Just a heads up: Over at Newsroom Robert Patman has contributed the following: "NZ shouldn't be afraid to call Trump out." An excellent piece, but can you imagine lily-livered Luxon and his fawning mates having the gumption to stand up to the new Fuhrer? We will have to leave that to Labour and the Greens - and Te Pati Maori . Let's hope they do so with gusto.

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Robert Patman is an excellent frequent guest on Bernard Hickey's Hoon weekly, Thursday, Podcast

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2015 - most biased Speaker! Gerry has doubled down on that challenge. I don’t miss Jessica either, but the unbalanced reporting continues at TVNZ

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In amongst this interesting trip through the decade my favourite bit is the humour of five year olds. Makes me giggle.

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Yes indeed! It was interesting reading the signs that were there then….But now it’s much worse!

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Ahh, Freedom indeed! Putin and Netanyahu must be revelling free in the knowledge that no matter how many innocent people are killed, displaced, exiled or starved in their goals of being rulers in the new John Key "movement", that's apparently coming, Big Brother Don has no desire to stop or censure their behaviour because they're besties and he wouldn't want to spoil their fun. If he only knew......... But he's an intelligence averse zone himself, despite his claims about having a bigger brain than anyone else, so won't have a clue

how their fun involves him being played for the sucker he is.

Coincidentally, I sent a letter to the Herald yesterday that reflects the lack of freedom some of our citizens will have to enjoy Christmas this year through events beyond their control. As I write at the end of the letter I have no connection to Dave Letele or the Foodbank and this is not a request for donations. It's just the thought of how many people rely on others to help them and how quickly that help can be snatched away from them by those who vandalise their hopes or choose to ignore or deny that our world isn't the Utopia so many believe we live in.

On a happier note, loved Matty's quotes, the fact that Chloe is up and running and the sun is shining in our town! Letter below. Have a lovely day.

It's heartbreaking that Dave Letele's Buttabean Motivation Foodbank is now fighting for survival after criminal damage that will deprive hundreds of needy families any hope of joy at Christmas. Right now the donations coming in to help their cause won't be enough to cover everyone's needs. In this supposedly egalitarian society we inhabit I'm sure there are many who could donate some of their tax cut benefits, or just feel that as Christmas, the season of generosity and giving is nearly upon us, a helping hand would be an appropriate act of kindness much appreciated. Unfortunately there is the belief among many that financial wealth equals some degree of superiority over those classed as "losers", "no hopers" or "bottom feeders". I'm sure there are also many who nobley donate some of their success to charities across the globe to feed the starving and homeless we can't see, which is very generous in its way. However the saying "charity begins at home" has never been so relevant as it is in our current climate. I urge all who can afford to, to please look to those on the doorstep, not in foreign lands, this Christmas and onwards. The needs are as real here as they are overseas. Everyone deserves to feel wanted whatever their circumstances and status. It's up to us all to deliver that hope. I have no connection to the Buttabean Foodbank, other than a great degree of sorrow for those who rely on them to help them get through the next day with a full belly.

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Have an awesome as day Nick, you and yours. There's a whole other life out there. That's what really matters. Nothing new under the sun. Not being trite or undermining all the thinking. Sometimes, you gotta step away, from the world and Godzone. Watched some awesome peeps talking on coping and handling this moment in time today. Good advice, and the fight will go on. Love the governors drawing some lines in the sand.

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Interesting review. Good reminders, thank you.

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Another good catch up Nick, thanks so much for your wise words and your prophetic insights.

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I remember primary school I was very willing to give my lunch to my friends who didn't have any as I really didn't like mine lol. If no-one arlte it the goats in the paddock next to the church used to get it. My son used to leave his in his bag oh my gosh the smell at the end of term lol

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A great piece thanks Nick!

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