
Since everyone else is fessing up... My name is Nick, and I'm a Smug Mac User too, it's been many years since my last Windows machine.

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Yay was just going to write the same thing. This Mac of course uses an iMac.

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My windows laptop was working fine this morning. Payments from Westpac and into ANZ had worked fine overnight. My daughter in law had flown home from Sydney at 8.30 on Air NZ. The pilots were not even aware of the outage until she discussed it with them prior to the flight. No issues.

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Great summary Nick, gave me a good chuckle. I did nearly spit my toast out when I saw the photo of Seymour, but the rest was kept a smile on my face. I haven’t turned on my laptop running Microsoft OS, I think I will just leave it off and avoid a whole lot of frustration over the weekend.

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So Clownface to the rescue! ... or Diana, you could nip out with a stash of cash and buy a Mac :))

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Jul 19·edited Jul 19Liked by Nick Rockel

He don't need no clown face. It's already there. Bless his little cotton socks. God its embarrassing having a runny nosed kid running the country.

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Jul 19Liked by Nick Rockel

Pondering international business dynamics... the natural response would be to sue Crowdstrike for billions - but then Crowdstrike would go out of business. And the world's computer systems are dependent on Crowdstrike to keep working. The ultimate circular argument.

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Jul 19Liked by Nick Rockel

So Slimemor says the govt is closely monitoring events. Is that code for, some poor sod in the basement reading social media?

Why the hell comment, they are not as powerful as corporates, and will do as they're told, thankyou.

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Jul 19·edited Jul 19Liked by Nick Rockel

Meh, just made me think of every other title with ‘strike’ in it… never good. Airstrike, outstrike, prestrike… and the old kiwi favourite… fly strike. Crowdstrike might like to reconsider.

(I’m a smug Apple user but I still couldn’t access Kiwibank)

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Thanks, Nick, this took me back to younger, working, days! I remember Y2K because I was with Ericsson Telecommunications in Wellington where the expectations of chaos were high. We had all sorts of stuff going on with Telecom. And then 01 01 2000 came and went and... look, Chicken Licken, the sky hasn't fallen! ... I can laugh. I'm a smug Mac user and I also feel vindicated for not going grocery shopping yesterday. (And I liked the cash and Chardonnay idea. Always good to be prepared.)

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Jul 19Liked by Nick Rockel

Was in bed with my own virus so wasn't thinking about the outside world fancy having that dork looking after the country or not.

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Sorry to hear that, seems like a good place to be today, hope you're feeling better soon.

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Jul 20Liked by Nick Rockel

Same here Pauline. Happy to not be inconvenienced with added issues & tucked up in my old little snot filled piece of wet but warm ( but not too warm Pent!) Northland paradise.

*sigh* see that the Brynderwyns have just fallen down ...again. Can we call Simeon to get that pothole fixed within 24hrs ya think?

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Haha yes give him a call he said 10 minutes & it'll be sweet . Sorry you got the bug seems a lot of it doing the rounds 😕

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Jul 19Liked by Nick Rockel

Back in the day I despised Microsoft and all it stood for, but compared to the current crop of tech squillionaires and their aspirations… And we really are at their mercy, conspiracy or cock-up the damage is the same

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Jul 19Liked by Nick Rockel

Ah, yes 31/12/99…… I worked as an SQL support bod on a help desk for a telecom outfit. Our ‘leader’ who was a DBA, gave one person the task of sitting in the office from 10pm to 10am to monitor our main systems servers and their backup servers. He negotiated a one off fee of $20.000 and the company gladly paid him.

Nothing happened…….

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Jul 19Liked by Nick Rockel

I blame Rimmer(smiley face)

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I had a flashback myself to Y2K as no doubt many others did. I watched the midnight fireworks on telly, then logged in to check out my fave yahoo chatroom. They were literally losing their shit en masse. I posted numerous times saying 'um..hello? I am in New Zealand and is well past midnight and we are all good....' to that effect. Not no. Hysteria and panic had taken hold and it was astonishing to witness. What was more horrifying was watching the trolls after midnight in their part of the world telling utter porkies and making up disaster stories for amusement while i hammered back calling them out. To no avail. People wanted panic and disaster it seemed. Last night when stuff was actually happening, I was blissfully unaware coz i was deeply immersed in a Prime TV series My Lady Jane. By the time I finished binge watching assurances were being provided by no less than the Grinch himself. Lol. Not really sure what was more insane.......him, the CodeStrike fark uo, or the Y2K madness! Thank you for your synopsis Nick. Was truly an excellent read! 😊

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Jul 19·edited Jul 19Liked by Nick Rockel

I have two theories about this crash. One is that a couple of new employees thought it was a new game where you need to obliterate all your rivals as quickly as possible. The name Crowdstrike does imply some sort of violence is required to win. The second, and probably the more plausible, is that God, having apparently saved Trump from his own obliteration once, was sending a message to him about not getting too smug or cosy about their relationship. God will only put up with so much.

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Jul 20Liked by Nick Rockel

Didn’t notice a thing but uncannily enough last night started watching Cobra season 2 ‘Cyberwar’ - on point. For those wanting a good British political drama 👍

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Flying home via Heathrow tomorrow, wish us luck!

I enjoyed Ed Zitron’s piece about the outage


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Excellent piece. Thanks for sharing.

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"It was not us, it was the other guys, but either way you’re poked. We hope at some point in the future things will be better but your guess is as good as ours.”

Gave me a laugh, and Lord (or Lorde) knows we need a laugh at the moment.

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Doing codemonkey stuff with others in the long lead up to Y2K I can assure you that there was a LOT of non-trivial effort that went into making sure nothing happened. But I'm still amazed that the Security firm did a driver update at the end of the week rather than the start. At least the 'fix' is a simple one (once known): reboot into recovery mode, delete 1 file, reboot.

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