Jun 27Liked by Nick Rockel

I share your frustration with the sentencing. Somehow the ‘hate’ part of society has been given licence to attack successful women who don’t look like Stepford wives (think National Caucus) and in particular if they are green as well as brown. I was stunned when Maiki Sherman used the poll results on Monday’s OneNews to deliver an all out assault on the Green Party, wondering if the judge is from a similar tribe?

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Love the reference to Stepford Wives. One in particular stands out. I wonder what will happen when her Stepford husband loses the plot completely. Could be a very interesting day! Can't wait!

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Maiki got caned for her delivery of the last poll results. She's not making that mistake twice. Especially to a TV audience that would be predominantly older white retirees.

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Jun 27Liked by Nick Rockel

So well said, Nick. My heart breaks for Golriz. I wish her much aroha, hope she is getting truckloads of support, and wish her all the very best for her future. The trolls are too noisy. As far as is possible we need to drown them out with love. One of my friends wrote to me this morning commenting on what a sad place Aotearoa is at the moment. I think it was made even sadder by Golriz’s conviction yesterday in the face of all the evidence recommending discharge without conviction. Kia Kaha Golriz

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I totally agree! My heart is sad for her!!

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Those that don’t stand for something will fall for anything, and so it is with Trolls. Being an MP in Parliament on the Left is not an easy ride. I was surprised to find in 2005 I was only the 90th woman elected in the 112 years since women got the vote and only a few years since the men’s billiard and smoking room was changed. Getting through the storm of vile, disgusting comments that come at you is really hard. Tougher for someone like Golriz, younger, brown, refugee, trying to do good, or where people feel free to comment on size, appearance, background. I understand her trauma. I do think social media has made it worse where people can be their most despicable. Compassion should be our watch word. We are not all perfect human beings. We will fall sometimes, but surely the kind of Parliament – the House of Representatives is what that is supposed to be about? You know – real life? Do we really want to go back to the days when our parliament was run by wealthy, privileged self-satisfied fat cats (mainly men) who could never be challenged?

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Love your words but I think we are almost at the point again where parliament is being run by wealthy privileged self-satisfied men and women and who have absolutely no moral fibre

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We are at the point. There is no question IMHO. We have arrived full force.

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Well said Nic!!

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Jun 27Liked by Nick Rockel

Another fantastic piece, Nick. I put my name and face to my posts on Twitter, so I watch my words. The trolls are emboldened through their anonymity. They can spew their neanderthal, Trump-like messages because they think no one sees them. But the rest of the world does. And we know exactly what lies below the surface of many in this country. This government with Luxon repeating, "I get it" ad nauseum does not help, because his actions prove he doesn't. We need kindness, and yes, Ghahraman broke the law. She never said she didn't. To me, this screams of self-abuse. If she'd knifed herself, tried to commit suicide, her critics might...MIGHT, have understood. Damn them, I say.

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Jun 27Liked by Nick Rockel

You're so right Catherine.....these people are so brave ,they are to be admired, they can say all these really horrible things only when they are anonymous. It takes courage to speak out openly showing your face. These people are totally devoid of courage.....or any decent human behavior.

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"I get it" is passive-aggressive. Sadly, it doesn't mean 'I understand'. You're right, Catherine, they understand very little beyond their own insular perspectives.

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Jun 27Liked by Nick Rockel

Justice is served for who? I feel sick to the core, history repeating with the scums of society denigrating women in high profile roles. It started with Jacinda and those who felt threatened are still using vile rhetoric against her. Just pop on to the coalition leaders Facebook comments. Support and compassion for Golriz at this time should be paramount. It’s a shame that she has had to deal with her mental health as well as the public abuse. As a society how have we allowed this to happen?

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I think that it actually started with Helen Clark…

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Yes and I can think of Muldoon and his rhetoric too. Social media and the COVID epidemic has really escalated the abuse towards women.

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Actually it goes back further. It started with Rob Muldoon but, to be fair, even he might be appalled at the current level of this 'sickness' in NZ society.

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Jun 27Liked by Nick Rockel

The sad thing:

Golriz - and so many others - entered Parliament motivated by a sincere ambition to do good. And they got steamrollered.

