"Have we all lost our minds here people?"... "but seriously how the hell does a Labour volunteer posting an opinion piece to a local party page warrant asking a question of a government Minister? I know we’re a small country but surely there’s a cat stuck up a tree somewhere, or something else more important to cover?"

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Utterly deficient in redeeming qualities - please add Jordan Williams to the list next time.

The MSM certainly does treat ‘scandals’ of the left and right differently, particularly when wahine toa are concerned. Imagine if Cost-tello was not of the ruling class!

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Oh Mitchell go cry me a river. And why on earth did the lady apologise 🤦‍♀️ Thanks Nick. Keep on keeping on. Btw G’s research has uncovered some nasty nasty coverups or should I call it maybe just short of corruption?

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G's research findings, is it even short of corruption? Definitely dishonest & several people deliberately telling lies.

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Much better description 💜💜

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Great article Nick

What gets me about Mark the mercenary is it was his job. And sadly he was probably paid bloody good money for it. So why is it that everyone who asks, or comments. is the problem?

How unlike the right change the narrative to suit themselves.

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I seems to me we have exactly what the Westminster system of Politics provides! Left against Right - division and antagonism. What our culture and society want, clamor for? WE GET WHAT WE VOTE FOR! Now the NATNZ dictatorship have control of 5 million of us and and they are laying down the law, we must all be treated the same, but we are NOT the same! That is communism in its worst form!

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shouldn't apologize for that. Should send it to all news outlets and make sure everyone knows.

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So Mark the Mercenary has a problem with his MERCENARY role/activities being known publicly , and wants that "silly little girl" Ginny Anderson to publicly apologise. MM must rue the day when STOCKS went out of fashion. It seems he would enjoy seeing Ginny punnished publicly with her head in the stocks and people able to physically throw crap at her, not just on twitter.X , the Platform,RNZ, Slater atc. What a naughty girl she is speaking the truth about MM. She should know his teflon, National Party, Right wing coat makes him above reproach, and unaccountable at every level.

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LMAO - the para about Michael Fraser's reply, suggesting you “crywank more”.

Perfect response Nick: "Some say if the only tool you have is a hammer then every problem starts to look like a nail. I’m not sure what tools Michael is packing, but I’m guessing he’s not seeing a lot of nails."

Think you really hit the nail on the head there! ;-)

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Well said Nick, and yes slater heads my list of people that are beyond detestable.

Well it didn't take old grab a seat long to get his snout firmly into the Taxpayers trough did it.

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been doing it all day ref

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Yep Nick, keep sticking it to 'them' & ignore the rubbish. I was pleased to see Ginny still being assertive with her questions to MM in the house yesterday. Shame about TV3, I hope they will be able to eventually find a way to keep Newshub going.

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Support you all the way Nick. So sorry that Chris Hipkins felt it necessary to become involved. It’s time the opposition stopped playing nice guys and took it to the Govt as they were given when in power. Lots of targets to choose from to harass such as Costello and the lies she told for starters. Is Seymour now lining up Tv1 to sell off? Sorry to see Newshub go.

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Thanks Nick - I think that Ginny should not have apologised as there was nothing to apologise for- he was a mercenary / killing people is what they do!

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brilliant. Nick's Korero creates a stir and gets an appearance in mainstream media. yes more than one organisation locally producing free-to-air news media was good while it lasted. we also need more of your voice, and others, to show people the meaning of that news. If you start to write in a way that will shock the mainstream into realising that there is more than one way to tell a story, all good.

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This government is beginning to show its true colours...as the old saying goes, "If you want to find out what some person or some social group is really like, give them a bit of power and carefully observe what they do with it".

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Love your work, Nick. I thought that pic of the thug Minister Mitchell in uniform looked fabulous, btw - and went very nicely with Ginny Andersen’s comments. Goodness me, what would Bill Andersen make of all this if he were still around? Since when did former soldiers with his record need to be protected from fair comment?

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Wow super sensitive, and rewriting history? Very precious and a diversion? imo.

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Just his usual bullying behaviour

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