Jul 22Liked by Nick Rockel

Thanks Nick, I’ve got out of the habit of doing optimism but you have dragged me back! Yes I did smile with the JA picture. If the USA cannot bring itself to vote for a strong woman of colour then perhaps it is beyond salvation - let’s hope for a parallel with our own Jacinda

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i so relate to that space Keith, 'out of the habit of doing optimism', but I feel it creeping back........just watched her speech at campaign HQ, and there were watery eyes, and hope and memories of our very own JA................they will do , or try to do to Kamala what they did to JA. Ugly cannot win................and thats tRump and the kid, and here in Aotearoa, its this coalition and it's smiling face masking the ugliness.

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Jul 22Liked by Nick Rockel

Real echoes of Andrew Little passing the reins with dignity to Jacinda for the good of the party and country. Well done Joe. Let's hope it's not too late in the process for them.

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Jul 22Liked by Nick Rockel

Have been following various podcasts on YouTube. She's a very smart woman. Watched her school Pence and Kavanagh and a few other senators who tried to talk over her or pretend not to understand her questions. Watching the MAGA crowd is sickening often. It's like some collective madness. Playing right into the hands of the Project 2025 cabal. What they want to do is frightening. Anarchy?!

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There is a great cartoon on X which I can't copy here. It says project 2025 and a woman with both arms full of babies plus a black eye.

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Jul 22Liked by Nick Rockel

First time I've seen video of Kamala - what a woman! Let alone what a candidate for President.

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she is awesome.....I have wanted her to be in this place since Joe got in..........not perfect, like Teflon Don the Con.........but awesome.

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Jul 22Liked by Nick Rockel

Wow. This woman has passion and opinions and can articulate them. What a breath of fresh air

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she is, totally agree

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Jul 22Liked by Nick Rockel

American politics is like a caricature of politics generally, really. On the Democrat side, there is some semblance to the ask-not-what-your-country-can-do-for-you sentiment that expresses our nobler, social instincts. On the Republican side, there is only sneering, bullying, base selfishness: remember Sarah Palin's taunt to Democrats half-way through Obama's presidency: 'how's all that hopey-changey thing working our for ya?' God, America needs some hopey-changey right now, and they're not the only ones. Go Kamala!

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Jul 22Liked by Nick Rockel

You’ve given us hope, Nick!! Let’s hope she wins - it would be a blessing, not to mention poetic justice!!

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so true Judith....

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I love Randy Rainbow! Only just discovered him. His Trump vid is superb. And thank you Nick. Must admit I got really depressed/obsessed because I watched too much of the Republican Convention. It felt a bit similar to another populist years ago in Germany with the adoring crowds and Trump’s madness. It’s hard to believe people buy that bullshit, but it’s happened before. I agree that having an open Dem convention nomination process for President at this stage would not be helpful. There are only 100 days to go until the election. My guess is the Dems will pick a running mate from one of those seven swing States – probably someone we’ve hardly heard of. And don’t rule out spiteful legal challenges from the Trumpists. But it’s organise, organise, organise and fight to win – the world depends on it.

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There's plenty more Randy Rainbow! He's been doing brilliant sendups for years.

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Jul 22Liked by Nick Rockel

Have always been a fan of Kamala Harris, an outstanding choice, just sincerely hope the US wakes up and gets rid of the Orange man a despicable piece is Sh..

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Jul 22Liked by Nick Rockel

Great post Nick. Sad that it had to happen but after my initial reaction, it’s the first day I’ve felt a little positivity and hope for the future of US politics in a while. While it may sit over the other side of the world, we have been watching the Orange Menace with trepidation as if he had another term, all the recent cosying up to US up by our PM, could see us in alliances we really don’t want to be part of. The world would be in significant trouble which would affect all of us. Nothing is guaranteed yet but let’s hope for a better person to lead the US away from the track Project 2025 and the Orange Gobbledy Menace would see them heading down. Of course that requires sanity to prevail, which is not a given in any democracy ( see our COC😩) but I’m hopeful.

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What a brilliant speech just now on CNN at campaign headquarters. Nick I had watery eyes. I have always liked her. Tryn to be realistic amidst the insanity around tRump and the Christo Fascist agendas, which I know a little about...........I had watery eyes. The freshness and lovliness of Jacinda was resonant, the being on the same page...........even tho it's a page that I shouldn't give a rats bottom about......I do. So I hope she can do it. They will define her as an airhead, criticise her voice, her laugh..............all sorts of stuff we know happened to our amazing PM Jacinda.

I hope against hope, she can withstand and fight the storm of ugliness that will and we see already come against her. Like JA, we know no one is perfect............but hearts count. Kamala has that Joe kind of heart. I hope she flattens trump and the duelling banjo fake guy. AND Joe Biden.........what a guy, I hate the word patriot because of all the ra ra stupid connatations.......but that guy, he is a real one.

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Jul 22·edited Jul 22Liked by Nick Rockel

Misogynists are alive and well in US politics. Did you see the report on Congress's interrogation - about the attempted assassination - of Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle? It's a disgrace, with direct references (from both sides) to her as an example of 'diversity appointments'. I hope Kamala does well and I wish her luck, and an iron backbone, because we know the unkindness these blokes (and bloke-esses) dole out. They won't make it easy for her before, or after, win or lose. Sadly.

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I watched that too.....it was ugly, it really was........crucifixion comes to mid. This will not be easy, we have seen what happens to goodness and women. I hope Jacinda connects with her.

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I was suurprised at one of the blokesses 'at' the Secret Service Director!!

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Jul 22Liked by Nick Rockel

That song is beautiful. Thank you for posting it. She kept mentioning Orlando and I am wondering if it was written around the same time as the mass shooting at the Pulse Nightclub. America and guns. A true sickness.

I'll never forgive the NY Times for the way they hounded Mr. Biden out of the race. After being a digital subscriber for 14 years and a print subscriber for many years before that - I have cancelled my subscription. Might not mean anything to them but it means a lot to me.

I truly hope Kamala Harris can bring a little of Dame Jacinda's fairy dust to America. I also really hope the American people are ready as the misogyny and racism runs deep. The announcement appears to have been timed well to suck all of the energy out of the RNC.

How does Harris Obama sound as a ticket? Two strong women, well educated, articulate and ready to throw the orange one in prison where he belongs. If the misogyny and racism are already running deep why not double up?

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Jul 22Liked by Nick Rockel

Yes USA voters are in two camps. There are the die hearted MAGA Republicans who threaten civil war if they don’t win (failed last attempt) and the Democrats. I remember talking to an American couple many years ago who stated that US politics lacked alternative parties and are stuck in the two party camp. Competition is healthy in democracy. However in the present Presidential race it will be a close contest. One only hopes that the majority will use their common sense and vote for the person who has the prosperity of the people and the country at heart. Donald Trump clearly is in it for himself and for power. Kamala Harris is a worthy candidate and thoroughly deserves to have a crack at the presidential race. Are Americans ready for a woman of Asian and African decent? I hope so.

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Jul 22Liked by Nick Rockel

Yep, she sure looks the real deal to me also Nick. If she doesn't win, we've sure got a job for her over here

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Thanks Nick for laying that out for us. I must admit to experiencing a sense of relief and as the hours went by, watching CNN coverage, I could see the commentators expressions morph from doom into glee and a reignited excitement behind Kamala. Wow just watching Kamala’s first campaign speech. I’m clapping and tearing up. May God Bless her.

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