Jones has no place in our Parliament , he is just an appalling person.

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A conceited verbose dangerous buffoon.

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I agree with your summation of Shane Jones. He is conceited,and verbose. I would add greedy.He is known for hosting social events where vast amounts of kai moana are consumed. He boasts about this. and yes-he is a dangerous buffoon.

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The way he talks about endangered and or iconic NZ creatures is appalling. He seems to revel in his cruelty.

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100% accurate.

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It's a sinister plot isn't it? First they get rid of 'fair pay agreements' then they axe jobs left, right and centre. So you ask the what's the big picture? It is to get more people unemployed so that those doing the hiring do not have to give pay rises or offer huge salaries. Thus our wages go down and people, who are desperate for any kind of work will take what is offered. The employer's will then adopt the mantra, as they did in the Key years, "if you don't like it then leave, there will be someone who will do the job for that price". It is a horrible and disgusting way of doing things, and only benefits business, as once again they do not have to worry about people. In fact, this type of thing brings the whole country down.

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Yes indeed. Capitalism can only "survive" if there is a reserve labour force of people desperate to find work . Benefits have always been lower than the lowest wage to maintain that reserve labour force. The previous Labour government introduced a little socialism into our society with the Fair Pay ACT, and with setting benefits to wage rises.

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Shane Jones should be careful about chanting "Free Willy". One could be forgiven for wondering whether he has his Ministerial credit card on the go again for his own pleasure. Just on Melissa (again), I just realised she is also Minister for Economic Development and in charge of MBIE, as well as ACC Associate and has her own Parliamentary Undersecretary for her role as Minister for Media and Communications. it pays to read the delegations ; https://www.dpmc.govt.nz/our-business-units/cabinet-office/ministers-and-their-portfolios/delegations

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Ha - yes that certainly does give a different meaning to "Free Willy". Did your power come back on ok?

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Yep ; after a river of rain out here this morning, sun is out. Power back on thanks.

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Good to hear, I had visions of John having to make the tea over a fire. My daughter left at 4am on a road trip this morning to Wellington, should be an interesting trip with this weather.

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Okay thats disturbing lol, I have a claim in at the mo with ACC which they are slowwwwly investigating - if the Melissa has anything to do with it I'll have no show!

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The job losses this cruel & heartless CoCks are imposing on such a large scale on those who work to support the front line is despicable. But they don't give a shit because it doesn't affect them & their privileged lives & livelihoods.

I shared a cartoon recently on my fb page which showed all the sacked worker walking from their old places of employment into the Winz office to go on a benefit ...with Luxflakes saying it would 'save lots of money'

My fkn FATHER commented 'cheaper on the dole than paying them ridiculous money for doing nothing'...how the hell am I related to him?

Doing nothing? Wtaf??

That's what he (& every other RW capitalist prick) think all of those employed in all of those positions did??

I feel sick & am so sorry for each & every one of them.

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The work that back office support staff do is often underrated by the front of house people - like parliamentarians. Once they start cutting parliamentary staff and MPs have to do their own research, speech writing, diary keeping, we might see a change of attitude. 🤞

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Current coalition MPs seem more inclined to act on ‘vibes’ than reliable and validated research, so perhaps no hope for a change in attitude, sadly!

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I like your assessments. Interesting about ACT. Sad for sea lions.

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Regards to ACT, even a broken clock is right twice a day…

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Profit over the planet. Every time. Who cares if we wipe out another species.

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Shameful isn’t it!

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Good to hear you're getting a bump in subscribers. I value what you have to say and the often humorous take. I'd like to afford more but have limited funds and there are so many other paywalled writers I'd love to be able to contribute to. As for our current MP ministers I struggle to understand where their morality or lack of local and/or global justice exists.

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Yes a valuable Left Voice. Thank you Nick.

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I think Shane Jones is a joke and deserves brickbats preferably battering him over the head!

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The Twittersphere is full of nasty ill-informed and irrational comments about the public service job losses. When did we start becoming so bloody negative and heartless as a nation? Most of our forebears would be aghast at the lack of supportive community approach most of them had in very difficult times, e.g. world wars and the great depression etc.

On another extremely disturbing note from Twitter was the confirmation that "Rupert Murdoch's top media vulture meets with PM Luxon and Melissa Lee.

Wonder what they chatted about." Was this cynical opportunism or just part of the do nothing plot against media??

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Wow again Nick for your flashback to the beginnings of TV3 and their first reporters. I had completely forgotten about Belinda Todd- a very energetic newsreader. Loiuse Wallace had of course kept a public profile with television appearances on panel shows, and _The Real Houwewives of Auckland.etc. She is now (sadly) deceased. I'd forgotten Bill Ralston's Bocquets and Brickbats . That is a decent way of reviewing politicians performance, and political issues . And my recollection is that he did get people cross the political spectrum to have their say. I was less positive about his column in the Listener in latter years., where he seemed to have OPINIONS CONSISTENT WITH A MOVE TO THE RIGHT .I imagine he would be empathetic to the public servants losing their jobs. He was one once for several year before his television career. He had a PR type role with what was then the Dept. of Trade and Industry. My mother was one of his work colleagues , and was very positive about him. I was very surprised that both ACT, and NZ First have supported the Green Party Bill to oare-grant NZ citizenship to Samoan elders who initially had citizenship from when NZ was the Colonial Power contolling Samoa. Muldoon passed legislation to remove this right thus\making it much harder for Samoans to get NZ citizenship. National were the only party to vote against the Bill. A reminder that our government is very parties with different opinions and agendas.

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typos--three parties in parliament.

re-grant Nz Citizenship

across political parties any other typos!!

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Loved the song, Nick.

As for this conglomeration of "elected" idiots, what can anyone say? They all need to be thoroughly ridiculed for their activities. Perhaps that might wake them up to the hand up their collective bum.

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If Billy put the big shell to his ear today he would probably hear Shane Jones clubbing sea lion cubs

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Thanks so much for sharing the Billy Bragg number. Practically every song you post makes me tear up! And Bragg looks so young in the video clip!

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He's a good man. His biography is a good read too.

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Perhaps if NewsHub delivered their news at a different time I for one would have been watching it. We watch tv4 at 5.30 then over to tv1 for the 6oclock. Shame they didn’t pick the 5.30 slot as well, or better still 7pm.

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Glad you have some new subscribers Nick. Your posts are one of the few positive things currently happening in the political sphere in the country. Wish our opposition would start something like this to show they are actually opposing. Don't believe brief TV appearances, Parliamentary broadcast and the odd herald article are enough to stir up the general public who don't watch, listen or read these. That's why I value your daily efforts.

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Mac Stevenson, I agree. Nicks posts are full of information and humour. The subscription is very modest and is money well spent.

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I was in intermediate when TV3 launched, it was a magical time. And I’ll pop the bouquet for paid subscribers in a vase to display on the kitchen table over the weekend to brighten up the place, much as reading your writing often brightens up my day in a sea of bad news. A very happy subscriber here, keep up the mīharo mahi 🧡

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