Jun 17Liked by Nick Rockel

You are so right Nick. The embarrassment is our PM not a piece of machinery past its use by date., someone who prioritises power before principle, politics before people. Thank you for a good Tuesday morning dose of energy.

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Jun 17Liked by Nick Rockel

So right Nick. The media travelling with Luxon are embarrassing, and they are the reason that PM impersonator is there. Worrying attitude to Covid in US seems to be example followed by the rest of the west - don’t let it get in the way of business as usual. There are mask bans being brought in ffs. Another case of short termism, and ignore the future.

We are all with Marama in this fight - it does seem that bad things happen to good people and vice versa.

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I like "PM impersonator".

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Me too. It is spot on. The man is so bloody false!

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Jun 17Liked by Nick Rockel

Having been in the seat when your doctor shares his news that you have cancer is a dreadful moment as you are confronted with a multitude of thoughts all at once and potential future outcomes. For those of us who share that space in working to improve the lives of our whānau and hāpori (community), it is a testing time when we are forced to choose to put ourselves first (for treatment) - so that long-term - we might be able to rejoin the fight again when we are able. That process for many includes a re-evaluation of what is important in life - and for me - and I'm sure many others - it's not a VIP plane for the PM nor priorities for landlords and corporates who make their money off the back of creating harm to the health of others. This government has done anything but get the country back on track - in fact, I don't consider it was ever off-track - but surely is now. Thanks Nick for sharing your perspectives - they echo the thoughts of the many of us who don't have a platform to speak from.

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Jun 17·edited Jun 17

Every word you wrote is perfect Nick.

We intern my Dad tomorrow and effectively he died from Covid he caught in hospital after a minor stroke. 8 days in an isolation room with only me as a visitor and it was hell for both of us, but I got to go home. He beat Covid but was left with pulmonary pneumonia and that s what took him. So effectively a hidden Covid death. He was fully vaccinated but at 88, poor lungs and the tiredness from the stroke was too much really.

As I prepare everything and grapple with my emotions I am so proud of the excellent care he received in stretched resources of the Hospital, Dr's and Nurses who were also looking out for me.

In preparing his eulogy, I wrote how he was proud to be a woke leftie, Tangata te Tiriti, and all the warmth, support, love and advocacy that encompassed and advanced for the vulnerable, people of every race and creed and anyone with 'a difference'. He and my Mum had lived through the remnants of the depression, 1951 strike, Springbok Tour, Gender equality, Homosexual Law Reform, binary non binary and many other challenges.

I am so proud he and Mum dedicated their lives to those issues and taught me along to advocate and support the same fights. I just struggle with my two siblings who are right wing, one despite being a beneficiary who whole life and the other being a Jones.' They have no understanding of care for those vulnerable, and probably think they deserve it. They are who this 3 eyed taniwha bring along with them.

That fight can never be left unspoken and unknown, so we can truly and positively measure how the world treats its most vulnerable.

Your words Nick, and those on this forum, give the love and energy to empower and inspire the fight to go on. Thank you

And Marama my admiration and aroha continue to grow. Best wishes and aroha

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Much love to you with what you are going through 💜

We laid my Dad to rest just over 2 years ago at the age of 87. He avoided covid - due to our excellent first response.

I feel your pain and loss and walk alongside you, despite never having met you

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Thank you 🙏🏿

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We can choose our friends, but we are stuck with family Jo. You are right to be proud of your Dad and Mum.

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Thank you 🙏🏿

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Lovely writing.

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Thank you 🙏🏿

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Morena Nick. [There is a point to this!] 'Vulture Capitalism' is my current read (courtesy of the library app Libby). Tough reading, but summarising, it begins with the failures of Boeing (the plane crashes due to: shortcuts, ignoring warnings from their own specialists, reliance on self-regulation, and putting profits over safety). Next up is Ford's story. How they (he) worked hand-in-glove with government for years, getting tax breaks and keeping workers under. (Horrors, also supplying Nazi Germany with tanks in WW2.) In the end, jobs were axed, leaving thousands unemployed. ...Point: Luxon's support for big business reeks of those stories. Preferential treatment and promotion from government, to drive profits ahead of workers' wellbeing. It doesn't end well.

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And I hope Marama comes through alright. xx

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Totally agree Annie!

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Absolutely agree with you Nick. Not only is Luxon becoming more embarrassing by the day this whole COC has really put Aotearoa on the wrong track as the latest economic news shows. Amazing that so many would have voted for this or not seen it coming. With Marama in her fight as we need people like her to make the change this country needs.

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Jun 17Liked by Nick Rockel

All the best to Marama on her journey.

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Jun 17Liked by Nick Rockel

Agree with you 100%!

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Omg. Luxon is such a cringe-inducing wannabe. Those two hour lunches? He's scouting for his post-PM job, athough I'm not sure who would take on such a shallow, spouter of absolute waffle. Oh. NZ did.

