I so love your work Nick. It's not just that it resonates with my world views on this 'mob' in government, and not 'mob' in the beautiful indigenous meaning of aboriginal peoples of Ozzy, but 'mob' in all the worst senses I can think of that ride over, bully and use people for their own ends.

Thank you.

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You're most welcome. 🙂

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Jun 13·edited Jun 13Liked by Nick Rockel

Could not agree more on all counts, McKinley Rd. Would also like to add a large heartfelt thanks for introducing me to Jess Chambers, Nick...was immediately as entranced by her work as when I first heard Leonard Cohen sing his song "Suzanne", all those many years ago....both so beautiful and deceptively simple. She will help me get through all the tunnels ahead of us...

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Jun 13Liked by Nick Rockel

The tunnel really says it all about where we are with this government. I had a colleague when I was working who used to have a snappy reply whenever anyone said there was light at the end of the tunnel; it’s an oncoming train. I can’t help feeling he might be right with each day bringing another announcement that is detrimental to our most vulnerable people.

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Jun 14Liked by Nick Rockel

Trains have been cancelled by Simeon, so possibly an 18 wheeler travelling at 120km/h

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Jun 13Liked by Nick Rockel

Nick- you forgot to mention the 'joy' I am going to get driving 120km on an unsuitable road and possibly killing either myself or others.

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Jun 14Liked by Nick Rockel

Yes and if you don’t go fast enough they’ll be honking up your arse!

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It's hard eh? Today the grim Brooke van Velden has announced a "consultation" on health & safety laws protecting workers because they are too tough for bosses. You can bet that won't include the CTU, nor the meat workers, the forestry workers, the other workers whose families still mourn their loss. And of course the Pike workers whose boss has never been held to account. But I am thankful for the music, the people and to continually realise there are wonderful people in this small part of the planet.

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Jun 13Liked by Nick Rockel

I wonder what the real reason for Willis's attendance at the Fieldays event was. Possibly because she feels the cows could teach her something more about their incredible ability to produce immense volumes of noxious hot air? Or was she hoping to pick up another trailer load of bullshit to spread around the country during the next parliament session? A combination of the two perhaps? Whatever the reason for her visit, we can be sure that just like the sheep we raise, we'll all be fleeced.

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Jun 14Liked by Nick Rockel

I thought it must have been an opportunity to wear matching Swandri jackets with her best buds! Personally I thought it was very schoolgirlish and immature

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Jun 14Liked by Nick Rockel

I find quite a lot of her behaviour reminds me of 'catty' (as it was called) girls in the playground. Her responses often don't seem particularly mature

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I just cannot abide the way she talks down to people as if we're all just a little thick. And that constant smarmy look she has.

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Like her boss - she can't read a room, or a cowshed

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Jun 13Liked by Nick Rockel

Great to find the bright-spots amongst the lowlights which at times seem unrelenting. Mahinerangi certainly is one for this week. She'll be a great addition to Saturday morning.

Alternate small minded thought: Perhaps Nicola should use AI to help her to choose outfits. Your one much better than her choices. Have a good Friday all.

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Jun 13Liked by Nick Rockel

As always I appreciate your overview of the tunnel we are in. I can't recall a time when I've done so many submissions, at such short notice and with so little hope for change.

I was at the EDS conference on Wednesday when the Hon. Simon Watts Minister of Climate Change was shut down after about five minutes by a group of young climate activists. At first I was a bit annoyed as I knew that there were people in that room with the knowledge to take him on. But after some reflection I realised that the four minutes he did speak for were total bullshit, representing a kind of upside down mirror world where the Government claimed to be doing lots for Climate Change whereas everything we hear nearly daily contrasts that. To listen politely and ask polite questions felt, after thinking about it, somehow complicit.

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Jun 14Liked by Nick Rockel

Thanks Nick - my highlight is both my sister and I have survived another bout of Covid and with many thanks to our local chemist who went out of his way twice to ensure we both got the antiviral medication without delay- even bringing it to my car and popped it in the window- so there are some wonderful people around despite this other crap!

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Adore the expressive word ‘vapourware’. Such an informative Korero. The Netherton Tunnel is very similar to the Karangahake old rail tunnel walk. An eeriness which is unique. NO bright spots from me to brighten my fellow wo/men I’m afraid. Living in hope.

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Oh just to raise another depressant from the ‘you know who gang’, raising the mileage levels again. Why on earth aren’t they increasing the amount of overtaking lanes. Simply absurd how they have reduced speeds and pushed us over to the centre of the road with those ridiculous road bumpy markings. Frustrates the most abiding of us. I often said the high accident rate from WAIHI to Tauranga was due to the fact only two overtaking lanes! Where is the commonsense from these professional road designers. There got that off my chest.

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Thanks Nick. Good news has never been more needed. Here’s my snippet: last week I got an unexpected ride in an ambo and the fast track into ED. I was home again in eight hours with a prescription. It's reassuring to know that, despite the awesome team having an exceptionally busy day, they were calm, courteous and even had time for a laugh. We’ve all read the horror stories, but in my experience, if you’re referred by your GP, you’ll be well looked after.

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Jun 13Liked by Nick Rockel

Whilst it has always been said solstice is garlic time, early may is better. Less likely to suffer from rust at harvest time.

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We have planted garlic early and later.

Best tip. Do not water.

Only when planting.

Grow basil too.

To make basil pesto. Yum.

Vegan variety of course.

Dairy & cow, pig sheep free for years. And sea life & all feathered birds.

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Jun 14Liked by Nick Rockel

I'm with McKinley on this. Love your mahi Nick!

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Jun 14·edited Jun 14

You and Gerald Otto are a constant daily bright spot in the week for me Nick with your clever writing and truthful reporting in what's become for me a strange dystopian version of our country - you certainly can't rely on the 4th estate to do this anymore. One really lovely thing that's happened is that last night my niece rang to ask if if I'd like to have my mother's treadle Singer sewing machine? - her Mum, my SiL doesn't want it any more and she's prepared to bring it down to Kokatahi from Blenheim for me - oh what a thrill! I learnt to sew on this beautiful old machine about 60 years ago as did my sisters, an abiding memory is how Mum's budgie Joey loved to sit on my feet whilst I was treadling away! - great entertainment for him, horribly unnerving for me trying not to hurt him whilst watching the tension on the stitches. This machine may have been my maternal grandmother's but sadly now there's no older family members still living to ask if this was so; I remember vividly it's gorgeous Art Nouveau embellishments in wood and enameling .... this art period along with Celtic art are my two loves so the machine will mean so much more to me on so many levels now - a Lotto win cannot bring this amount of joy - well for me at least. I feel spiritually my Mum is as chuffed as I am :)

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"You and Gerald Otto are a constant daily bright spot in the week for me Nick with your clever writing and truthful reporting in what's become for me a strange dystopian version of our country - you certainly can't rely on the 4th estate to do this anymore." Very well put Vicky. I often refer us being in an alternate universe/reality. But I like dystopian too.

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Thank you Gavin ... for me the word conveys well the cruelty and injustices of this craven money driven cabal in government :/

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Every cut to backroom services means more paperwork for Frontline services

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BEAUTIFUL song Nick.Thank you. My has been having my son over from .MelboHe came on business trip to Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch,Queenstown.Then spent a week with us,his brother and myself.

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