I grew up in a working class left leaning family who were die hard Labour supporters so National were never going to win our hearts and minds but we somehow believed they had the country's best interests at heart even if they were misguided - until Jonkey came along of course. Even die hard Natz must be wondering what they've been landed with in Luxon. He's like a combination of every satirical send up of politicians that I've enjoyed over the years but the scary thing is he like Trump has actually been put in charge - mind blowing and frustrating in equal measure!

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Come on people, we are flogging a dead horse thinking he is going to start leading now. I am disgusted that this guy has more loyalty to a coalition deal with Mr Protector of Predators and P Heads and the vile team of NZ1st than his loyalty to Aotearoa. We are stuffed once the Regulatory Standards Bill goes through, and in the meantime we are being sold to the highest bidder or in Luxon’s case -ANY bidder given that he literally gives power up and still calls himself a great negotiator. He is deluded. Let’s not ALL be deluded, hoping he will find some leadership genes.

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To be fair, I didn't intend to hold my breath.

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Perhaps we could offer Christopher, David and Winston as a buy one, get two free deal to Elon? He’s a bloke who knows a bargain when he sees one. After all, he just bought the US, it’s President and half the Government for $288 million! We could also sweeten the pot with a few outdoor heaters, some fish catching torpedoes and a set of stone frying pans. There would be some T&C’s attached. Each of the three above would come with their own staff,(minimum of two each), the deal must be sealed by the end of the month and will be delivered at no cost to any destination at least 5,000 kms away from AotearoaNZ. We do not have a return for refund policy. All products are sold as is for immediate delivery. (Some damages may be occasioned during delivery. Most will have occurred beforehand. We make no apologies for quality or suitability for any intended purpose.) How could he resist?! He’d be delighted with a deal like that and be doing everyone here a huge favour.

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I sooooooo wish Mr Luxon could read…

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Luxon does appear to have difficulty doing the reading required to have an overview of key issues. Not sure whether he struggles with fitting the reading in amongst marketing opportunities or whether he does have issues with reading policy type documents which would not have been part of his earlier work. It is reading of a particular kind. He is happiest with memes or slogans which is good at repeating. It is of course possible he struggles with all reading ie has a learning disability. Whichever it is it leaves him struggling in pressers if the press get under the sloigan.

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Under the Key government, I recall, officials were instructed to use bullet points, stick to one page and include comments from other ministries! Fair enough, I like bullet points too, but little is that unnuanced. However, everything else, like context and options, was to be appendices.

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Luxon is, as he reminds us occasionally,a great reader of rooms. He has lackeys to read the important and relevant stuff he can’t be bothered with. Neither practice seems to be turning out very well, does it?

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He's a 'big picture guy".

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So,so true Nick. A leader this bloke is not and the country will continue to go hell in a handcart until we are rid of him. Still believe he will not allow his party to vote against the Treaty Bill as all actions to date from this coalition have demonstrated their disdain for all things Maori. His leadership is a myth and he is clearly terrified of Peters, Seymour and Jones who continue to call the shots and row the waka backwards.

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As for Davey, his support of sleazy Polkinghorne and cover of Jago are two steps too far. As you suggest Nick a few rounds with Judith could sort deputies out

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Yes unfortunately they all make Judith look good!

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No Judith is tainted by Whale Oil and Kauri swamp deals. No amount of praying will change that. Too many of this type "use" religion to say "I am a good person"

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Do t forget GMO!!

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Oh yes, so many awful decisions.

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Spot on 😁

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Yes. His growth stuff is a repeat of the same old, same old. The big announcement yesterday about "high quality" investors was more rubbish. Erica Stanford is a hopeless immigration Minister and I have yet to hear her say one sensible thing. Trying not to be depressed as we see the coup happening in the US and knowing our CoC will echo this in its miniature way. I suppose all I can say is kia kaha. Keep on fighting.

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Erika Stanfords reasoning for shortening the required days staying in NZ to qualify for the 'golden' visa: "why would we want to force them to stay here longer"..

So, hand out visas to people who dont want to stay here?

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Lux, I believe, underneath the covers, supports Seymours bill, Meanwhile Seymour can take all the heat. Love that line, Lux could have said, but didn't, so is. "For goodness sake David what sort of sniveling, unprincipled gimp do you think I am?" Sick of hearing him roll out the unnecessary often repeated line, "What I would say to you."

Lack of concerns for environmental protections. 'NZ is open for business! Or, NZ is for sale???

While the talk is about Economic Growth, drill baby drill, while humanity sits on the precipice of our own destruction.

Agree with Angela. 'A weak leader gives blame and accepts credit'. Simon, Too thick, too weak, lacks required integrity. On the button!

As for Seymour's associations, kept on the quiet way, way down low. Not a good reputation to have when your out peddling your own greatness!

