Why the hell wasn't ABF asking those questions BEFORE the election? Same goes for this morning's piece in Stuff about ram raids actually decreasing this year. Sooo angry with MSM not doing the hard yards before the election. Finally, they're waking up to the nightmare they helped to create.
They've been sleep-walking, or should it be sheep-walking, behind the glowing head of the beloved shepherd, believing the memes and platitudes. Hopefully the incredible range of mad agreements made will wake up and shake up at least some of them.
Of course he doesn't answer questions - he only knows the speil of the talking points his 'staff' prepared for him before the interview. Parrot on a perch
Indeed. His deflecting and bridging is so obvious and has been since he took over leadership of the Nats. He has his key messages and is hopeless when pushed past them. He knows precious little about politics, policy, yet is the wont of managers, rabbits on thinking he does know
He has no original thoughts of his own, and depends on being told what to say and what to do. Makes him a weak leader and easily manipulated. He doesn't seem very bright.
Same Irene. One of your best today Nick and money well spent for my subscription renewal. I’ve been feeling physically sick every time they announce another ridiculous but extremely harmful attack on current legislation .
Yep! I can't abide him, and I refuse to watch , or listen to him.He has no credibility with me. A family member commented to me today that there have been rumblings from Māori about the way they have become scapegoats in the discourse, and policies of this three headedmonster government. Rumblings of protests and Civil disobedience, from rangitahi, and others. I said to her that I would join them-might well go out with a bang. Such blatant racism aligning us with Australia, and how they denied their indigenous people a VOICE. in the governance of their country. Poor pathetic people here who couldn't cope with Te Reo becoming normalised in our lives
Yep, same, and not just Luxon. Exercising my democratic right by denying them my ears and eyes. Not down a rabbit hole, but I can do without experiencing quick-to-rage over the next three (I'm hoping it's less) years
Well, I'm glad that ABF put the hard word on Luxon. Glad and also surprised, because she was certainly part of the 'Let's hate Labour' group before the election. This crazy craze for tax cuts - I think I'll get about threepence ha'penny.
Thanks Nick for keeping on it, and for such a well-written piece.
What a disgraceful performance by Luxon on breakfast this morning. He has no morals and has sold his soul to get into bed with his coalition mates. His policies will be his downfall. Even before the election votes declared that he could not be trusted. He is on limited time and as PM he is accountable and he will have to do more than spin and divert.
The whole “Māori names are confusing” argument is a frustrating one. Learn a word or two, you might find you learn some really interesting things about the amazing country you live in, its cultural richness and history. You might find your life enriched for it!
Thank you Nick. I hope most of NZ resolves over the next years to not give up their Mana, stand up for what is right - and not let this MSM and government bulldoze our values and country. Grrrrrr...
Yes he belongs on an airport 😳and taking the instructions of his voters re the name changes. HE GOT less than 40% of the country’s votes 😳. Smoke and mirrors is all he is. Nothing substantial unless you look at the let’s kill off the poor with nicotine. What a pack of numpties. Great!!!! A leader who pisses in the wind🤬
One of your most amusing koreros to date Nick. I chuckled out loud with your hang man analogy😅🤣😂 . Dr "Ciggi" Reti...brilliant along with the steaming manure. I dontvwstch TV but your synopsis of The Faberge egg being asked difficult questions was extremely amusing. Keep them coming!
I promise to be more polite in front of your readers, Nick. Thank you for the korero. I just find my rage difficult to contain, but I will cut down on the invective. It will be easy for lefties to imagine, and I hope they "get my drift". What an undogly bunch the Govt are. $$$$$ is all they understand and want.
Why the hell wasn't ABF asking those questions BEFORE the election? Same goes for this morning's piece in Stuff about ram raids actually decreasing this year. Sooo angry with MSM not doing the hard yards before the election. Finally, they're waking up to the nightmare they helped to create.
Exactly, let’s hope the MSM wake up, and do their job holding this government to account. However, I’m not holding my breath.
Well said Maggie.
They've been sleep-walking, or should it be sheep-walking, behind the glowing head of the beloved shepherd, believing the memes and platitudes. Hopefully the incredible range of mad agreements made will wake up and shake up at least some of them.
