Rather ironic for Lux Flakes: from vague memory of reading bits years ago, part of the impetus for the Treaty signing was that the French had gotten a toe-hold in the country at Akaroa. So not only is he a no-show as current Leader (*cough cough*), but is visiting the opposition's home base. Classy.
Gerard sorry your history is not right, the French did think they had bought a lot of SI and went back and sent out the first ship - but it arrived in August 1840 and Te Tiriti already a done deal (so to speak) with English. It was Brig Elizabeth who bought Te Rauparaha to Takapūneke in the hold, supposedly to buy flax from Te Mairharanui - only T R slaughtered virtually the whole village or took some back to Kapiti as slaves. Worth reading about. This was yet another knotch in belt that eventually lead to the drawing up and signing of Te Tiriti. Ōnuku - marae in Akaroa was first site Te Wai Pounamu chiefs signed Te Tiriti - so does have history.
If ever there was an opportunity to show leadership, Luxon would be at Waitangi, come hell or high water. To escape to Akaroa, ( which I agree is a beautiful place), making sure he won’t run into any problems with protestors, shows what a gutless creature he truly is. Maybe he’s hoping to connect with the French people whose ancestors were signatories to Te Tiriti, all of them, as there are, no doubt,many(?!) or have a nice lunch over a bottle or two of champers, uninterrupted by matters of state which demand his presence, support, respect and attention, at whatever cost to his ego. The sooner this disinterested, petty, useless article, (one to be found on no treaty at all), resigns and leaves, with his family and Nicola in tow, the better for all of us. Let him kiss the very moneyed butts of Elon and Don, instead of wasting our time and money on him who has no portfolios so is redundant anyway.
Interesting that Luxon claims he can’t be at Waitangi because he has ‘a prior engagement’. Isn’t Waitangi Day celebrated on the same day every year? Or didn’t he know that when he made his prior engagement?
The NZ Herald today reports that the PM will be hosted by Ngai Tahu on their marae in Akaroa. The Governor General will also be attending. Why is she not going to Waitangi!!! Luxon is reported as saying he has such lovely memories of Akaroa from his childhood - except in way more words than that. Because it's all about him.
So am just reading again in Simon Wilson's piece published tonight in NZH that the GG is in Waitangi! That's great. That's where she should be. So was that a misleading report earlier today in the NZH?
So where will the GG be on actual Waitangi Day? Is she in Waitangi now then heading to Akaroa for Waitangi Day? She should be in Waitangi for the full celebrations.
Glad you'll be at Waitangi - we go every year and have a great time. If you want to catch up with Marama, at some point she'll be relaxing at the Greens' tent at the lower marae grounds (fairly near the pou). We share a space with Project Waitangi. Chairs, snacks and chat offered to all.
Waitangi Day at Waitangi is a must for all Kiwis at least once. The tensions you see on tv news reports are present in one area but overall, it has a festival atmosphere, amazing kai, and you get a strong sense of aroha and manaakitanga. And the biggest highlight for me was seeing my nephews involved in the celebrations on the waka. They’d practice for weeks in advance. Awesome place to be.
"You’ll definitely hear from me, albeit a little less than normal" .... due to my black sense of humour with that comment Nick, and twisting it around, I instantly thought of that little twerp Seymour - forgive me! ... he might be repulsive but, damming with faint praise here, he does have the courage of his warped convictions unlike the craven coward who is supposed to be the leader of our country. Akaroa seems a good fit for Luxon - saw it described thus "Akaroa is a rich man's holiday destination" so yes it's perfect for the great gutless wonder! he'll fit right in given he won't have a primary school to hide in on Waitangi Day!
I’m not sure Vicky that Seymour’s presence at Waitangi says more about his belligerent arrogance and total lack of self awareness. He’s also playing up to the worst of the racists who think Luxon isn’t going far enough. And what a well-timed distraction to divert attention from his disturbing involvement in the Tim Jago debacle.
Oh absolutely Kerin you are right on both points about Seymour's psyche plus add entitled ignorance into the mix with a ploy also to hijack votes from National ... all in all a festering cocktail of nastiness! At times I wonder if Luxon exploits being passive aggressive letting Seymour do the dirty work and thinking none of it is going to stick to him - wrong! Yes that Tim Jago revelation has more murk than has been exposed I think.
