Jun 26Liked by Nick Rockel

Meanwhile the Media is keeping rather quiet that we're currently trucking along with about 28-35 Covid deaths per week, although some indications show that we're getting past the peak of Wave #6.

I was just so impressed and proud of our country's response to that first year of Covid. And we are STILL held up as a World-leading example of how to do things properly.

For a government bureaucracy to physically swing into action so quickly, and respond so quickly as information & knowledge grew is just astounding, even now. To have leaders calmly addressing the people, explaining the actions as based on developing scientific recommendations, and encouraging a group, good-for-everyone response was key to how we survived.

It's now so damn depressing to see the politicised & conspiracy-driven nutters now pitching their torches and polishing the tines of their pitchforks, for what basically comes down to petty revenge for being proven wrong.

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Totally agree 💯

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Absolutely agree Gerard!

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Jun 26·edited Jun 26Liked by Nick Rockel

As one who was involved in the first stages of Covid vaccine distribution, I can assure you that most of what was in the press and TV news about the Government's failure to deliver when a mislead public were trying to access it was utter bullshit. The Government had ordered the vaccine about 5 months before it had been produced then very generously offered to divert our first shipment to countries which were affected, because, at that stage we weren't. There was a great deal of secrecy surrounding the arrival and storage of the vaccine, which then had to be batch tested to ensure the quality before it became available. We were also sworn to secrecy about anything to do with it and had to fob off those in the media who wanted to get the scoop on it. ( I promise I'm not making any of this up). My colleagues and I wished fervently that we could let the truth be told but couldn't for the sake of security. We were deemed "essential people" and spent months being sent home to work because we couldn't afford for anyone involved to get sick. I was sent home 5 times over a few months. What pissed me off the most was, despite having a letter exempting me from being penalised for driving, I was never pulled up by the police! If only people had realised the reality of what was involved at the time, I'm sure they would have been more accommodating and understanding. The bottom line is that Jacinda, Ashley and everyone else in their team did exactly what had to done, exactly when they had to. They potentially saved thousands of lives for which we should be grateful. The minister for pointless enquiries, Winston, apparently doesn't think so. How many more taxpayer dollars are going to be wasted on trying to resuscitate this dead horse?

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Thanks Jeremy. I too spent those first covid years working in vaccine research and it’s still doing my head in the pack of knowledge these people have regarding the immune system, vaccines and even Covid. It’s one of the most studied diseases ever…. I think we did really well.

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I think we did too Leigh. A pity there was so much cloak and dagger secrecy to it. The general public didn't know half of what was going on or why and we got the flak for it.

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Thank you both for your work. I for one am very grateful. I cannot fathom the resistance and objection to the sane and careful response we had to covid. People have such short memories.

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Great to get this info, thanks Jeremy Leigh and Nick

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Thankyou x

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Key thing I remember about the shipments: "Nobody expects the Spanish Requisition!"

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I agree!!

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Thank you Nick for another of your well reasoned posts which lays out precisely what Winston actually stands for. His stand on this enquiry in my view is focussed on his trying to tarnish Jacinda’s legacy as he is so jealous of her. She will be remembered by many around the world as a real leader while he will always be now the King of the Cookers. The ferry purchase which he signed off on and now says nothing about is just another example of his lack of principle.

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And the jealousy will increase because Hollywood is to produce a film about Jacinda, apparently with her blessing. That is about the highest accolade in the film world.

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I will have to dig and find the origins of this term...'Cookers'......be gentle with me, I have missed something. True words tho Mac. Jealsousy. As Nick says, Winston is all about Winston. And to think he could have been the Malboro man, and we would have been spared all this ........posturing and puffing. That's a good pun. :-)

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As far as I know, the term comes from describing people who have ‘cooked’ their brains by taking too many drugs. So, only people with cooked brains believe conspiracy theories.

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Thank you, i had visions of pork lovers, meth, my flu addled mind was in overdrive. cheers viv.

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Recover well. Flu is miserable ... I blame my addled brain on my one bout of Covid (caught while overseas mid 2023). Had all the jabs. Grateful for them, and the work we public didn't see.

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I suspect it's an antipodean version of cockney rhyming slang. Pork pie = lie. Pigs in nz brought by Captain Cook. So liars are Cookers. At least my working hypothesis.

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I like this explanation! Thanks, Gavin 😊

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Yes, I had that Captain Cooker pig resonance........it's funny what you know about something like that ...without knowing. Thanks Gavin.

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Oh yes so True!! He chose her because he thought he would have more influence lol Jacinda presented him with a tight job description.