They aren't waking up particularly, for them its all a huge jape. Their only brief is ratings
Of course he doesn't answer questions - he only knows the speil of the talking points his 'staff' prepared for him before the interview. Parrot on a perch
Indeed. His deflecting and bridging is so obvious and has been since he took over leadership of the Nats. He has his key messages and is hopeless when pushed past them. He knows precious little about politics, policy, yet is the wont of managers, rabbits on thinking he does know
He has no original thoughts of his own, and depends on being told what to say and what to do. Makes him a weak leader and easily manipulated. He doesn't seem very bright.
I have just resubscribed today and immediately I get great value from my investment
Looking forward to many more columns like this one , in fact counting on it for the sake of my sanity. Nick thanks .
You can count on it, and thanks so much for re-subscribing 🙂
Same Irene. One of your best today Nick and money well spent for my subscription renewal. I’ve been feeling physically sick every time they announce another ridiculous but extremely harmful attack on current legislation .
So, if Vaping delivers Nicotine less harmfully (and cheaper) than cigarettes - why do we have both on sale.
End the sale of cigarettes, simple job done.
Labour had everything on the improve, you lying evasive d---wad!
I'm living in Luxon-free zone.
I don't want to see any if them on my screen.
So thanks for the update.
It reinforced my resolve.
Yep! I can't abide him, and I refuse to watch , or listen to him.He has no credibility with me. A family member commented to me today that there have been rumblings from Māori about the way they have become scapegoats in the discourse, and policies of this three headedmonster government. Rumblings of protests and Civil disobedience, from rangitahi, and others. I said to her that I would join them-might well go out with a bang. Such blatant racism aligning us with Australia, and how they denied their indigenous people a VOICE. in the governance of their country. Poor pathetic people here who couldn't cope with Te Reo becoming normalised in our lives
Yep, same, and not just Luxon. Exercising my democratic right by denying them my ears and eyes. Not down a rabbit hole, but I can do without experiencing quick-to-rage over the next three (I'm hoping it's less) years
Well, I'm glad that ABF put the hard word on Luxon. Glad and also surprised, because she was certainly part of the 'Let's hate Labour' group before the election. This crazy craze for tax cuts - I think I'll get about threepence ha'penny.
Thanks Nick for keeping on it, and for such a well-written piece.
Congratulations on your tax cut. lolI wouldn't hol my breath for the ha'penny thpugh.!
Excellent as usual! So depressing though!😫
What a disgraceful performance by Luxon on breakfast this morning. He has no morals and has sold his soul to get into bed with his coalition mates. His policies will be his downfall. Even before the election votes declared that he could not be trusted. He is on limited time and as PM he is accountable and he will have to do more than spin and divert.
The whole “Māori names are confusing” argument is a frustrating one. Learn a word or two, you might find you learn some really interesting things about the amazing country you live in, its cultural richness and history. You might find your life enriched for it!
Yeah, really confusing...like, why are all these children piling out of a place at 3pm that isn't labeled "school"? LOL. Muppets.
Thank you Nick. I hope most of NZ resolves over the next years to not give up their Mana, stand up for what is right - and not let this MSM and government bulldoze our values and country. Grrrrrr...
Yes he belongs on an airport 😳and taking the instructions of his voters re the name changes. HE GOT less than 40% of the country’s votes 😳. Smoke and mirrors is all he is. Nothing substantial unless you look at the let’s kill off the poor with nicotine. What a pack of numpties. Great!!!! A leader who pisses in the wind🤬
Thanks Nick.......FFS!...3 years!!
Please get him in a plane to China🙏
One of your most amusing koreros to date Nick. I chuckled out loud with your hang man analogy😅🤣😂 . Dr "Ciggi" Reti...brilliant along with the steaming manure. I dontvwstch TV but your synopsis of The Faberge egg being asked difficult questions was extremely amusing. Keep them coming!
I promise to be more polite in front of your readers, Nick. Thank you for the korero. I just find my rage difficult to contain, but I will cut down on the invective. It will be easy for lefties to imagine, and I hope they "get my drift". What an undogly bunch the Govt are. $$$$$ is all they understand and want.