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I agree 100% and Seymour is dangerous.

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Hes dangerous alright. A puppet on a string. He knows how to blame and appears as if the victim. Reminds me of Trump! Appeals to those who take his word as gospel!

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Hi Wikitoria

I wonder if Luxo says “what I would say to you” should be conclude with, “ if I had the balls to tell you the truth but I don’t so I’ll give you another lie”. He does it often enough to suggest it might be the case.

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Morena Jeremy, Lol. What I would say to you, is that I need to spit that out while I think of an answer to your question. Reminds me of my early days watching him, and losing my cool by screeching at the TV, Just answer the Frikin questions you egg, instead of dancing around the Maypole.

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You Smashed it today Nick, not so much a sharp pen as a claymore and "flaccid" is such a great description of Luxon, I've always thought of him as a human emetic, beige, hollow but flaccid covers everything about him. Ye Gods! that first image of him as Nero just after the first sip of coffee ... you should provide a warning man!

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Yes flaccid is him to a T!

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And hes only got one job

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Cluxon used the phrase "they've got a big brain" when justifying his cabinet choices. That maybe so, but if it isn't wired correctly and functioning with empathy and efficiency then it is a waste of head space.

It gives a lie to the actress saying to the bishop "big is good".

Proof of cluxon being as thick as two short planks is his choice of cabinet ministers, can one of them be named as behaving for the good of all NZrs

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Mōrena, Nick and readers. His problem was obvious from day one, thinking he'd run our country like a company... where the minions do the mahi and take the blame, and the managers/CEO take the credit for anything successful. I've worked for/with people like that, and he's a shameful example of this modus operandi. He'll still be wondering why his deputies are making him look a fool instead of putting him on that pedestal. "Christopher, this is politics!" ...and as for getting greater productivity: value people, treat them right, and we'll think it's worthwhile.

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I bet the lux is a trump fan. Same mouth, same look. The expression tells us about the man!

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Well said, the whore mongering P head man who got away with murder or drove his wife to suicide, (from Nick Ronkel) encapsulates the utter truth of this scenario.

And a yes to Angela’s quote, spot on.

Someone has suggested that the GG, as our ultimate Crown representative, acts as a handbrake on te Tiriti breaches; this may help towards allowing Maori to continue to energise their recovery without the constant threat of the right wing.

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but she wasnt even at Waitangi. What was worse she was with luxcon in Akaroa. Question marks about her loyalties

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"Her loyalties" have got nothing to do with it, and it very well may be that the GG was invited by Ngai Tahu long before the PM - they are separate issues. She did attend Waitangi in the early part but he did NOT, so the GG managed to undertake multiple duties to Maori/Aotearoa at this significant time. Te Tiriti was ALSO signed at Onuku & Ngai Tahu has major commemorations at different locations each year - I struggle with "the PM should ALWAYS go to Waitangi itself", but certainly THIS YEAR it was a blatant act of cowardice and a "F U" after he ALLOWED the racist TPB to even be contemplated, let alone introduced & put through a submission process.

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I'm no editor, be it for me to critique your splendid work Nick, but maybe the word "miserably" could've been inserted between failed and before? As for the Superbowl i didn't mind watching what I could of it when I was able, but after the way Colin Kaepernick was treated not so much, although his actions were later instrumental in those organisations questioning their earlier stances. We see parallels today with our own sports men and women questioning this weak as F.. Govt. Apologies for the F obviously not editor material.

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An excellent suggestion. I'll take a glance at the game and see if it's competitive.

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As a neutral am hoping for an Eagles win, always in the underdog camp. 😊

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Luxon’s not even the point Nick, nor Seymour , Willis etc. Their leadership is irrelevant as long as they are effective with their various allocated projects. Disestablish our public service, disempower our indigenous population, austerity, tax us all indirectly into poverty, allow guns and automatic weapons, kill social welfare and housing. Banish abroad our brightest educated kids, our scientists, doctors., critical thinkers, our effective managers and silence any that remain by eliminating unbiased media. Rape and pillage the environment. Blame the labour govt for everything. Never listen to public opinion, and spin, spin spin. It is telling how threatened this regime was by the previous coalition by the fact that every opportunity they have to bag them they take, every future planning initiative they cut, ( new hospitals, ferries, light rail for god’s sake )! NZ is a small population wealthy country , we are a perfect Petrie dish for these dark force social experiments. Even if we have a change of govt, we are far along now with this ideology and I fear a lot of people support it. Luxon’s confidence and that of his coalition in the face of such public egregiousness prevails because they are making their master’s happy.

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Love the article Nick, so descriptive and well put. The opening part left me smiling and cheering 'Give it to him Nick" Thanks for the great start to the week

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You're most welcome. 🙂

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