This is so sad. And sick. I am thinking we are now in an age of anti-kindness. It happened with Covid. Take yourself back to those daily updates with Jacinda and Ashley. The media always tried to pick stupid holes and were often quite vicious in their attacks. There was never good news and they hunted down individuals who had some beef or other whilst the team of 5 million were never considered or their opinion sought.The National party were no better probably worse as they proclaimed to be the real holders of all knowledge on Covid and how much we needed to get over it and get on with life. People seem to conveniently forget just how successful NZ is ( still ) as a country when it came to Covid Deaths. I come back to the growing misogynistic treatment ( hatred ) of Jacinda - to the point where she really had no option but to leave politics as probably our best ever PM although even her legacy is undermined as soon as her name comes up. Getting back to the sacking of all these 1000's of people I reckon nowadays people ( some/many ) love this stuff. It is part of the growing politics of hatred. Kick someone when they're down. I dread to think that this exists but you would have to suspect it the way the polls are showing Nationals popularity combined with the dislike of Labour. It is all very Trumpian and National with it's very large war chest is stoking the fires of division - all for votes. Today Simeon Brown was quietly hating on Pacific Islanders as he has done so many times with anyone with a brown skin. He has got stuck into accusations against Kiri Allen, Poto Williams, Nanaia Mahuta mostly on heresay and no proof. After admitting that many government agencies might have spending issues he bought it all back to the Pacific Island department. Unless there is a massive turnaround in voting intention we are about to experience societal division on a scale we have not seen in our lifetimes.

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Well said. And it looks like the war chest is being used for OIA fishing expeditions focused on brown and/or female.

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Well said Brian. I cannot understand where all this hate comes from? I am worried.

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I've always maintained we are about 4 years behind America so that is why I think Trump ideology and the post truth/ alt right influence are rampant here. and fits in particularly with the ( strange to my mind ) hatred of people like Jacinda or often any intelligent women ( and Trump hates women being anything other than playthings ) - you would think we have evolved in our thinking but the opposite often seems true That and years of neoliberalism where one or two generations now don't know the NZ of the 50's 60's where everything was so much more egalitarian and the level of dog eat dog/ personal competitiveness was just really not evident. We were more societal as opposed to individual. It could also be because I'm an old curmudgeonly grump when it comes to todays personal importance ethic - I'm sure that is part of it.

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I agree so I must be in the same boat as you! I share my parents views who were born in 1917 and 1918 so grew up in the 1920s, 30s, and endured WW2. Always a kind word and/or act. Individualism has always left me cold, especially after reading that Ayn Rand rubbish. America could have been great. But there is always hope. The young ones behind us are more in tune to the environment which we all need to survive.

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There is also the worry of so many staunch Christians coming into power positions - like the USA

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Me too. I feel sick to my stomach at all the hate and raft of bigoted behaviour. Sometimes I start to feel helpless but then I think, you know what - fuck them. I’m trying to channel my energy to whatever small positive way I can, whether that is talking to people undecided about who to vote for or even if they will vote.

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Yes stick with it. We can't be defeated by such horrible behaviour.

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good on you Terri x

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Thank you Nick for this Kōrero. No one ever talks about the financial cost of all those people losing their jobs. Public sector saves $600 million in salaries, but what’s the increased spend at the other end as a result of people not having jobs? I’m not talking about the significant impact on people’s well-being, mana, sense of belonging, positioning in society, and their ability to participate, contribute and relate in their worlds - that’s a whole other discussion. I’m talking about the cold hard cost of additional benefits, health services, etc etc for those that are not able to secure other employment. Speaking only about saving this money is such a blunt, limited, obscure and untrue account of the reality. Makes my blood boil.

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Absolutely. The reality of job cuts is unpleasant and costly, even ignoring the collateral damage to human beings.

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Thanks Nick for putting a vital human face on what can all too easily become a hypothetical discussion. I have it on good authority Nicola reassures us that if the dismissed public servants can't afford bread for Christmas, they should consider eating cake.

Having been to three public candidate meetings over the last week (I got a lifetime dose of hearing from ACT, now need to detox), I'm not sure the motivation of people supporting this nonsense is only the imagined direct benefit of tax cuts. Willis has apparently identified the Ministry of Pacific Peoples, DOC and the Ministry of Social Development as targets for cuts. There definitely is some embedded cruelty and moral outrage about "spending our money" that is driving this and picking up applause among the superannuitant battlers. They may not actually benefit from the tax cut but above all they want the satisfaction that nobody else "undeserving" is benefiting from Government spending. This apparently includes our most vulnerable citizens and our environment.

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I agree, I think above and beyond the desire to get a tax cut there is a section of the population that want to see the public sector given a kicking. The same people that are the first to complain if the service they need doesn't meet their expectations.

I do like Christmas cake, but I wouldn't eat any Nicola Willis was offering. Good line though 😀

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Agree. Coupled with the "bunch of paper pushes telling us what we can't do" means that whatever Nichola says is heard in the abstract of 'us' and 'them'. It's a handy little trick of fascists. The fixation with removing impediments to self interests is gobsmacking. The smarmy comment about foreign buyers gagging to buy luxury property in Queenstown just encapsulates everything that is heinous about them. People are going to love everything she says. The simplicity of the message is provided without context and the spiel lands as intended. "Trust us" because "they" are getting in your way. May the scales fall from their eyes before they vote

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As a superannuation I certainly don't think like that.

