I loved that, Nick. Thank you for watching on my behalf - me being off shore right now and all that! And I do love Grant Robertson, that good Dunedin boy.

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May 31, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Love the article. Nicole should try one of Todd's cup of teas and lie down. She is so painful to listen too

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I would love to see the look on her face if Luxon suggested she "have a cup of tea and a lie down"!

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Thank you for that, Nick! How brilliant the Labour PM, Ministers, and MPs are is overlooked due to the braying, Nat-sucking media noise! Like this explanation! Tino pai!

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May 30, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

A heartwarming read!

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Every time I see or hear Seymour it astounds me how he and his party of invisible people continue to poll so high. As for Prebble telling us Luxon is doing a better job than Hipkins is shows where Seymour took his lessons in how to spout BS from.

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May 30, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

I was a writer for a major government department (some years ago) in a role that included OIAs, and providing information for MPs to reply to those oral questions in Parliament. When they landed on the desks of backroom public servants everything stopped including lunch. Information was gathered on the basis of only-provide-what's-semantically-asked ... to the point of rediculousness.

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May 30, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Does anything useful ever come out of Question Time?

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Probably not, but there does need to be an opportunity to question the government. Shame they don't put it to better use and have something a bit more meaningful or constructive.

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Exactly! Like many of our "journalists", the main purpose of the questions is to shame, humiliate, prove wrong, and show off. If they were trying to clarify complex decisions or ask about possible alternatives or anything that provided information instead of gotcha quotes for the news, we'd all be better off.

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My grandmother, when I was living with her, listened to parliament with a passion. A hobby for old folk which raises a question😊 but I all ready know the answer. Tx for sharing and your passion to inform

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I love Grant Robertson for all the reasons you have given - his genuine kindness & pure decency oozes from him.

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Brilliant writing! I was chuckling and nodding all the way to the end. Right with you on Grant - his wit and intelligence outweigh the whole lot of the opposition members put together.

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Thanks for reminder to watch politicians in action. I loved the way Winston used to support Jacinda when under attack. Up he'd get and off he'd go with (as you say) that twinkle in his eye. However, I am prepared to forego that pleasure in the matter of sanity.

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You are right- Winston did suport Jacinda very well in parliament. And with a lot of wit and humour. It seems a it of a shame that in retrospect he had to start trashing her. I always felt he genuinely liked her, and it was down to her interpersonal skills , and tolerance, that he got through a whole parliamentary term without being evicted, as he had been with Jenny Shipley, and Helen Clark.

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Yes I agree - great shame and quite puzzling really.

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Thanks for John Clark , Nick. A pretty accurate portrayal of the braying , background,childish noise in parliament. I find it difficult to listen to for too long. Nicola Willis is no match for Grant Robertson. His ability to think on his feet, his wit, and in fact his genuiness shine through. He genuinely wants to do his best for the people of this country. He is not a cynical politician. His wit has been compared to David Lange's. I would never listen to anything Richard Prebble says. What a toad he turned out to be.!

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Right on as always.

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