Have a great trip Nick and it’s a truly beautiful part of the country. Your sentiments are my sentiments so it’s good you can represent me and many others.
I read this morning that the Governor General is going to be in Akaroa on Waitangi Day too, both of them being guests of Ngai Tahu. I find it odd that the Governor General wouldn’t be at Waitangi.
I wouldn’t expect the PM to be anywhere near Waitangi or anywhere else he should be on any given day. I have never been, the coverage of events on TV being rather off putting, and my dislike of being in large crowds of any kind also keeps me away from big events. Perhaps next year it will be time to arrange a Bay of Islands holiday around the date.
Your choice of song today is one I have always liked, it’s a strange but catchy little number.
Drive safe you and Fi. Yep accommodation is booked up months ahead so glad you found somewhere to rest your heads. I was happy to see the opening of Te Tii Marae this morning and the Labour contingency there. I have had the privilege of being welcomed there with the team and into the wharenui on several occasions. There are tents all around with debates happening, so if you find Marama great (give her a hug), but look out for the Labour team too. And oh the food! If you can, get up early for the dawn ceremony on Waitangi Day and marvel at the wonders of this place that belongs to us all. I suspect you won't be invited to Matua Shane's feast though.
Yes Nick Luxon, Willis and Bishop are all descending on our most beautiful paradise in Aotearoa for Waitangi Day, not sure there will be rotten eggs or a massive protest but the powhiri does include a panel discussion with Chris Finlayson, Leanne Delziel and more. I think the French connection gets too much press they arrived just a few months late in 1840 in one boat, yet mana whenua have lived for 800+ years in our world. I would encourage you to make a tiki tour to Akaroa but more importantly to Takapūneke on outskirts of our town. It is here the Te Rauparaha descimated the local kaianga and all with the help of a british Captain on brig Elizabeth in 1830 - this event did lead to the writing of Te Tiriti. https://my.christchurchcitylibraries.com/ti-kouka-whenua/takapuneke/ this is worth a read, and a visit is very spiritual.
Tautoko. Ōnuku Marae, at Ōnuku near Akaroa, is where the first Ngāi Tahu chiefs signed Te Tiriti, as well as where the Crown apologised to Ngāi Tahu for Te Tiriti breaches. It's not Waitangi, but it isn't irrelevant either.
🤔Totally correct about the historical significance of the area both before & after the signing of te Tiriti - & Ngai Tahu know how to organise events to be a multi-faceted occasion - the korero here is about the behaviour of Luxon as it relates to what is going on currently with the Treaty Principles Bill hearings etc. This year of ALL years he should be at Waitangi IMHO🤷
Love the "up north". I've mentioned before we lived in Russell for a few years. If you can, do hop over - there is a passenger ferry from Paihia. The vehicular ferry from Opua is getting pricey but you could do one way and then head home on the back road which goes past Elliots Bay and Helena Bay, both worth a visit
Just a wee holiday? Will there be anyone there to schmooze? It will be interesting to see what he actually does there. Maybe he'll be glued to the tele watching what happens to his two cronies.
Wish we could also go up but shall be with you in spirit and look forward to you giving us some insights. It seems the codes of normal decency and protocols are changing rapidly with the end place from this being a denigration to our society on many levels. As a result, our battle will win eventually because the majority want it to work.
You will enjoy Waitangi, it is such a special place on this special day and a real family outing. The last time we have been was 2020, what a great day it was, parking at Bledisloe and taking the bus. I remember years ago when we (members of Creative Fibres Kerikeri) were invited the day before to show our crafts in the courtyard. We were watching the navy band practising and in the late afternoon the dignitaries arriving for the concert, quite some entertainment for a bunch of older ladies 😄. Different times now with the wonderful museum and more security. Welcome up north!
Rather ironic for Lux Flakes: from vague memory of reading bits years ago, part of the impetus for the Treaty signing was that the French had gotten a toe-hold in the country at Akaroa. So not only is he a no-show as current Leader (*cough cough*), but is visiting the opposition's home base. Classy.
Gerard sorry your history is not right, the French did think they had bought a lot of SI and went back and sent out the first ship - but it arrived in August 1840 and Te Tiriti already a done deal (so to speak) with English. It was Brig Elizabeth who bought Te Rauparaha to Takapūneke in the hold, supposedly to buy flax from Te Mairharanui - only T R slaughtered virtually the whole village or took some back to Kapiti as slaves. Worth reading about. This was yet another knotch in belt that eventually lead to the drawing up and signing of Te Tiriti. Ōnuku - marae in Akaroa was first site Te Wai Pounamu chiefs signed Te Tiriti - so does have history.