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Lynette...."cringe-inducing wannabe"... brilliant! He is just doing what he's always done, sucked up to the vulture capitalists and gone and repented in a Christian Church, where it doesn't make any difference, just like so many of the vulture capitalists of history. I am beginning to revile him even more than I do Seymour, who at least openly is what he is, an arrogant Neo-Fascist who doesn't pretend to have any 'redeeming graces"!!!!

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I was so sorry to hear about Marama's diagnosis of breast cancer. I send her my love, and hope that she does get all of the help,and support she needs to fight this terrible disease. I am 78yrs old so no longer qualify for a free mamogram. Ihave been intending to find out the cost of paying for a mamogram. It has been a few years since I had one, and according to my doctor older women are still susceptible to breast cancer. My aunty was diagnosed with it when she was in her late seventies. You are so right about Christopher Luxon Nick. What an embarrasing excuse for a Prime Minister. He is very handsy with people he barely knows, with his hands overthe shoulders, and all the hugging. I recall the nasty comments about Jacinda hugging people. Haven;t heard a peep about Luxon doing so, or about his hand on the back of the shoulders of leaders of other countries. Trump does the same. It's such an embarrasing power play.

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Yeah, just like Trump, eh Janis. My view ever since the 80's has been that his breed of politicians have a modern version of the same old disease....the disease suffered by all political poseurs and lucky upstarts who secretly would have liked to be popes, dictators or kings, but will settle for just being presidents or prime ministers. My favourite name for the disease is 'Hollywooditus', because Ronald bloody Reagan, the American president that provided the first smiling 'genial' face for this amoral/'live-backwards' (=evil) Neoliberal/Neofascist Corporate-driven World-Order, was just a second-rate f***king Hollywood actor, like Trump the so-called 'TV Star'....Luxon is just a pathetic little NZ copy of them. Reagan professed to be a devout-but-flawed 'humble' Christian, just like Trump and Luxon...it is the defining symptom.

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I had breast cancer in 2001 & know how devastating to be told you have cancer is but here I am loving life so I'm very hopeful for Marama the fact that it's been caught early is very positive ❣️❣️❣️ As for our PM the emperor has no clothes he's as horrible as we all thought right from the get go not a decent human being just a pretender.

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Jun 17Liked by Nick Rockel

Thanks for that Gandi quote Nick, I have thought of it a number of times over the last 6 -7 months but couldn't remember the exact wording or who's quote it is. should be on the bathroom mirror of all members of this NACTNZ1st lot!!

All the best hopes & wishes for Mārama to have an uneventful recovery. I was also pleased to see TV3 show Kiri Allen giving Mārama encouragement having been through similar shit herself. Both saying "woman, have regular screening checks". Seems to be quite a difference between TV1 & 3's news coverage recently.

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Jun 17Liked by Nick Rockel

This song takes me back. On Canadian base in Germany (Lahr in black forest 1972 to 76) this song played on repeat in the air terminal every time a flight took families home to Canada. Makes me remember good times.

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Jun 17Liked by Nick Rockel

Best wishes for Marama. Luxon is such a buffoon. Every thing you said is right on.

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I an so with you about Marama. She is a tour de force, and I admire her so much. Breast cancer is in all of our families stories right now, including mine, but while it is tough, it is no longer necessarily a death sentence. Treatment however is tough and I cannot believe some of the ugly comments on Twitter and wonder again - who have we become? I also agree with you about Chloe and I too worry a bit about this amazing young woman and the pressure she is under - not only from the right, but also from the expectations of her on the left. As for planegate : seems to me Luxon wants two things ; a NZ version of Airforce 1 and a free ride for all the hangers on from business and the media who travel with him for his 2 hour lunches. Bet there are no $3 pre packaged sandwiches at those like Seymour believes our kids should have for lunches in schools. I have an affection for our old RNZAF planes, that fly over our house regularly when they are going off on rescue missions, or surveillance around our island. Our airforce should not be used as a cheap business option for Mister Luxon ; let him take the delegations on commercial airplanes, and then let us see the actual cost of that - because it is huge.

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Yes, to all of your comments, Darien, but I particularly like your comparison with the $3 school lunch!

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Like you, Nick, my heart sank when I saw the Greens were heading into yet another press conference. And then to get the news of Marama Davidson's cancer diagnosis. And synchronous with The Knob strutting about in a self-aggrandizing manner, and the media, as you say, giving the junket full tilt coverage. Talk about tone deaf, the lot of them. Life in Aotearoa feels especially bleak right now, and it's not the weather. All we can hope for is a steady erosion of confidence in the meagre talents of our so-called leaders and a whopping defeat at the next election. In the words of Bonnie Tyler, I'm holding out for a hero and her name is Marama.

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