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Jun 27Liked by Nick Rockel

Thank you for your on-point commentary Nick. I was never a big user of social media. Just facebook for me. Kicked it to the curb at the beginning of this year due to the nasties out there. Maybe that's who our hairless, leaderless leader has modeled himself on perhaps. Feeling better by pushing others down. I listened to a podcast in which the people in it agreed that the evils of social media far outweighed any good. I can't begin to imagine what it is like for younger people who have never had a world without cellphones and this false connectivity.

Happy Matariki everyone. Remember our loved ones who have passed and embrace those who are still with us. My Mum celebrates her 85th birthday today so an extra special day for us. Keep on lovin ❤️

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Jun 27Liked by Nick Rockel

Down here in Ōtautahi/Christchurch we sent two Green MPs to Parliament at the last election. Both brilliant, young women of color. I have absolutely no doubt about their abilities. But I do worry very much about the environment they find themselves in, to the point where I sometimes find myself waking in the night and ruminating. I'm a little ashamed to say that's a bit out of character for me.

People involved in any political party should be asking questions about the ways their MPs are supported, especially those likely to attract attention from the worst elements of our society.

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Yes, I saw Lan Pham speaking in parliament yesterday, intelligent and knowledgeable while the coalition grunted like baboons in response to her serious questions.

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Jun 27Liked by Nick Rockel

Thank you Nick, human behaviour at times has no boundary to explain its brutality to it's own kind. Have just finished watching the new Planet of the Apes movie and was really hoping the humans do not gain a foothold again in the new world, weird I know. I was so very very sad to hear of this sentence, there is almost this crass feeling the judge despite eulogising through her deliberations, that in the end implying "well I put her in her place". Having previously worked in the area of mental health it is difficult to define any one element that can truly explain how people cope with their existence on a daily basis. Some end up with a belated diagnosis of a condition which has manifested over time and others are encumbered from an early age and struggle to coexist in society. That some people do is a testimoney not only to their own perserverance but more importantly that family, friends and the wider community are all congruent in, and acknowledge the challenges that face the beast that is mental health. Sadly this sentence sends the wrong type of message in our support of mental health and those afflicted. There is almost this feeling of the judge siding with the aggressor, with the aggressor being our patriarchal system and "putting people in their place"to maintain the status quo . I despair for Golriz, this wonderful women who has faced all manner of adversity and the very system she had entered to give solace and support to others failed her. I sincerely hope she has support for this next phase of her life. Nga Mihi Aroha

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Very well said Geoffrey

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Thank you Geoffrey!⭐️👍

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Jun 27Liked by Nick Rockel

Yes Nick, like you, I think that Golriz was entitled to the same leniency as up and coming sporting stars. For example. One rule for all, or not at all, eh? And as for the ghastly trolls... I used to wonder where on earth these awful people had popped up from, but then I realised that they have always been around. It's just that, prior to the internet

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Additional comment follows!

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Jun 27Liked by Nick Rockel

Let’s try and focus on the good things that have happened in GGs life, rather than the recent negative. She did brilliant work as a human rights lawyer, became a member of parliament and had a great parliamentary career.

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Jun 27Liked by Nick Rockel

A brave and giving person, those who get some morbid satisfaction though abusing her are sick and ignorant of her past. I do hope Aotearoa can repay her for her positive contribution to our society

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Jun 27Liked by Nick Rockel

Well said Nick. It’s deplorable that sportsmen or aspiring sportsmen (and sadly it usually is men), can commit some deplorable offences and yet get away without conviction so their future prospects or careers are not harmed. Golriz had made reparations on her own account, and received a fine, that should’ve sufficed, sadly the judge thought otherwise and made it harder for Golriz to rebuild her life.

I wish Golriz all the best for the future.

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Jun 27Liked by Nick Rockel

Darn, posted accidentally... As I was saying, prior to the internet I didn't know many people with such hateful ideas. Not much intelligence, small penises I suppose... But now they have a forum, as we all do, to be fair, but it can be heavy going dealing with those folks.

Enjoy this love Matariki day, everyone.

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Yes I had the same thought, these people have alway been there, just hidden. I hope you're feeling better today, and have a lovely Matariki.

