Ka piki te ora Nick! Self-care vital, you cant nurture from an empty vessel 💝

Still anxious but optimistic. Been interesting seeing Bridie Wootton and Derek Cheng trying to "spin by omission" last night debate as at least a draw for Luxon. Cheng gave up eventually but Bridie clearly a forever blue cultist.

Anecdotally, here in Hamilton, crowds and queues at voting places. And many saying they're there for the left and a fair deal for all 🙏

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Finally, some FIRE from the Chippie Corner! I think Mr. Hipkins learned from the 1st Jessica "too Much" Mckay interview that polite is not right with her. You just push through & let her flounder for the Control factor. Chippie answered all of the questions, professionally as you would expect a Prime Minister to do. When she tried to talk over him he upped the volume & assertively pushed her Mug out of the conversation in a polite sorta reminder that she overstepped her Host Authority in the 1st one & wasn't going to do it again in the last one! Professionally handled by an experienced Political Debater!

On the other side of the Debate Chambers we saw a pathetic, desperate nobody that froze in the headlights like a Bald Possum! (apologies to Bald Possums!)

To say that Luxburger was "Blown off the Stage", would be an understatement! Maybe "Tsunami'd" would be better, I dunno, you choose!!!

For the 1st time in a long time I felt VERY Proud to be a Kiwi! I felt that old fire come back in my gut that I felt long ago sailing East in a Real live Flotilla to stop the French from blowing up the Pacific & wrecking our lives from their Colonialist misbehaviour.

I could almost feel those Trade Winds on my cheek again as Chippie unloaded on Mr. Not so Clean with the same Fire we all felt on the run to Mururoa - Not in OUR backyard, piss off!

I had the same feeling last night watching the show. It was like a slow motion Lange speech to the Yanks about coming anywhere near our waters with Nukes. It was an in your face moment that made me proud of us again!

Listening to the blathering on RNZ this morning around the Debate results is interesting! I've yet to hear anyone come out & say that Chippie kicked Luxons big Butt, which seems a bit strange given the fact that he slammed ole Boss Boy to the mat a number of times.

No, it seems that the Commentaries & Talking Heads are all licking their wounds, not knowing what the hell hit em at this point & lookin around for a big Laury with dented Bull Bars to blame for the Hit ñ Run last night .

It seems like the Blue Meanie's have a bad case of Godsmack as they search the Haystack for Straws to pull out in self defense of their bruised & battered former CEO guy, that might be headed to WINZ for a handout after the Election when he realises that he actually snatched defeat from the Jaws of Victory in the final moments of the '23 Election. NAtional don't have a very good track record for retaining Leaders that Lose so spectacularly as this one did last night. He may not have a job come Monday next!?

Nah, Chippie came loaded for Bear last night & bagged himself a Fat White Elephant! Good on ya Laddie!

I must say though that seeing "Big Wave Dave" Benefit on the Review Panel made me laugh so hard, I had to go outside for the best & longest Belly Laugh I've had in probably 20 years! What a horrible person to have on ANY Review Panel. The persona that could derail a Freight Train from 20 paces with just a sideways glance, or scare the hands off a clock in every room where there s a clock on the wall. SHUDDER!

That may have been a brilliant move by the Labour Camp to make sure that EVERYBODY seeing that Snide Mug on their TV sets last night would Run full speed ahead to the closest Polling place & double tick Labour, TPM, or Green Boxes in indelible sharpie pen, then double circle their Ticks! The Big Wave Dave Du was befitting this nasty Velociraptor that makes Ruth Richardson seem like a cuddly ole Granny!...

Luxon was bad enough without Benefit cheerleading for National!! I bet she got a backhander from ole Wide Boys personal checkbook for her Cameo appearance last night(???)

I'm dyin to see the Poll following the debate - the Lucky Last one before we all head for the physical polls, saturday, or today, if you want a worthwhile thing to do and don't feel we need the Adams Family running our Government after Saturday's results...

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Great comments - thank you.

It made me feel proud to be a Kiwi too, really felt like someone was fighting for what was right, no matter what.

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Noho ora mai, thanks for all your work and get well soon. Reading your korero has helped me keep the faith. Hoping I’ve shared it with enough undecided friends and whanau to remind them to use their vote for all of us, not just some of us.

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Thanks Natalie, appreciate the kind words and fingers crossed eh!

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I have done that as well

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Feel better soon, and thank you.

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Thanks so much for publishing my words Nick and love the photos. That song from Vince Jones ; I heard him sing it ages ago in Australia, and I asked him if I could use it. He said yes. He has the most amazing voice. May the music and our hearts play tomorrow . You get well Nick. Your korero is wonderful.

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Thank you for sharing your words Darien, and I'm glad the photos were ok. There was a stunning photo of you next to a Maori, or Pasifika, lady that I thought of using but I figured she wasn't a public figure so that might nor be appropriate. I'm proud of the way Labour, the Greens, and TPM have represented the values of the left this election, I hope it'll be enough - I'm not sure there is more they could've done. Thanks for your support.

I had a section on three wise Labour women who I always listened to, even if the feedback was quite blunt (not you), it was generally right. One was my mum. I decided to pull it as it was a bit off topic and it was waffly enough. Always appreciate the insights and feedback.

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Bless you Darien, a real voice from the Left. Keep up the good work. Nick is a refreshing left tonic too.

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Tēnā koe Nick. Sorry to hear you are unwell. Take care of yourself, and get well soon. I am always very pleased when I open my email, and there is a "Nick's kōrerō" sitting there. Your kōrerō are always stimulating, informative, and present an essential left leaning pespective on issues we are facing.

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Nice to see that the Greens are looking likely to have their highest no. of MP's to date .

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Nick just wanted to thank you for your tireless work and to say sorry you are unwell.

I really valued you sharing the letter from Alex Stone. I belong to a hiking group full of conservative women and sharing that letter seemed the perfect way to tell them politely that voting national is madness. Take care

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Thanks Jenny. It was a good one eh, sometime it's easier to hear how good things are from a different perspective. Appreciate the thoughts.

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If the left don't win, I think we shall all be taking to our beds. May your health improve in time for the celebration!

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Get better soon Nick.Don’t forget you’ve got 10 days sick leave!

We won’t make you come back to work when you’re sick!

If you feel you must....You only need to write a few sentences....we love it all!

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Thank you for that. Goodness there will be so much to write about after tomorrow, no matter the result.

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Great words today. Chippy was great last night and showed clearly the passion he has for helping New Zealand. Luxon, on the other hand demonstrated just how out of touch he really is. Rest up Nick and look forward to your comments later tomorrow. Two ticks Labour!!

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Take Care Nick. Rest up while you can ♡

Love the photo of a young Chippy and Grant, among the Labour team.

I will enjoy your Saturday night live election day thread (SNR-RNZ foregone).


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Hope you get better soon Nick, and your family too.

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Take care Nick. You have done a sterling job with your analysis to date. And the reflections of someone today who has been at the coal face is really the little red flowers on the iced cake.

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Get well soon, you good young man.

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