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Please forgive the generalisation. A disturbing number of wild-eyed millennials clapping along to the ACT nonsense as well so it's not strictly a generational issue. Also I will note that the majority of pointed questions to candidates about climate change came from those well into retirement age. Very good to see.

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I am a Superannuitant and I realise that a change of Government probably won't directly affect me at all. But it's not about ME. We've worked hard to be comfortable enough and tried to raise our children to be good citizens- seving the community with their training and skills and holding good family values. Most of all we really care about what kind of world our grandchildren will inherit. It's scary stuff and prejudice, greed, misogyny, and hate are not what I hope for them.

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You are excused. I do get annoyed with the generalisation that National supporters are all grey haired pearl clutching superannuants. I certainly am none of the above.

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My understanding Janette from countless media reports and cartoons going back years is that it is NZF supporters who are all grey haired pearl clutching superannuitants. I have been known to vote NZF but not lately . Red and Green are nicer than Black and Blue and seem to have more business nous

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There must be a special sort of person that could warm to Willis , when she speaks it's like a mass screeching from a thousand fingernails on an enourmous blackboard.

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In my working life I endured several redundancies, mostly given notice in mid November to finish up mid December. Even when the job hunt started immediately and another position was found, starting a new job meant mid January and first pay a month later in February or even March. It was gut wrenching anxiety and stress over mortgage, insurance and food bills, plus school costs for the teens.

I used to go back working on the floor at rest homes for minimum wage just to get some cash coming in. It was physically demanding and the Granny Stacker corporations are in it for maximum profit not compassion for their staff.

The thought of this Blue shower attaining power is a grinding stressful feeling that doesn’t go away.

Brilliant piece Nick.

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Thanks Nick. This makes me very sad. Voters be very careful with your choice. Cos this National/Act lot will do this!

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So many of their policies seem to be designed to appeal to the “man on the street” with his ill-formed opinions.

Headline policies with no depth, and all seem to be destined to fail later, or push the costs into the future, or cause more harm whilst benefiting the few.

Fucking horrible is right.

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It's a horrible thought alright. National and ACT seek the power of being in charge but do not want the responsibility of governing. They cut jobs from the public service, which they are also a part of, in order to appease their big business mates and get their short term tax cuts paid for. Nick you are correct when you say there will be no time for consultation for redundancies but when do National ever consult? They do not care a fig about civil society or their citizens. Our public services the one's Nick has mentioned plus many others are part of society and are here for us. This wholesale sacking of people will ultimately cost much more than keeping them. Seymour has already stated what he wants to get rid of - The Ministry of Women's Affairs, Pacific Affairs (we know what he wanted to do here), Ethnic Affairs, the NZ Human Rights Commission, and the RMA. There is probably more but that's just the start. It's a frightening scenario.

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You're right Willis's plan is 'f*cking horrible' as are her delusions.

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I just watched her on tele - awful management speak - saying nothing!!!!

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I tend to yell abuse at the screen when she starts blathering on. My son is quite disturbed by the language coming out of my mouth that he doesn't usually hear from me. I just can't bear her- she is a deceiver , a liar. Nick has pointed to Luxon's cynical bid to be PM, like John Key, and to get a knighthood like John Key. I agree with him, and I include Nicola Willis in that cynicism. It's pretty clear that she is a career poitician who is all about being in a position of power. I notice that not only has she not released the workings of their budget for tax cuts, she has also not been transparent about who the "independant " person is that approved their costings. She shows how unscrupulous she is by bragging about implementing National's job cuts for public servants . No empathy shown by her for these people who will be traumatised by mass job cuts.One of my sons is a CEO in Australiia, and it really bothers him when he has to lay somebody off. He is also very aware that how well he does his job affects the jobs of many other people.

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100%! Both Luxon and Willis come across as so disingenuous I cannot fathom how anyone can have any trust / faith in them.

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Remember Pike River, National had cut back on mines inspectors

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Perfectly sums it up. National did the same in 2012. I was lucky. Got another job and a small redundancy payout. Fortunately I was on an old contract but now many government departments no longer have a redundancy clause in their contracts. I hope the public servants realise what National has in store for them.

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Nicola Willis seems to have been watching re runs of 'Gliding On' and thinking it is serious drama.

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The repercussions for so many people are horrendous. The glibness around their announcements on "cost cutting" in the public service is disgusting. They're talking about people as though they are inanimate objects. The assumption, (that we are all supposed to swallow), that none of them are doing essential work is bloody insulting.

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It's quite horrible to think that Willis must be already making a LIST.

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Working out who to appoint to the ACC board before selling it to the Insurance company AIG (once State Insurance). The proceeds - in excess $14 billion will cover the tax cuts nicely

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Is AIG the company that swallowed up most NZ insurance companies after the Christchurch earthquakes and went on to make record profits?

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Yes . Google American Insurance Group.

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Bet they are already backing NAct. Buying ACC will be a big prize for those. working in private hospitals

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...and checking it twice - na, who needs to check anything? LOL

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