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Jun 27·edited Jun 27

Apparently cookers are a level below conspiracy theory "bakers" according to this: https://cookerpedia.org/wiki/Cooker

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Jun 26Liked by Nick Rockel

Scary indeed when people of sound mind agree with Brooke! I hope Winnie is just practicing, getting ready for a major hissy fit over the ferries/Kiwirail and Axis Network plans to privatise and/or exterminate. T’would be a better legacy…

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Damn right, Keith, but I wouldn't hold my breathe, I met him and had a wee chat once... asked him what he thought of Pierre Trudeau. This was way back when, just after he became PM in Canada,...he did not get why I was asking him....his brother who was MP for Taupo at the time sitting at the same table, looked at me and grinned, said "too bad he's not in NZ, eh", eh.!! Nah, no depth to the man, I'm afraid....

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Jun 26Liked by Nick Rockel

As someone with a weird haplo type gene meaning I can't have the advantage of any vaccine, it was a very hard time over the mandates. I provided my employer with all sorts of medical info including the studies I had taken part of with Otago University Medical School which proved my inability to vaccinate. I was never, ever anti because I grew up in the 60's and 70's with all the diseases (I had both types of measles, and mumps) but because of my haplo type gene I couldn't do anything. My medical practice provided the information but any exemption was turned down as outside the prescribed allowances.

So, I was terminated from my employment. I had been working from home for a long time to be isolated because of my immune issues, and kept myself safe by not being near anyone anywhere. My role should have been protected as per the public service commission instructions but my employers decided not to go along with those. (that in itself is another long story!)

However, seven days before termination day all of us were reinstated and told to work from home until later in the year (which was what I really really wanted to do anyway) I think my employer saw that they were outside all guidelines, fortunately.

It was very hard not being able to even get a haircut or access anything, no takeaways even. I felt like I was doing something wrong, when it was something I had no choice over.

Please remember in all of this there are people like me who can't (and not won't) take vaccines. I wish you could empathise and understand we didn't have a choice but were treated as if criminal. It leaves a bad taste in my mouth that people treated me so appallingly. Guess we find out who are our friends in times like that - and I have some awesome people in my life.

For me I'd like the enquiry to address the above issues, and have put in a proper submission. It would be beneficial to look at some of the things which went on and reflect on ways to do better for us 'different' persons.

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Yes, the situation is different for those unable to be vaccinated or who had valid medical reasons that they couldn't be. All the more reason for the rest of the population to be vaccinated.

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Which is why it was so important that people who could be vaccinated got vaccinated to help protect everyone in society including people like you I think maybe some of the info got lost in translation.Unfortunately we can't control how some people behave it definitely brought out the worst in some people.We saw people fighting at our local supermarket over food items some really awful behaviour it made me wonder how people got thru the Great Depression.

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LJ NZ I am sorry for the anxiety and reactions of some. I got myocarditis from one type, then had a second type of vaccine only to learn it has been discontinued owing to clotting factors. Most people accept this predicament, and ring and are not offended when I mask up. At near 83 covid would kill me, so like you I am mostly home. These differences need to be catered for.

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I had a girlfriend who chose not to vaccinate because she reacts badly to vaccines ever since taking the smallpox vaccine as a child; she kept herself safe, as you did, she was loved and accepted by her friends. That is the key, to be understood and accepted.

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I challenge the science behind your assertions about “a weird haplo gene”. There is a proportion of the population for whom vaccinations of different types are not effective. Currently it is not clear which people are or are not, protected by vaccines. I simply see a story about someone who refused to be vaccinated for dubious reasons. Your refusal to be vaccinated was relevant only for people in a public facing role. Your are not telling the whole story and I see your anecdote as evidence of selfish misguided intent that would have only resulted in spreading the virus.

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Oh dear Penny, that is a harsh judgement for someone that you don't know and you have no idea of their health status. I think that the only "selfish and misguided intent" is coming from you. It is these types of comments that shut down rational and respectful dialogue. We saw so much of it during the covid era, its time to move on and be able to reflect on the many things that happened during that time honestly and with out judgement.

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I stand by my comments and await evidence that a “weird haplo gene” is or was a valid reason to refuse vaccination in a public facing rolle. Where is the evidence LJNZ?

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The evidence is in the studies I have taken part in (not drug trials, although I have taken part in them sometimes in the past), held by Otago University and in my medical records. One study also showed I do not have a good uptake of Ventolin so my specialist changed my plethora of inhalers to just one, and it has been a remarkable difference.

