I don’t recall a trial so full of horrendous detail broadcast every day with warnings. How can those judging, remain open and unbiased?

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Jul 27, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

You are NOT alone in thinking opening line was “I’m a prima Donna” 🤣🤣🤣OOPS!

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Excellent comment. I must admit I have read some of it, and decided not to read furher.It is very distressing. And I admit I have already judged that mother even though I know that she suffers from severe depression and probably psychosis. I would not want to be on the jury hearing the case for, and against her.

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Totally agree. Have stopped reading a few days ago. 😀

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Jul 28, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Nicola Willis has achieved her objectives: 1. To torpedo any surprise or interest there might be in the Labour tax policy announcement. 2. To make debate about tax policy into a discussion about GST on fruit and veg, which is only a minor part of the comprehensive whole.

Dirty politics award goes to the Nats - again.

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Yes Nick the usual media beat up. You wouldn't know the USA Secretary guy was in the country or the PM of Australia. What Nicola said was the lead and the only story on TVNZ and the horrible Herald.

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I'm so over the behaviour of NZ media.

I like Yams.

I despise Nats.

I'm disgusted by the dishonesty of Willis & lux-on.

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I dont think that taking the GST off fruit and vegetables would necessarily result in cheaper fruit and vegetables. There would be extra compliance costs and then there are market forces. At the moment many fruit and veggie shops -as well as roadside stalls-are cheaper than the supermarkets.

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Jul 29, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Yes, I agree...I don't think the supermarkets will immediately cut the price consumers pay. I would guess we will pay the same, and they will make more profit, while the government have less tax dollars to use for service provision.

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Jul 29, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

I <3 yams! One of my fb friends recently mentioned wonky box, and I have had 2 deliveries now (and sent a box to my grown up daughter's uni flat)- they are brilliant!

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C'mon Nick. Chippy as you call the PM is older than he looks and knows full well that caucuses leak especially around election time. If reelected into government of course we will likely see the removal of GST on food and targetted capital gains tax on Mr Luxon's capital gains tax free personal rental housing portfolio.

As for Nicola's announcement: I thought I heard her say that her "source" told her Labour are removing ACC levies

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I find it hard to think any Labour MP would pass information directly to Nicola Willis. I could imagine a caucus member blabbing information to a family member, or friend, and that person passing the information on. Perhaps I am naive!.

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Janis That is exactly right. Somebody Nicola considers a reliable " source" told Nicola and she has passed it on. Not anyone from Caucus. And anything a large caucus knows about (is officially told in confidence) can be guaranteed to be in the public domain within hours. The PM and Cabinet know this so no harm done by Nicola scooping her boss yet again. And ironically bringing good news about veges as far as this reader is concerned 🙂

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Aug 2, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Yams baked in duck fat, makes winter bearable!

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Jul 29, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Great article again thank you. Which is why I appreciated Golriz’s heartfelt speech in the debate which should never have gone on. Great respect for calm. Greens been cohesive of respect and sadness for @KiriAllanEstCst. The behaviour of politicians Golriz refers to may have had the opposite of desired effect. 🌺

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