May 29, 2022Liked by Nick Rockel

I agree with your comment about Josie Pagani. She has become a regular opinion writer on Stuff, and although she is probably still Left of Janet Wilson ( not so "former" PR person for the National Party, and Damien Grant, John Bishop (,father of Chris, and initiator of the tax payers union ))and Ben whats his name who pops up everywhere (also a former PR person for the Nats ) - Josie shows herself to be somewhat underwhwelmed with the current govt. I gather she was an advisor to the Helen Clark govt. but has not been called apon by Jacinda Ardern - hence her regular criticisms of the PM, and her dismissive attitude to our Covid response. Then we have Andrea Vance -a Stuff journalist ( home country Ireland ) whose articles,and "opinion "pieces are always negative- never anything positive. She once wrote a piece entitled -"Jacinda Ardern is not always right. My response is that Andrea Vance is often wrong in her "reckons". I'm pretty sure the PM would not claim to be always right-and isn't good that we have a caucus and backbench MPs who also get a say, not to mention the other parties inparliament. Andrea Vance'slatest "opinion"piece on Stuff calls for an investigation into our covid respone. The title of her piece is that 1000 deaths cannot not be regarded as being alright. Of course she is right about the deaths- any untimely deaths caused by covid are sad/tragic. She implies that our covid response has not been good enough. She also implies that our health system became overwhelmed, and that needs to be investigated. I do hope she applies the same critical interest to her home country of Ireland. The latest numbers (from two days ago) state that Ireland, with a population similar to the size of NZ have had I MILLION,561 THOUSAND, AND 632 covid infections. Their current death toll is 7,271. according to the WHO. That is despite being a member of the EEC, and having access to all covid vaccinations produced within the EEC including thePfizzer vaccine, Astro-zeneca and others. I should say that I do think their should, and in fact will be a Royal Commission investigation of our covid response, but not one that will begin with the starting assumption that is already negative.

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May 29, 2022Liked by Nick Rockel

I couldn’t agree more & I am from Blighty.. 1st generation though 😳

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May 29, 2022Liked by Nick Rockel

Well I am a sixth generation NZ er-my forbears arrived in NZ from Cornwall in 1841. They came from a colonised situation, and were promised the chance to buy land and to have a better life. To survive they learnt Te Reo Māori , and relied apon Māori knowledge of the flora and fauna for food, and medicines.

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May 29, 2022Liked by Nick Rockel

A great read - Thank you

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May 29, 2022Liked by Nick Rockel

I am more worried about NZ Herald article about the doctorate awarded to Jacinda compared to Key . Trying to diminish the importance and brilliant speech at Harvard University to the place to celebrate it. They don't say , together with all media of her meetings with biggest businesses in USA, was it Bkackrocks ? Plus Microsoft, Tweeter, Amazon who is investing 7.5 billions in Auckl creating thousands or more jobs . Or with California governor, the Silver Fox , signing a deal : 5th biggest economy in the world. We all should complain about the relentless undermining of our PM, government by this foreign owned right wing media . ZB , NZHerald are owned by News Corps Australia Murdoch media. Fox, Sky, The Telegraph , the Daily Mail all supporting Trump and Boris . All criticising Jacinda , in fact Fox and Sky had Chantelle Baker on during the anti vaxxerx , far right white supremacists Neo Nazi protests, criticising the PM and spreading lies ! Where could we complain?

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May 29, 2022Liked by Nick Rockel

Thanks for a great read 🤜🏼🤛

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