Yeah really disliked how some of those personalities attacked Labour. But I never thought they were corrupt or bribed (prove it Winston!). There are still some quality journalists in NZ but there's been a massive move to "celebrity" journalism, where the "market" requires they get headlines and clicks which has led to some real crappy populist journalism. That is the bigger problem, not how offended Winston is or was, or how often he makes up bullshit. Winston says he's going to travel a lot more as Foreign Minister. If I were him, I would be really worried about what Casey Costello, no 3 in NZF ministers will get up to. Shane Jones will do his thing and talk in riddles, and of course his mates in the fishing industry have their reward with the Coalition agreement.

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Winston has a couple of targets. He threatened Jack Tame, and has no time for Jon Campbell among others. He is obviously bitter this time, the urbane mask has slipped badly. Rather than witty his remarks and observations seem very Trump like.

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Yes, I agree, it really is Trump like the way he is behaving.

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John not Jon.

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Our new Deputy PM is now the Minister of Racism and Raging.

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Winston did his usual which is to make himself the centre of attention. This is just the beginning and Luxton will be struggling to make headway against Winston's constant grand standing. The truth doesn't matter to him so he's in good company.

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Yes, a well written and thoughtful column Nick. I get really frustrated with the msm, particularly with its clickbait reporting, sensationalism and lack of perspective. I also get irritated by their smart arse comments. Certainly it seems much more right leaning than left and with the exception of Simon Wilson, the NZH is filled with columnists and opinion piece writers from the right. However I haven't thought it corrupt. Winston has always been a populist but I fear his brand of populism is descending into the Trumpist depths. You are also correct that a % of his supporters are anti everything. The term anarchists could accurately by used to describe them. But if Winston and NZF are to survive in the coalition government, they must compromise and do what is necessary to keep the machinery of government ticking over. The anti everything brigade will turn on him like angry attack dogs.

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wonderful 18 months of peters talking shite.

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I think you may be overly kind and gracious to the media Nick 😆 its frankly scurrilous that only post-election are they telling the truth about ram raid nos, impacts on poor etc. But I am very scared and angry that this 3 headed dog has come out so tone deaf and aggressive on their 1st day in office. We are truly in for an unholy and destructive war. They are doubling down on their most egregious stances, and being nakedly aggressive and ignorant. Aue.

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Agree. The pollsters and certain heavily R-W ghouls got this coalition in, and not because of bribery by Labour? FFS! I would like to know WHO GAVE such prominent positions AND DIRECTIONS to "journalists" who know nothing about being unbiased, make negative and leading remarks to any Labour interviewee, and wrote the anti-Labour government headlines every blood night or event. They were in need of a pocket search.

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This is what could easily happen: Winston Peters will make a complete Dk of himself for three years. National and Act will work very hard on coming across as calm and statesmanlike. Result: in three years Winston will be voted out and National/Act will enjoy their first four-year term of unfettered right-wing brutality. Let's work very hard to prevent this scenario.

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I think just maybe Luxton is beginning to see why Chippy stated clearly, he would not form a coalition with Winston

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Winnie has descended into an angry, bitter, old man who wants to be the centre of attention and he will continue to take down anyone who disagrees with him. He will be a terror to work with and Luxon does not have the ability to shut him up. As for the media they are getting a dose of their own medicine. They allowed Luxon an easy ride to win the election and through this Winnie was able to gate crash the party! Winnie’s bitterness towards Labour was caused by the landslide Labour victory which pushed him out of parliament. I can’t fathom his statements around bribery with Labour and the media. Peters is becoming more like Trump and we will be soon hearing “Fake news” when he is challenged.

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It is a very Trumpian tactic, throw a hand grenade into the room to set the context for future discourse.

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I heard something on RNZ this morning which is probably the genesis (probably one of many) of his rabid, conspiracy, circular accusations. The fund was a contestable fund, and like most contestable funds in a broad array of fields, requires the applicant to demonstrates a committment to Te Tiriti o Waitangi. Now, if, like Winston (and Seymour, et al), this is completely against your belief system, then awarding funds to those applicants is tantamount to a bribe to perpetuate your evil dogma. It's completely dumb, but also completely in line with the conspiracy logic that looks for the skerrick of anything that could be twisted to suit your 'truth'. And Luxon is a pathetic patsy for laughing along with it and leaving his backbone in the limousine.

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We have a three headed ego as head of Government.......IMHO we must ensure they are voted out at the next elections and Winston will help with that!

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Thanks for that Nick. On the mark Disappointing from Winston but not unexpected. Pleased he stopped overseas investment though. His interview with Jack Tame was telling.

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Thanks Nick Rockel.

Winston is incapable of changing .

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I would agree with you Nick if it was a Govt bribe then the govt of the time i.e. Labour was short changed and should ask for a refund!!

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Well put, Nick. Thank you.

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