Thanks for that Chris. It's amazing how ignorant I feel about our/my history.
you and me alike even though I whakapapa to Ngāi Tahu ... there are good links to educate us https://ngaitahu.iwi.nz/connect-2/connect/news-and-stories/takapuneke-a-place-of-healing-and-reclamation/ https://nzhistory.govt.nz/culture/maori-european-contact-pre-1840/captain-stewart-and-the-elizabeth and https://my.christchurchcitylibraries.com/ti-kouka-whenua/takapuneke/ Remember learning is for life :)
If ever there was an opportunity to show leadership, Luxon would be at Waitangi, come hell or high water. To escape to Akaroa, ( which I agree is a beautiful place), making sure he won’t run into any problems with protestors, shows what a gutless creature he truly is. Maybe he’s hoping to connect with the French people whose ancestors were signatories to Te Tiriti, all of them, as there are, no doubt,many(?!) or have a nice lunch over a bottle or two of champers, uninterrupted by matters of state which demand his presence, support, respect and attention, at whatever cost to his ego. The sooner this disinterested, petty, useless article, (one to be found on no treaty at all), resigns and leaves, with his family and Nicola in tow, the better for all of us. Let him kiss the very moneyed butts of Elon and Don, instead of wasting our time and money on him who has no portfolios so is redundant anyway.
PS. Have loved this song for decades😁
Thee and me must have typed "gutless" at the same time Jeremy! great minds hey ....
I doubt we’ll be the last Vicky😂😂😂
For sure! I'm a 'bottom feeder' so can't afford to place any bets on it Jeremy :)
Interesting that Luxon claims he can’t be at Waitangi because he has ‘a prior engagement’. Isn’t Waitangi Day celebrated on the same day every year? Or didn’t he know that when he made his prior engagement?
I was joking about a prior engagement, the point being he didn't have one, he just wanted to be anywhere but there.
The NZ Herald today reports that the PM will be hosted by Ngai Tahu on their marae in Akaroa. The Governor General will also be attending. Why is she not going to Waitangi!!! Luxon is reported as saying he has such lovely memories of Akaroa from his childhood - except in way more words than that. Because it's all about him.
So am just reading again in Simon Wilson's piece published tonight in NZH that the GG is in Waitangi! That's great. That's where she should be. So was that a misleading report earlier today in the NZH?
So where will the GG be on actual Waitangi Day? Is she in Waitangi now then heading to Akaroa for Waitangi Day? She should be in Waitangi for the full celebrations.
What he meant to say was "I'm planning a prior engagement"
Glad you'll be at Waitangi - we go every year and have a great time. If you want to catch up with Marama, at some point she'll be relaxing at the Greens' tent at the lower marae grounds (fairly near the pou). We share a space with Project Waitangi. Chairs, snacks and chat offered to all.
Thanks Janine 💚
If you do happen to run into Marama, please give her a hug from all of us🤗
Yes please do that!!
Waitangi Day at Waitangi is a must for all Kiwis at least once. The tensions you see on tv news reports are present in one area but overall, it has a festival atmosphere, amazing kai, and you get a strong sense of aroha and manaakitanga. And the biggest highlight for me was seeing my nephews involved in the celebrations on the waka. They’d practice for weeks in advance. Awesome place to be.
"You’ll definitely hear from me, albeit a little less than normal" .... due to my black sense of humour with that comment Nick, and twisting it around, I instantly thought of that little twerp Seymour - forgive me! ... he might be repulsive but, damming with faint praise here, he does have the courage of his warped convictions unlike the craven coward who is supposed to be the leader of our country. Akaroa seems a good fit for Luxon - saw it described thus "Akaroa is a rich man's holiday destination" so yes it's perfect for the great gutless wonder! he'll fit right in given he won't have a primary school to hide in on Waitangi Day!
I’m not sure Vicky that Seymour’s presence at Waitangi says more about his belligerent arrogance and total lack of self awareness. He’s also playing up to the worst of the racists who think Luxon isn’t going far enough. And what a well-timed distraction to divert attention from his disturbing involvement in the Tim Jago debacle.