I fully recommend that if you get a chance to be in a university study then you do. If you have medical conditions you can find out so much more, and it's like having the full attention and access to tests which are not otherwise available.

My medical professionals all understand the content of the information, and I trust them as my life in their hands.

Perhaps if you need something in the way of evidence you would like to search in the Universities records or wherever and find this study? I'm really not sure what benefit this would be to you as this is my personal story, not yours.

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Jun 26Liked by Nick Rockel

I have to admit that I read part of your excellent article Nick then I had to stop. Ill and come back to it later and finish it. I have to now go take that deep breathe, because some days this coalitions negativity just gets to me. Thanks again for your writing that shows great heart

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Same Julie. So negative, self-serving and self-important. A sane person can only put up with so much.

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I must confess there's a small part of me, a very small one, that misses level 4 lockdowns. The air was fresher without all the traffic, it was quiter as well without the planes coming and going and whenever we were allowed to go for a walk around the block, everyone would wave as we avoided each other. I wasn't quite so keen on having to wait for 2 hours in a queue, wanting to do 10 minutes shopping, but over all it was a lot more peaceful, literally and figuratively. I'm in no hurry to repeat the exercise but it made me feel grateful to be here rather than just about anywhere else at the time. We were very lucky.

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Tautoko. I miss the solidarity and coming together we saw.

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This this this. I hoped that vibe could be carried on when the threat had passed. That everyone would see how much nicer it was when we were all my making the effort to be kind to each other. But no. Apparently there are lots of people who found that kindness a sign of weakness.......sigh

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Hear, hear, gentlemen!!

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💯 agree. It was for me a very peaceful, if scarey, time.

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Jun 26Liked by Nick Rockel

I seem to remember reading a while ago about this government's plans to detach itself (us) from the WHO pandemic response recommendations. Can you research this Nick please? The covid response inquiry outline doesn't mention future pandemics and how they will be managed. I remember feeling very grateful that we didn't have national in charge back then.

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Jun 26Liked by Nick Rockel

I came remember Luxon saying he did not know Winnie. I guess he knows now.

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Jun 26·edited Jun 26Liked by Nick Rockel

"It’s fair to say some of us weren’t exactly sympathetic to their concerns."

I have to confess I still can't cut them any slack. Every smidgen of sympathy for those taken in by the conspiracy theories disappeared after that insane display of threatened brutality and wretchedness on the parliamentary precinct. It seemed like every pea-brained idiot in the country had gathered there en masse.

There were funny moments:

1) Two middle-aged matrons earnestly discussing the latest conspiracy doing the rounds with funny shaped hats made of tin foil on their heads. Someone had told them they would ward off the effects of the neutrons (or whatever they were) the police or government were secretly spraying them with.

2) The second was a group of idiots closely examining a large concrete block because they believed said police or government had installed brain-washing electrons (or some such thing) inside it. Jesus wept!

I agree about Chris Hipkins. To listen again to someone who is actually sane is getting to be a rare experience.

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Jun 26Liked by Nick Rockel

YES a great article, thanks.


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Jun 26Liked by Nick Rockel

An excellent piece thank you Nick, winston's cooker BS makes me bloody angry

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Jun 26Liked by Nick Rockel

Heard the K of C on natrad this morn. He really is getting gaga.

My beautiful sweet wife of 56 years is in dementia care. I'll check out the vacancys when I visit morrow

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I mention my wife, not for a sympathy vote, but, although I'm not a professional, I reckon I'm qualified to recognize the signs. In her case, on reflection, they go back nigh on 30 years

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My husband died from Alzheimers a couple of years ago so I am sending you some sympathy. But like you I recognise similar signs in Winnie

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Kristy thankyou for your words and I feel for you.

The one consolation I take is that those with this affliction, don't know they are unwell. It's those who love them that suffer the real grief. I take her wee toy poodle when we visit, she's never too sure who I am, but she always knows wee Gilly, they make a great fuss of each other, it's beautiful to see.

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Love to you both. An incredibly hard road to walk. Thank you for your first-hand pragmatism

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Peters appears to have had one too many again..... and completely forgotten that he was the Deputy PM at the time all that was happening. So ...what? He disagrees with his own actions? What a twat.

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I'm amazed they will still be looking in to it in 2026. I'm sure anyone can find an issue 6 years after the fact. I really wonder how many business owners paused to consider whether their businesses would even exist without Jacinda & Grant & Chippy (not to mention lives, which bottom-feeder-haters don't care about). We all got through a terrible, unprecedented situation...and I think there should be congratulations all round.

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Agreed. I dont get it at all.

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