Jun 26Liked by Nick Rockel

Sometimes the wrong people do the right thing - savour the moment

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Jun 26Liked by Nick Rockel

Even a stopped clock’s right twice a day :D

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OMG Nick, I can’t believe you said that…

Haha seriously I do admire you for trying to find the good, no matter how infinitesimal compared to the daily carnage wreaked by this nasty, dreadful government. Loved Jonathon Pie’s rant about Liz Truss, seeing parallel after parallel with Willis but yes, good on her for sticking it to Tamaki and good on Goldie for making this stalking legislation happen. Not before time.

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Jun 26Liked by Nick Rockel

Call me a cynical damp cloth, but Willis has very long way to go before her moral compass points in the right direction.

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I'm with you John.

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Jun 27Liked by Nick Rockel

OMG you had me worried. I have to disagree re Nicola. I just can't see me praising her, ever. I attended a protest on Tuesday at Parliament, handing over the 57,000 signatures of kiwis opposing the overturning of the ban on live exports. Damien O'Connor attended, along with other Labour and Green MPs but not one single person from National, Act or NZ First. Great knowledgeable speakers from Huha, SAFE, SPCA and various experienced veterinary surgeons and experts who know the reality of this barbaric cruelty. Today I can hear the familiar sounds of yet another protest at Parliament, this time in support of Palestine. I will be joining them shortly. So many protests these days - keep 'em coming.

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Jun 26Liked by Nick Rockel

Morena. I had to laugh after seeing Nicola’s response to BT. I even pushed the like button but then I deleted it thinking oooh everyone will think I am now siding with her. In other words I got chicken. So well done you on both counts. Her and him😂

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Jun 26Liked by Nick Rockel

my loathing for tamaki and his hangers on is truly viscerale...

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Jun 27·edited Jun 27

I'm somewhat surprised that, with his ego, Brian hasn't declared himself The Chosen One or the resurrected Son of God. The only reason I can imagine is that it would result in a threat to sue from Trump's lawyers on the basis that their client denies any paternal link or shared DNA with Brian.

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Jun 27Liked by Nick Rockel

I’m sorry Nick but I’m not yet ready to give any acknowledgement to Willis or Goldsmith. They are causing utter havoc with their policies and programmes and disadvantaging millions of our people. So no, not yet, if ever.

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The Anti-stalking bill is a no brainer; that someone had to die to get it this far is very sad.

Hurry up!

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Jun 27Liked by Nick Rockel

I wonder if Bishop B. Tamaki sees the irony in saying "I believe in freedom of choice ......" then questioning the choices made by others ........

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I doubt Brian Tamiki sees any irony because he is too carried away by his own self importance!

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Love Jonathan Pie. Yes, well done Nick, I experienced a moment of joy myself when I heard Goldsmith would see it adopted.

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Jun 26·edited Jun 26Liked by Nick Rockel

Good job Nick. Politicians are just people after all and I do think we should deliver praise where we can. It's been frustrating to me that Nat politicians in particular have been holding a "coalition line" which is I suspect often contrary to their values. At least some will speak against hatred. I wonder what the PM thinks?

Deterrent for stalking is a necessary, if incomplete solution. I do wonder what the social conditions are that cause men in particular down the road of this type of domestic violence? Perhaps a society that implies entitlement along with some mental health issues? I'd also like to see some effort put into prevention and that might require us all looking at the way we speak and act.

Finally I hope you won't mind me promoting this: https://givealittle.co.nz/cause/the-case-against-brian-tamaki?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR1iX0ZIHI4-YiDnqp2VoTAmAGfroo-yyBkrRXskhDUku7mxRGY2_Vls8rQ_aem_enGi5nuisorW_KNAKCTihQ

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I take this opportunity to point out to readers that stalking activity [which invariably includes other types of threatening conduct as well] is not confined to sexually motivated and/or domestic violence cases. People stalk for all manner of reasons. In my case it was covert stalking together with associated acts of retribution by a woman acquaintance. It was motivated by jealousy and a penchant for 'punishing' people for perceived misdemeanours that only existed in her mind. She was never brought to justice which in my view was an indictment on the justice system as it existed at the time, and still exists today.

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Well said.......I have a similar thing around Jones, I caught myself liking him a smidge.....then I was like WOT TE FFFFFFFF. Was that me........

Similar feelings of admiration for Willis and Goldsmith on this...............not 2 of my fav humans ..........but big ups to them.............and Brian Tamaki getting his beans..............that was a clever comeback from Willis. Humour like that is a sign of intelligence................maybe there is hope.....

Tomorrow ya may be back to normal Nick LOL.

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I just got a picture of that Jones moment mentioned above. Inside it was like the robot we watched as kids in Lost In Space.....his arms waving around out of control and him saying ....does not compute, does not compute. Thankfully such moments pass.

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since does not compute and Jones are in the same vicinity, this is a very appropriate read around mining myths. a great read in fact , me and mr jones.......


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Jun 27Liked by Nick Rockel

OMG... haha, you went there! Good on you. Let's take the positives where we can! We all need a sliver of sunshine to keep us going and not fall into the pit of despair. Also it's really good to know that we can see the truth and not be swayed by closed minded and stubborn ways of thinking. Thanks for levelling up and being a bigger person than some who rely on their negativity to rule their lives. Lets take the win against the real nasties... aka Tamaki and stalkers!

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Thank you Raewyn, that's how I saw it. 🙂

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Jun 27Liked by Nick Rockel

I would like to think that Willis came up with that quip because she has some degree of decency and respect for the rainbow community. The cynic in me suggests it was more a ploy to engage a large sector of our population so they would vote for National when the time comes to do the deed.

I also wonder that if Ginny Andersen hadn't already presented a member's bill to protect women, would Goldsmith have ever considered doing so? If he feels as strongly about this issue as he claims, why doesn't he discuss it with Andersen and work out how to push it through together without prejudicing either party? His "commitment" to introduce a Nationalised version of the Bill by the end of the year is indeed petty as you say Nick, but is also wasting time. Matters as serious as this should be pushed through in urgency. We know it can be done. Just ask Luxon.

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Jun 27Liked by Nick Rockel

Jonathan Pie is hilarious it so sounds like the lot we've been lumbered with. Listened to the music video it was beautiful ❤️. As for Nicola well I guess if you dig deep enough there is good in most people it's all about percentages & hers are quite low however I agree with her about Tamaki such a twat .

I voted for both the anti stalking & the live animal shipping both are abhorrent. The fact that the police wouldn't believe that poor woman really got to me.

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