Oh absolutely Kerin you are right on both points about Seymour's psyche plus add entitled ignorance into the mix with a ploy also to hijack votes from National ... all in all a festering cocktail of nastiness! At times I wonder if Luxon exploits being passive aggressive letting Seymour do the dirty work and thinking none of it is going to stick to him - wrong! Yes that Tim Jago revelation has more murk than has been exposed I think.
luxon really is a gutless wonder ....
Have a great trip Nick and it’s a truly beautiful part of the country. Your sentiments are my sentiments so it’s good you can represent me and many others.
I read this morning that the Governor General is going to be in Akaroa on Waitangi Day too, both of them being guests of Ngai Tahu. I find it odd that the Governor General wouldn’t be at Waitangi.
I wouldn’t expect the PM to be anywhere near Waitangi or anywhere else he should be on any given day. I have never been, the coverage of events on TV being rather off putting, and my dislike of being in large crowds of any kind also keeps me away from big events. Perhaps next year it will be time to arrange a Bay of Islands holiday around the date.
Your choice of song today is one I have always liked, it’s a strange but catchy little number.
Safe travels for you and Fi, have a lovely time.
Drive safe you and Fi. Yep accommodation is booked up months ahead so glad you found somewhere to rest your heads. I was happy to see the opening of Te Tii Marae this morning and the Labour contingency there. I have had the privilege of being welcomed there with the team and into the wharenui on several occasions. There are tents all around with debates happening, so if you find Marama great (give her a hug), but look out for the Labour team too. And oh the food! If you can, get up early for the dawn ceremony on Waitangi Day and marvel at the wonders of this place that belongs to us all. I suspect you won't be invited to Matua Shane's feast though.
Yes Nick Luxon, Willis and Bishop are all descending on our most beautiful paradise in Aotearoa for Waitangi Day, not sure there will be rotten eggs or a massive protest but the powhiri does include a panel discussion with Chris Finlayson, Leanne Delziel and more. I think the French connection gets too much press they arrived just a few months late in 1840 in one boat, yet mana whenua have lived for 800+ years in our world. I would encourage you to make a tiki tour to Akaroa but more importantly to Takapūneke on outskirts of our town. It is here the Te Rauparaha descimated the local kaianga and all with the help of a british Captain on brig Elizabeth in 1830 - this event did lead to the writing of Te Tiriti. https://my.christchurchcitylibraries.com/ti-kouka-whenua/takapuneke/ this is worth a read, and a visit is very spiritual.
Tautoko. Ōnuku Marae, at Ōnuku near Akaroa, is where the first Ngāi Tahu chiefs signed Te Tiriti, as well as where the Crown apologised to Ngāi Tahu for Te Tiriti breaches. It's not Waitangi, but it isn't irrelevant either.
🤔Totally correct about the historical significance of the area both before & after the signing of te Tiriti - & Ngai Tahu know how to organise events to be a multi-faceted occasion - the korero here is about the behaviour of Luxon as it relates to what is going on currently with the Treaty Principles Bill hearings etc. This year of ALL years he should be at Waitangi IMHO🤷
but of course Luxon wouldn't mention/know that.
Love the "up north". I've mentioned before we lived in Russell for a few years. If you can, do hop over - there is a passenger ferry from Paihia. The vehicular ferry from Opua is getting pricey but you could do one way and then head home on the back road which goes past Elliots Bay and Helena Bay, both worth a visit
Just a wee holiday? Will there be anyone there to schmooze? It will be interesting to see what he actually does there. Maybe he'll be glued to the tele watching what happens to his two cronies.
Might take a drive to Akaroa with my Toitu flag 😂😂
Wish we could also go up but shall be with you in spirit and look forward to you giving us some insights. It seems the codes of normal decency and protocols are changing rapidly with the end place from this being a denigration to our society on many levels. As a result, our battle will win eventually because the majority want it to work.
You will enjoy Waitangi, it is such a special place on this special day and a real family outing. The last time we have been was 2020, what a great day it was, parking at Bledisloe and taking the bus. I remember years ago when we (members of Creative Fibres Kerikeri) were invited the day before to show our crafts in the courtyard. We were watching the navy band practising and in the late afternoon the dignitaries arriving for the concert, quite some entertainment for a bunch of older ladies 😄. Different times now with the wonderful museum and more security. Welcome up north!