Jun 28Liked by Nick Rockel

Matariki was great. King Charles sent a totally appropriate greeting (https://gg.govt.nz/publications/matariki-message-his-majesty-king-charles-iii), obviously he gets the whole thing. Doesn’t sound like a king that would want to spend time with Luxon?

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He doesn't - want to spend time with Luxon. Only coming to Aussie & Samoa. Nice little snub there, no matter what they say about King's health. Tehehe

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‘What I say to You’ Nick another great Korero. Particular praise for this descriptive piece - ‘……want to celebrate the military failures of a dead empire rather than the “togetherness” of modern Aotearoa and a celebration of a thriving Māori culture?’

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Great Korero Nick. My message for the VAST MAJORITY of fair minded Kiwis of both the right and left is, KEEP SPEAKING OUT! By continuing to advocate for the egalitarian country New Zealand could be change will happen incrementally.

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Jun 28Liked by Nick Rockel

Thanks Nick. I think the next dip in the polls will hit at the end of July. The governments experts in labour law and the employment contracts act et al, have seemingly made rather a hash of the cuts to government staff. For a start they made such a mess of the TVNZ redundancies, that as the new contractors were put in place they also had to put all the sacked staff back on the payroll until it’s all resolved in court. That’s a large expense indeed. Moving to Education, again they have rather botched things, disestablishing positions then contracting the work out with ummm the same job descriptions, so positions were not disestablished at all, this will lead to union court action and will open the way for several thousand personal grievance cases. Add this extra costs to the ridiculous circus of the reordered ferries ($300,000,000) more and the gloss appears to be coming off the superior fiscal managers line they continue to push.

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I marvel, yet fear for our little country. No where else in the world is there a holiday celebrating Matariki. No where else in recent memory have I seen the coming together of people around the stars, the kai, and the sense we are all in this together. Yet people still want to debate what an indigenous holiday means, while meantime our ministers scoff up breakfast put on by Ngai Tahu in Wanaka. And I am sure the US debate is on people's minds. Because what happens in our world affects all of us. But that's for another day.

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Yeah, I got up this morning thinking I'd write about the US election but as I wrote about Matariki I thought just that - another day. Oh and in answer to your question elsewhere I do subscribe to Robert Reich's newsletter, but don't always have time to read it. 🙂

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Jun 29Liked by Nick Rockel

I felt physically ill watching the debate , I can only hope the Democrats have a plan B.......

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I wouldn't freak out just yet, I saw a recent talk at dawn this morning that he gave to a Democrat crowd elsewhere that was as strong as hell....and bloody Trump lied through his teeth when answering every question!!! If he does get in, then America deserves him. What I'm worried about is the rest of the world, and the fact that this NACT1st government seems keen on talking (ISN'T IT GREAT!!!) Aotearoa into going down the same MAGA-Minded "Back on Track" Rabbit-hole of delusion: that less taxes for the rich and and less healthcare and amenities for the poor will 'fix' the country. Just effing unbelievable.

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I too have seen, and heard Biden speak where he has been verybston- the State of the Union address for example whichis always quite long, and complex. However esterday he was feeble. For whatever reason.???I do always take into account Biden's speech impediment which apparently he has had all his life, and is a form ofnstutter where he can't get words out. It must be hardto debate Trump who never sticks to the topic or anysort ofdebating form.

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Trump didn’t really answer any questions, he repeatedly deflected and lied through his teeth.

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Jun 29Liked by Nick Rockel

Matariki was spectacular with the story telling and lit drone display forming images to suit in Rotorua.

The funding cut for Matariki is similar to the funding cut for food banks, where 70 percent applying are turned away. We appear to be back to rationed food support by National, supported by Act and NZFirst.

What a miserable lot they are, going to the richest area of New Zealand for largess supplied by Ngai Tahu. It would have impressed me more if they had supplied the North with enough food and Koha to celebrate, after a long road closure and a power outage. Am I sour in my old age?

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Doesn't sound like sourness to me, the support you suggest for those in the north is a lovely sentiment.

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Jun 29Liked by Nick Rockel

Not sour Patricia, instead you are accurate in your assessment.

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Jun 28Liked by Nick Rockel

Nick, I'm going to "have to say to you" what I've said to my wife many times 'I'm sick of you always being right', her usual reply used to be 'well after all these years, why are you still surprised'.

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Ha - that made me laugh. Sorry, and thanks.

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So, does "Aint it Great" replace "Bakontrack"? I would hate to get the two confused, are we now on the track? Though, I never found the track in the first place, hope I have not missed anything?

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Jun 29·edited Jun 29

Yes Phil, we are on track. Most of us are tied to it waiting for the Coalition of Choo choos to run us over. It could take a while, most of the trains aren't running because the track is unfit for purpose. I hope the cavalry gets here soon to save us!

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Jun 29·edited Jun 29Liked by Nick Rockel

Isn't it great for Luxon and his acolytes that the poll shown in today's Korero was taken on the 19th, not the 27th of June? I think it would have been somewhat different if it had been just a week or so later. The 19th was the day Luxon's embarrassing backslapping Japanese trip ended and we all realised just what a dick he made of his 100% NZ self. A couple of days later a ferry went to the beach without permission, then Luxon told us all that he didn't care about our feelings towards boot camps, he was going to go ahead anyway. I suspect these (and whatever else I've missed) would have impacted the result considerably. In the meantime let's kick back and celebrate Matariki with lots of love and kai. Works for me!

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Jun 28Liked by Nick Rockel

Speaking of ratcheting up division: Act's buddies Hobsons Pledge are all over social media with their anti Waitangi Tribunal lies.

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Jun 28Liked by Nick Rockel

It's a circus alright 🎪🤹🤹‍♀️🤹‍♂️

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Jun 29Liked by Nick Rockel

Your piece WAS great!

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Jun 29·edited Jun 29Liked by Nick Rockel

I seem to remember Jacinda in 2018 - a year gone - meeting a challenge to recite the 200 effective actions of Government in a minute from memory. She did or almost did. But they really did effectively actioned a huge amount in one year. I can’t think of a useful thing this government has done in eight months perhaps they’ll catch up before getting to twelve. Their vaping intentions though they have no abilities in drafting workable legislation or facing up to the nuances - its all taking axe and sledge hammer in a world black - white and pure good and dastardly bad!

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Getting booed like he did at the Wahs game should become the defacto response to any public sighting of Cluxon.

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Thanks Jeremy, yes the only track we all seem to be on is to increase Inequality in NZ. The thing I find hard to understand is that WE managed to vote them in, self interest compared to people interest?

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