I am grateful for many things, but Jacinda has to be at the top of my list.

Seeing that beautiful pic of her at the palace getting her gong made me think. When I was first in parliament in 2005, she was union liaison for Helen Clark. She always listened, wasn’t arrogant and took us seriously. When she left for the US I gave her a reference for the SEIU where she worked as a volunteer and in a food bank. Came the time, she had union support to become an MP. I remember being blown away by her maiden statement, particularly the line “Hey I’m from Morrinsville” which said it all to me about her beginnings, not forgetting of course she spent time as a child in Murapara. Jonathan Hunt said to me and Mo that that woman will be PM one day. He was so right, tho she was surprised to become an MP because she was still overseas. As colleagues through some pretty turbulent times in the Labour Party she was a solid friend. She never venally sought leadership. I saw the inspiration she gave to young women and girls throughout the world and still does. I couldn’t have been more happy when she and Clarke had little Neve. Oh and btw she was a union member all the way through.

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Kim Hill would make an excellent Governor General - let’s make it happen!

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She really would.

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6 hrs agoLiked by Nick Rockel

I love that photo - she's a very special person.

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5 hrs agoLiked by Nick Rockel

I saw a little clip of her speaking either after or before & it really brought home to me what a beautiful person she is. ❤️

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5 hrs agoLiked by Nick Rockel

Gratitude Nick. Your love of your wife, whanau, community, city , country and beyond, gives me hope for change and good for all

So does that picture of Jacinda

You, me and the many others that read your articles, can make positive change happen as unity is strength. Your articles remind us and give us the glue to stick at it 💜

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Thank you for your lovely comments Jo. 💜

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4 hrs agoLiked by Nick Rockel

You more than deserve it

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5 hrs ago·edited 5 hrs agoLiked by Nick Rockel

Wow! You've certainly packed it in today Nick. A lovely photo of William and Jacinda having a chuckle at her investiture. Great friends and great servants to their causes, together and independently. Some of us do really appreciate just how lucky we are. A pity about those you mentioned in the previous Korero who feel a duty to pour scorn on others doing their best to keep them safe and alive, tragically not always successfully. I wonder what the whingers and naysayers would have done to prevent a pandemic or a maniac with a gun carrying out their missions, if they'd had the chance?

Jacinda will remain in the hearts of all who did what was needed, when it was needed, and certainly deserves the rewards of her efforts, along with all who worked with her.

Wait for her... More genius from Roger Waters. (there seems to be quite a bit of Pink Floyd related people and music in these Koreros. Long may it remain so) 🎶👍😊

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Wait For Her is such a beautiful song. Yeah, I'm a fan. Roger Waters' stuff in particular. But I also really liked this recent clip I included from David Gilmour and his daughter:


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Many thanks for sending this Nick. I can't think of anyone who puts more of themselves or feeling into their guitar playing . I grew up listening to them all and DG still stands head and shoulders above the rest. Now.... About That Word... Any cricket tragics among us may remember an interview during a Big Bash T20 game played in Brisbane in 2019. It was broadcast live and the interviewee, Mark Waugh told the world that Brendon McCullum was a lucky one

when it came to placing bets. He caught himself just a little too late to stop. It confirmed the supposition that it can be used as a term of endearment in Australia.

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5 hrs agoLiked by Nick Rockel

I love reading what you write. Thank you Nick for being there. Also thank you to your family and friends who have your back, supporting you and your passion for writing, music, sharing your thoughts. We need you and one day you never know we will have the Aotearoa we can all be proud of. We support the Greens and really miss Jacinda too. I wish she was still our PM.

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Me too, thanks for the kind words. 🙂

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5 hrs agoLiked by Nick Rockel

Our wonderful Jacinda has just set the bar far too high for the current wannabe ever to attain.

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Gratitude for you Nick - my regular fix of rational thought and humanity 🙏

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You're most welcome. Not sure there was too much rational thought today but hopefully plenty of humanity. 🙂

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Rational thought is vastly overrated sometimes, humanity is never. 🙂

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Yes totally agree

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4 hrs agoLiked by Nick Rockel

🫂Thanks for this little oasis in the midst of all the infuriating & despicable 👍 If we dwell on just those things we do miss all the delights that are also there - like the photo of Dame Jacinda with her friend being the one to bestow it 😻 I'm generally not a fan of gongs & royalty, but if we are having them then let them be deserved & used for good people & causes eh? 👏 I mean, she was in the country to help with his work on climate change solutions so 👍+👏+🙏

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4 hrs ago·edited 4 hrs agoLiked by Nick Rockel

Have seen Tim perform several times live, more recently Back (with the band) and Unfunny (solo, and still funny), and love him. But my most amazing Tim memory was cycling the lovely, but demanding, Paparoa Trail on the West Coast of the South Island.

After a day of cycling rocky trails, alpine ridges, and stunning remote scenery something amazing happened. In the last part of the ride—crisscrossing the river on suspension bridges, sparkling water below, early evening sun in clear blue sky above—my phone must not have locked after I took a photo. It randomly, bouncing around in my jersey back pocket, opened the music app and (from over 3,000 off-line tracks) started playing the orchestral (Live at the Royal Albert Hall) version of his 'Not Perfect'. Fate could not have made a better choice as I rode towards the end of a stunning experience.

Thanks for sharing your evening, I regret not going...

If you don't mind a link this was the ride: https://rcd.typepad.com/personal/2022/03/paparoa-track-in-a-day-time-out-2021-22-west-coast.html

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4 hrs agoLiked by Nick Rockel

A wonderful column Nick and lovely words for Mrs R. Couldn’t agree more about our WFPM.

Thanks also for the Tim Minchin song. If you want to hear a bit more about that lovely warm and useful part of the female anatomy check out Fascinating Aida who perform an outstanding ditty on the subject. Beautifully sung with great panache and good humour.

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4 hrs agoLiked by Nick Rockel

As my 8 year old grandson said to me a couple of weeks ago "Why can't people be kind. You don't have to be nice or friendly, but just be kind and think about other people "

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5 hrs agoLiked by Nick Rockel

Thank you for being you

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What a lovely thing to say. Thank you, Ilse. 🙂

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52 mins agoLiked by Nick Rockel

Dear Nick, Norm and I are pleased to be patrons. You are always uplifting informative and show great values, but you are not stuffy. Cheers.

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1 hr agoLiked by Nick Rockel

Lovely, Nick,!! Especially.y the really stunning photo of Jacinda! What a real lady she is! And Mrs R too of course,!💜

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3 hrs agoLiked by Nick Rockel

What a buzz getting to see Kim Hill too.

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