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Jun 27Liked by Nick Rockel

Thanks Nick. My comment accidentally split itself into two parts today!

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I remember seeing a quote from someone 🤔 ironically online of course about how with the rise and rise of social media all the hateful inside thoughts certain people have always had are now being spewed out in print for us all to get impacted by.

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Jun 27Liked by Nick Rockel

Four years ago in 2020 I posted this response to an article by Jessica Mutch Mckay. Who said the handling of Kiwi’s returning to New Zealanders just 3 months in to COVID and after their terrorised escape back to their home country - away from the world raging in uncontrollable pandemic.

I wrote the following with the same scorn and astonishment that you write today at commentators on a 43 year old woman of remarkable potential being trashed. They are simply bitter and twisted in their “Right-ness”.

“New Zealand is one of the smallest countries on ‘planet earth’ and faces the largest enterprise of any nation to protect it's citizens.

“27000 Kiwis quarantined since April 10th. No cases of Covid 19 has been linked to a single person through this process. Some "botch up!".

“This week 6000 going through next week 7000 anticipated. Still not one person has passed the virus to others in New Zealand.

“Ms Mutch-McKay's doesn't review what would be involved in requiring expatriate New Zealanders to register their intentions before coming home. Even check we can cope and wait for a more convenient time in our quarantine load. In many countries we don't have a consulate. That requires a third party who has agreed to act for us while they themselves are dealing with their own returnees. We do keep a check on Kiwi's airline bookings to estimate numbers. Some decide to delay or not return. Others make last minute bookings. Logistics, Ms M & M would have us believe, she could organise with hands tied behind her back. Yet as a journalist she has not got to grips with an appropriate use of the word "botch".

“Does Ms M & M know the meaning of "botch" or "up". Botch means to mess, to bungle, to fail to succeed in goal, fail to execute a task to satisfactory solution. To f... up or to c... up or to louse up are amongst its synonyms. 27,000 Kiwis welcomed put in luxury accomodation without waiting days and nights on draughty wharfs or railway stations for days and nights and we've done it without one - not ONE - case of Covid 19 being passed ("community transmission") to a single person already in New Zealand. Not one!

“Up is not down. But our cases of New Zealand occurring cases - "community transmission" for Ms M & M's information - has gone down, down and down. Down to zero - that is none at all - for Ms M M's info. It remains at Zero. It is at nil cases in spite of Ms M & M shouting from the roof tops that we had 2 new cases then more then more and then more. TVNZ news did the same headlining - to their shame. The story followed concerning quarantining and the problems New Zealand was dealing with. "Dealing with" not you note "the sky is falling we are about to encounter a flood of community transmission's". Not just M & M & TVNZ of course, but most of the media here has delighted at being to find a tiny chink in New Zealand's success and international esteem. As if being the envy of the world is a bad thing for we Kiwis.

“That is not a botch up. We may fail to stop Covid getting in to our community at some point and I have heard our PM and Director General of Health on day one of "level one" that they have the organised response ready for that event. Do I believe them? On their actions since February and the effects of those actions over five months Yes I do!

“Is my confidence weakened by M & M calling the returnee enterprise a "botch-up" No!

I weep for our press core. They should be pointing us to the task being undertaken. Almost all countries still do no more than we were doing back in March. That is asking people to self isolate at home with no checks and no testing.

“So far we are still succeeding. If we have a "community transmission" occurring then we'll deal with it or not and face the consequences. Each challenge has been met so far.

“Some one said to me the other day: "hump! But were just a small country any one could stop it here! Take a look at the list of countries of similar size. Their cases and death tolls have been catastrophic.

“We have been in good hands. There will continue to be challenges, but for goodness sake don't lose heart and do not take notice of M & M.

“Oh! Apologies to M & M's they are sweet not at all sour or bitter.”

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Jun 27Liked by Nick Rockel

Tautoko Nick. So agree. I cannot believe some of these vile humans walk our motu. I wrote this back in Jan asking for empathy.


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Excellent article Chris, I suspect the vile male trolls dont share their toxic comments with their mother/wife/sister or daughter

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Yes or perhaps they actually do which is even more distressing. I have seen some awful posts from some females.

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